स्थविराणां जराकासः सर्वो याप्यः प्रकीर्तितः ।। (च.चि.18/30 ) स्थविराणामित्युक्त्वाअपि जराकास इति वचनेन स्थविराणां यो जरया देहक्षयकारिकया कृतः स याप्यः , यस्तु दोषकृतः स साध्य एव भवतीति दर्शयति । अन्ये तु जराकासं दोषकृतेष्वेवान्तर्भावयन्ति।। आचार्य चक्रपाणि ।। Jarakasa As many elderly patients may present with pre-existing conditions, it is important to enquire about their medical history. Many of the common causes of cough are associated with medical conditions affecting older people e.g. chronic bronchitis, hypertension treated with ACE inhibitors, and heart failure. The kasa in old age becomes difficult to cure due to the fibrosis of lungs which takes place. Respiratory system ages and these functions gradually decline over time. Similar to the other muscles in your body, the muscles that support breathing become weaker. The weakening of these muscles can prevent from inhaling and exhaling enough air. As a result, person may start breathing mor...
Kayachikitsa (Internal-medicine) Blog is a noncommercial Ayurveda Clinical Education Blog of All attached Colleges of Gujarat Ayurved University Jamnagar Gujarat India. It has aim to educate/propagate evidence based Classical Ayurveda Clinical practice among the Ayurveda Students & New practitioners.