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Whatsapp discussion series- 2 Tonsillitis in Children

[15/03 6:49 PM] Suman Saharawat gudgav: Mobile No. +91 9910426940

 I am treating a pt. of Tonsilitis from last one month, 13 yrs boy with sitopladi+amrita satva+saphatik bhasm+godanti mishran, kanchanar gugulu+tripala gugulu, (2bd), tab septilin2bd, syp bresol 2tsf tds, and SIVA drops (JRK Sidha) 10drops with honeny , gagles of sapatik in hot water morning and salt one time , in first 15 day he recovers very fast after that recovery is not satisfactory, surgeons adv.him immediate surgery, otherwise pt is comfortable, he his parents wants me to treat him further, but I am not satisfied. Yesterday I added gojivyadi kath and punarnavadi kwath, please suggest.

[15/03 6:56 PM] suman dr gudgav: Mobile No. +91 9910426940

Should I leave or continue, infection has gone, but size reduction  is a issue.

[15/03 6:59 PM] Somraj Kharche Dr. KC: Mobile No. +91 9426397257

 What is the weight of the pt of tonsillitis ?

[15/03 7:00 PM] Ajay MR Bangluru: Mobile No. +91 9902536999

 One month is not enough. If the patient is comfortable and without clinical disease... Continue the treatment further. My thoughts

[15/03 7:02 PM] suman dr, gudgav: Mobile No. +91 9910426940

 His wt is 38 kg

[15/03 7:05 PM] suman dr, gudgav: Mobile No. +91 9910426940

He can't swallow properly, suffering from last 4 yrs  off and on.

[15/03 7:06 PM] Somraj Kharche Dr. KC: myself was a chronic pt of tonsillitis and always severe..the peak point in my tonsillitis was the formation of pus pockets.No Ayurvedic medicine was able to cure me.I tried a lot.then Baghel sir advised me Classical virechana with mahatiktak ghrit..but due to bitter taste,I did it with Achha Sneh and was 100% relieved for next 12 years....

[15/03 7:06 PM] Somraj Kharche Dr. KC: 

So you can try Virechan as per his wt

[15/03 7:11 PM] Jgdis Nama Dr: Mobile No. +91 8890902789

What dose according wait  sir as

[15/03 7:11 PM] Jgdis Nama Dr:


[15/03 7:12 PM] suman dr, gudgav:

Ok. Dr sahab, I will try, I have also given him gandhak rasayan vati 1 bd×15 days, pus pokets had gone now.

[15/03 7:16 PM] Somraj Kharche Dr. KC:


[15/03 7:17 PM] Somraj Kharche Dr. KC:

 Jagdish Sir,I asked for weight just to assess the capacity of the pt,if  he can undergo virechan or not....

[15/03 7:19 PM] Somraj Kharche Dr. KC:

 Bcoz अबल pts r not suitable fir panchakarma.... In कृश patients vyapads r created in snehapana and Virechan... that's why..

[15/03 7:20 PM] Dr Surendra A. Soni:

Virechana is ultimate kharche Sir....
Few simple options you can try atleast 1....
1. Tab Septilin2
tab extra immune 2
2. Tab decofcyn 2
Tab infex 1
3. Chyawanprash (Swamala compound of dhoota paapeswar) 10-20 gms
Bd empty Stomach
4. Local throat mild massage on tonsils with hot oil followed by hot gargling with triphala kwath+lavan+shubhra
Many more options are there..... most important Nidan parivarjan especially cold drinks ice cream fast food etc.

[15/03 7:20 PM] Somraj Kharche Dr. KC:

Yes Sir...

[15/03 7:23 PM] deepmala kaumar: Mobile No. +91 8529227026

 Mam...what's the reason giving SIVA in drops form & that too only 10 drops for 13 year old

[15/03 7:24 PM] deepmala kaumar: also available Na?

[15/03 7:24 PM] suman dr, gudgav:

 He never take these things, and very sharp and bright student

[15/03 7:26 PM] suman dr, gudgav: 

Syp is for below 1yr.10 drops is adult dose dr. sahab

[15/03 7:54 PM] pawan madan Dr: Mobile No. +91 9530959828

What is the probable nidaan of this case Suman ji ?
Have u been able to find any hetus of this from his previous yrs?

[15/03 7:55 PM] pawan agrawal dr J: Mobile No. +91 8094162000

Trikatu 50gms+baheda25gms+prawal pisti 10gms+vradhivatika10gms+giloy sat10gm+swarn vasant malti 1gm or 2gm (if chronic) make 50 pudies and take empty stomach with honey
Kanchnar guggul
If cold or allergic rhinitis add laxmi vilas ras or Tribhuvankirti ras

[15/03 8:00 PM] pawan madan Dr: 

Dr Aggrwal ji.......does this combination really works...??

[15/03 8:02 PM] pawan agrawal dr J: 

Yes pawan sir...

[15/03 8:04 PM] pawan agrawal dr J:

Maine kai baar pryog kiya h. ....ujjayi bandh ptyog karaven

[15/03 8:08 PM] pawan agrawal dr J:

 Patient ki prakarati ka dhyan rakhen....rog kitna chronic h....kya rogi ko baar baar tonsils ki problems hoti h....kya rogi allergic rhinitis ka patient h

[15/03 8:32 PM] santosh Chavhan dr: Mobile No. +91 9822249807

Yes Surendra Ji ..Tab septillin have miraculous result in tonsillitis logic unknown but result is there. I got result in injection abscess also..The patient cancelled I & D ( incision and drainage ).. Got results in 4 days. Tab septillin

[15/03 8:46 PM] Kapil kapoor:

 Dr. Suman ji,

I think the foremost yoga:

Panchatikta ghrita gulgulu is utmost required in this case.

Add accordingly at bed time.

2 nd most important thing is head bath.
Immediately advice pt. To stop pouring water on his head daily. Just once a week in vasantartu.

Avoid coconut or any oil containing amalki on head.

[15/03 8:48 PM] Kapil kapoor: Mobile No. +91 9728102854

 Maricha thailam of southern pharmacies is good to be applied in very small amount in the evening.

[15/03 8:49 PM] Ankur Sharma Dr Delhi: Mobile No. +91 9968025608

 Above mentioned all treatment are quite good.

1.Give him laddo prepared with trikatu+ haldi+ amaltas pulp+ jaggary+ goghirt.

2. Gargle with harad+ginger+black peeper+ haridra+pudina patra+ nahco3+ jasmine oil/leaves.

3. Sitopaldi+ trikatu+ swarnvasant malti ras2-3 gm per month+ tankan bhasm

With honey kanchnaar guggal3 bd
Tab aarogya vardhni vati2 bd.
Tab septilin 1 bd.

5. Milk+ aama haldi+ munakka+ amaltas

6. Tea - tulsi ginger black peeper etc.

7. Nidan parivarjan

If there is no infection
Reassure attendant to don't be pannic.

Dysphagia  may be due to pharyngeal spasm secondary to infections not necessary due to enlarged tonsils.

Check it.

Check other local infections as rhinitis/ csom/ dns / nasal polyp / dental caries / poor dental hygiene etc.

Most of the time streptococcus infection
Which persist in anaerobic environment.

Thats why allopathic dr advise h2o2 gargle.

& it is result oriented.
As it's nascent oxygen
Inhibit growth of streptococcus bacteria.

In same way our herbal gargles  are effective
As nahco3 change oral mucosa ph
Black peeper cause lekhan & cheadan karm
Harad kasaya -- astringent property.

[15/03 8:53 PM] Ankur Sharma Dr Delhi: Mobile No. +91 9968025608

 Tamra bhasm based medicine may be helpful due to their chedan lekhan property hence i added aarogya vardhani vati.

[15/03 8:56 PM] suman dr, gudgav: 

Thanx a lot to all respected drs.

Above discussion held on 'Kaysampraday" a Whatsapp group of famous 
Vaidyas from all over the India.

Compiled & edited by

Dr.Surendra A. Soni
M.D.,PhD (KC)
Associate Professor
Dept. of Kaya-chikitsa
Govt. Ayurveda College
Vadodara Gujarat.
Mobile No. +91 9408441150


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