[27/03 1:42 PM] Katoch sir: A lady of 35 years are, from poor family, was brought to me on 28th February for her paroxysmal excruciating pain and blue-brackish discoloration with slight oedema in the toes on both sides. The onset of the problem dates back to about one year when the allopathic doctor diagnosed her as a case of PVD and prescribed her vasodilators and pain killers. The problem gradually increased and in February 2016 she was advised amputation of big toes. Being reluctant for surgery, may be due to financial constrains the family decided to take her for Ayurvedic treatment. She is non-diabetic, not obese, non-hypertensive, non smoker, physically active working in fields but told me of long history of consuming lot of vegetables, tea. Ayurvedically I considered her to be suffering from Dhamanigat Vaat Janya Kutilata/Sang and intended to improve her peripheral circulation with Triphla Guggul, Chander Prabha Vati, Dashmoolarisht & Ashwagandharisht. All possibl...
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