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Showing posts from August, 2024

WDS104: "Grahani" by Prof. Satyendra Narayan Ojha, Vaidyaraja Subhash Sharma, Prof. S. K. Khandal, Prof. L. K. Dwivedi, Dr. Dinesh Katoch, Prof. Arun Rathi, Prof. Deep Narayan Pandey, Dr. Pawan Madaan, Prof. Aruna Ojha, Dr. Rituraj Verma, Dr. Narender Paul, Vd. Rajneesh Gadi, Prof. Haresh Soni, Vd. Ramaprasad Bhat, Vd. Amol Kadu, Dr. Shashi Jindal, Vd. Mrityunjay Tripathi, Vd. Ravikant Prajapati, Dr. Naresh Garg& Others.

[6/15 ,1:30PM] Dr.Pawan Madan Ji: Resp Guruvarya and friends. This case seems to be a simple case of Agnimaandya leading to Grahni but actually it needs discussion esp for the young Vaidya as we need to be very specific in chosing the right chikitsa sutra as well as aushadhi. Kindly guide...🙏 [6/15, 1:58 PM] Dr.Dinesh Chand Katoch Sir:  Start with Kravyad Ras 1 pill and Hingwastak Churan Itsf with ghee before breakfast and dinner and Amaltas Phant or Trivritavleha at bed time ( about two hours after dinner). [6/15, 2:36 PM] Dr.Pawan Madan Ji:  Good afternoon sir. Thank you sir. Please help me understand your thought process of samprati of this case. 🙏 [6/15, 7:20 PM] Dr.Dinesh Chand Katoch Sir:  Just think how we ignite Hawan Agni.  Anuloman and Yogavahi karm are also required to along with Agnideepan to streamline the whole gastrointestinal function leading to normal dige...