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Showing posts with the label Shwas-rog Series- 1

Shwas-rog Series-3 Understanding the mechanism of Samprapti with 'URASTHAH KAPHAMUDDHUYA' by Prof. Satyendra Ojha

मारुतः प्रणवाहीनि स्रोतांसि आविश्य  कुप्यति ! उरस्थ: कफमुद्धूय हिक्काश्वासाङकरोति  !!                                                   (Ch.chi.17/17)   Explains the hyperplasia of mucus secretion as seen in COPD wherein small airways may become narrowed by cells (hyperplasia and accumulation), mucus, and fibrosis. Characteristic cellular changes include goblet cell metaplasia, with these mucus-secreting cells replacing surfactant-secreting Clara cells. Smooth-muscle hypertrophy (kupyati maruta) may also be present.  These abnormalities may cause luminal narrowing by fibrosis, excess mucus, edema, and cellular infiltration. Vitiated vata expels kapha from its sthana can be easily understood in case of cystic fibrosis. Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) which is an integral membrane protein that functions as an...

Shwas-rog Series-2 Understanding the mechanism of Etiopathogenesis of Charakokta Shwas-rog by Prof. Satyendra Ojha

रजसा धूमवाताभ्यां शीतास्थानाम्बुसेवनात् ! व्यायामाद्-ग्राम्यधर्म-अध्व-रूक्षान्न-विशमाशनात् !! आमप्रदोषात्-आनाहाद्रौक्ष्यादत्यपतर्पणात् ! दौर्बल्यात् मर्मणोघाताद् द्वन्द्वात् शुद्धि-अतियोगात्!! अतिसार-ज्वर-च्छर्दि-प्रतिश्याय-क्षत-क्षयात् ! रक्तपित्तादुदावर्ताद्-विसूच्यलसकादपि !!        (Ch.Chi.17/10-16) Asthma is a heterogeneous disease with interplay between genetic and environmental factors. Several risk factors that predispose to asthma have been identified. These should be distinguished from triggers, which are environmental factors that worsen asthma in a patient with established disease. Diet- The role of dietary factors is controversial. Observational studies have shown that diets low in antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin A, magnesium, selenium, and omega-3 polyunsaturated fats (fish oil) or high in sodium and omega-6 polyunsaturated fats are associated with an increased risk of asthma. Vitamin D deficiency may also predispose to the de...

Shwas-rog Series-1 understanding the mechanism of 'Pittasthan-samudbhou' by Prof. Satyendra Ojha

कफवातात्माकौ एतौ पित्तस्थानसमुद्भवौ  !!                                                                    (च.चि.- 17/8) आचार्य चक्रपाणि- पित्तस्थानसमुद्भवावित्यनेन पित्तस्योर्ध्वस्थानसंबन्ध एव, नतु वातकफवदारम्भकत्वमिति दर्शयति; पित्तस्थानशब्देनामाशयो अभिप्रेतः !! Annavaha srotas mulasthan is amashaya whereas pranvahamula sthan is hridaya and mahasrotas. Here mahasrotas means the gastrointestinal tract whereas rasavahasrotas mulasthan is hridaya and dasadhamani. Thus one can find the relation or the interlink between the 3 srotas and their sthan thus if anyone of the 3 gets affected it has its impact on the other two. When the food taken if not digested properly due to any reason causes ama which when propagated throughout the sharir by vyan vayu gets itself lodge where the kha vaigunya is ava...