AYURVEDIC MANAGEMENT OF CHARMADALA (ECZEMA) – A CASE STUDY *Dr. Alpesh Munjani1, **Dr. Bhagyashree Valvi2, ***Dr. Anamika Soni3 */**2nd year PG Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa, Government Akhandanand Ayurveda College and Hospital, Bhadra, Ahmedabad, India. Email – alpeshmunjani2012@gmail.com Contact no – +91-8238223403 ***Associate Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, Government Akhandanand Ayurveda College and Hospital, Bhadra, Ahmedabad. INTRODUCTION Charmadala is one type of Kshudra kushtha with pitta-kapha dominancy. It is characterized by raktavarna (reddish discoloration), kandu (itching), sphota (blisters), twakadalana (scaling), ruk (pain), sparsh-asahatva (hyperalgesia). रक्तं सकण्डु सस्फोटं सरुग्दलति चापि यत् । तच्चर्मदलमाख्यातं संस्पर्शासहमुच्यते ॥२४॥ (Ch. Chi. 7/24) (1) Ayurveda describes every skin diseases involves tridosha and so treatment of skin disease also should be done according to doshika dominancy. (2) There are wide of range of causativ...
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