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Showing posts from October, 2024

Case presentation: Tamaka Shwasa/Jirna Vatika Kasa (Bronchial Asthma/Byssinosis)

Patient’s information   A 65-year-old male patient presented to OPD no. 4 (PG Kayachikitsa Department) at Govt. Akhandanand Ayurveda College and Hospital, Ahmedabad, with the following symptoms…   1. Shushka Kasa (Dry coughing) since 3 year 2. Shwasa Kruchhata (Breathlessness) since 4 year 3. Kanth Pradeshe Kapha Anubhuti since 1 year 4. Urah Shoola (Pain in chest) since 1 year   General physical examination Pulse- 62/min Respiratory rate- 20/min BP- 140/74 mmHg Built- Medium   Dhashavidha Pariksha Prakruti- Vata-Kapha Vikruti- Mahat Hetu Linga Bala - Cotton particles, constant severe coughing Sara- Rasa-Rakta Madhyama Sara Samhanan- Madhyam Praman- Madhyama Satmya- Shad Rasa Satmya Ahara Shakti- Madhyama Vyayam Shakti- Alpa Vaya- Vruddha Avastha     Therapeutic intervention(IPD)   Medicine Duration Anupana 28/08/24- 02/09/24 1)Shivaks...

DD Series: An effort to differentiate 'Mamsagat-vata' & 'Mamsavrutta-vata'.

 An effort to differentiate 'Mamsagat-vata' & 'Mamsavrutta-vat based on Ch.Chi.28 Sr. No. VIBHEDAKATVA MAMSAGATA VATA MAMSAVRUT VATA 1. VYADHITVA Mamasagata Vata is a degenerative condition of Mamsa dhatu mentioned in Charak Samhita Vtavyadhi Chikitsa. Mamsavrut Vata is a Santarpanjanita condition where increased Vikrita-Mamsa dhatu obstructs the path of Vata dosha. 2. NIDANA As per Vatavyadhi Not mentioned specifically but as per general principal, Santarpan & Dhatu-dushti   causes may be considered. 3. PURVARUPA None as per Vatavyadhi               None being Vatavyadhi but clinically increased/ overnutrition of Vaikrita Mamsa dhatu would be observed because it obstructs the path of Vata dosha, leading to signs and symptoms. 4.  ...