WDS 58: Consideration on 'Aabhyantar-visarp' & Twacha & Kalaa by Dr. Pawan Madaan, Dr. Giriraj Sharma, Dr. D.C. Katoch, Dr. Kapil Kapoor, Dr. Shashi Jindal, Dr. Omkar Barage, Dr. Radheshyam Soni & others.
[8/9, 6:09 PM] pawan madan Dr: Good Evng everyone... Whats the practical implications of concept of Abhaantar Visarpa? Sym as per charak.. ...Marma upaghaata ...sammoha ....Sroto avarodha Please guide... [8/9, 8:19 PM] Dr Surendra A Soni: मर्मोपघातात् सम्मोहादयनानां विघट्टनात् । 1. तृष्णातियोगा Presentation of pittaja dominant features.... 2. द्वेगानां विषमाणां प्रवर्तनात् ॥२६॥ Change of pattern of natural urges..... Or changes in pattern of episodes if previously episodic presentation was there. 3. विद्याद्विसर्पमन्तर्जमाशु Very acute presentation of disease.. 4.चाग्निबलक्षयात् । Acute Loss of strength of Agni and physical as well as mental power. अतो विपर्ययाद्बाह्यमन्यैर्विद्यात् स्वलक्षणैः ॥२७॥ This is generalised description for all kind of visarp just like *'Antarvega/bahirvega jwar'* . Shakhasth dosha involves the marma gradually that's why marma dushti is there. Toxemia due to extensive cellulitis