WDS 105: 'Grahani-dushti' & 'Milk-intake' by Vaidyaraja Subhash Sharma, Dr. Dinesh Katoch, Vd. Amol Kadu, Prof. Arun Rathi, Dr. Pawan Madaan, Vd. Raghuram Bhatta, Dr. Divyesh Desai, Dr. Pawan Mali & Vd. Chinmay Phondekar and others.
[2/7, 1:57 PM] Dr.Amol kadu: Respected kayasampraday gurujan ! A 25 year female patient visited to OPD for consultation. She is having wheat allegry since since the age of 8 years. Presently when she eats wheat powder items she develop following symptoms... 1. सर्वांग शोथ २. द्रव मल प्रवृत्ति At the age of 5 years (*she and her whole family consume rat grinded ata - interested point*) later on she developed hepatitis, managed by allopathic medication later on started this wheat allergy problem (as per history given by patient) She was taking ayurvedic medicine for wheat allergy under my treatment.... Hardly 3 times she consulted to me in between these 2 years. Present major disturbing complaints are as follow. 👇🏼 1. श्रम २. अयासेन श्वास ३. शब्द असहिष्णुता 4. Amlapitta ४. Heart beat increase ५. Feeling very better while taking fruit juices Consulted with cardiologist Hb - १० gm/dl 2DEcho normal study ECG - normal On the basis of presenting diag...