[4/16, 2:43 PM] Ramesh Pande Dr Delhi: Respected all, in Ayurvedic texts, Honey is said to be Hot (ushna) in nature so contraindicated in hot weather, with other hot substances and in pittaj patients. But now a days, dieticians suggest to take warm water with honey in obesity.. . How can this be justified ?? [4/16, 2:52 PM] shuklaji ram: Wrong things cannot be justified. [4/16, 2:59 PM] Janardan Hebbar Dr: Yes. Even in madhoodaka remedy for obesity, Bhaishajya Ratnavali clearly mentions cold water with honey. [4/16, 3:21 PM] Dr Yogesh Gupta: DIETICIANS KA PTA NHI KYA FUNDA HAI, EK CASE THEEK HO JAAYE TO USI KO GAAYENGE, BAKI 99 KA NHI BATAAYAA JAATAA. HUM SAB NE TO YAHI PADHA HAI KI SHAHAD KO GARAM NHI KIYA JAATAA. [4/16, 3:30 PM] shekhar singh MP: हमने यही पढ़ा है लेकिन एक तो शहद अब वो शहद रहा कहां ?? विविध विषपुष्प संयोग....?? बी फार्मिंग का शहद आता है या नकली।। दूसरा प्रश्न जो मेर...
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