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Showing posts from February, 2016

Shad-kriyakala- A Modern Perspective by Prof. S.N. Ojha

Acharya Sushruta has described the concept of Kriyakala which seeks to explain the incident of vrana in terms of dosha disturbance. Vrana in modern parlance may be described as inflammatory process which may lead on to suppuration and ulceration.  The concept of Kriyakala describes the mode and stages of the development of diseases. A good understanding of Kriyakala is very essential for early diagnosis, prognosis and for adopting preventive and curative measurement. The term Kriyakala means the time of action. Kala or time in this context signifies the avastha or stage of the process of diseases. Kalo hi nityaga avasthika; tatra avasthika vikaram apekshate  || Ca.Vi.1/229(6) Kriya or action refer to the resort to measure-aushadha, ahara and charya-with a view to eliminate and correct the doshic disturbance. Kriyakala therefore, means the (early) recognition of the avastha or the stage of the process of disease and the resort to appropriate measures to corre...

Cushing’s Syndrome - An Ayurveda Perspective by Prof. S.N. Ojha

Cushing syndrome is one among the cause for atisthÅ«la. Cushing's syndrome, also known as hypercortisolism,  and hyperadrenocorticism, is a collection of signs and symptoms due to prolonged exposure to cortisol. Aetiological factors Iatrogenic cause:  taking glucocorticoids prescribed by a health care practitioner to treat other diseases. This can be an effect of corticosteroid treatment of a variety of disorders such as asthma and rheumatoid arthritis, or in immunosuppressant after an organ transplant. Cushing's syndrome in childhood usually results from use of glucocorticoid medication. Endogenous cause:  Pituitary corticotrope adenomas account for 70% of patients with endogenous causes of  Ectopic tumor ACTH production: cortisol-producing adrenal adenomas, adrenal carcinoma, and adrenal hyperplasia account for the other causes; rarely, ectopic tumor CRH production is encountered. Tumors outside t...

Gujarat Ayurved University Jamnagar Gujarat India Letter of initiation and authentication

Dr. Surendra A. Soni MD PhD Associate Professor Govt. Ayurved College Vadodara- 390019  (Gujarat) India +919408441150
Salute to the Father of Medicine who kept alive the 'Science of Life' the Ayurveda.

Introduction to Kaya-chikitsa

Kaya-chikitsa Welcome to all in this new exclusive blog on subject Kaya-Chikitsa. This blog has been initiated as per direction and guidance of honorable Vice Chancellor Padmshree Vaidya Rajesh Kotecha Sir as a part of Academic & Clinical Excellency in modern era.  As time has changed now Ayurveda science has been shifted from Gurukal to Universities and now universities are becoming online Gurukul worldwide. With the basic purest theme of spreading the Academic & Clinical Excellency in current and upcoming generation, this blog is being initiated including all the Kayachikitsa Teachers of Guj. Ayu. University, Jamnagar, Gujarat. I hope active and cumulative efforts of all Kayachikitsa Teachers of GAU, Jamnagar, Gujarat will not only guide the all students of university but also worldwide knowledge seekers / Ayurved Professionals of Kayachikitsa branch. Following contribution will be done by this blog. 01. To provide essential guidelines to UG/PG students stud...