स्थविराणां जराकासः सर्वो याप्यः प्रकीर्तितः ।। (च.चि.18/30 )
स्थविराणामित्युक्त्वाअपि जराकास इति वचनेन स्थविराणां यो जरया देहक्षयकारिकया कृतः स याप्यः , यस्तु दोषकृतः स साध्य एव भवतीति दर्शयति । अन्ये तु जराकासं दोषकृतेष्वेवान्तर्भावयन्ति।।
आचार्य चक्रपाणि ।।
Prof. Satyendra Narayan Ojha
स्थविराणामित्युक्त्वाअपि जराकास इति वचनेन स्थविराणां यो जरया देहक्षयकारिकया कृतः स याप्यः , यस्तु दोषकृतः स साध्य एव भवतीति दर्शयति । अन्ये तु जराकासं दोषकृतेष्वेवान्तर्भावयन्ति।।
आचार्य चक्रपाणि ।।
Jarakasa As many elderly patients may present with pre-existing conditions, it is important to enquire about their medical history. Many of the common causes of cough are associated with medical conditions affecting older people e.g. chronic bronchitis, hypertension treated with ACE inhibitors, and heart failure.
The kasa in old age becomes difficult to cure due to the fibrosis of lungs which takes place.
The kasa in old age becomes difficult to cure due to the fibrosis of lungs which takes place.
Respiratory system ages and these functions gradually decline over time. Similar to the other muscles in your body, the muscles that support breathing become weaker. The weakening of these muscles can prevent from inhaling and exhaling enough air. As a result, person may start breathing more shallowly to compensate, especially person is ill or in pain. Lungs also become stiffer as person gets older, causing them to expand and contract less easily. This can make it even more difficult to breathe. Additionally, certain changes occur in the nervous system that makes coughing less effective. When one can’t clear the mucus from lungs through coughing, large amount of particles can accumulate in the airways.
All of these age-related changes can result in an increased susceptibility to respiratory infections, such as pneumonia and the flu. One might also notice a weakened endurance for exercise or a decreased ability to do intense exercise, such as running and biking.
Importantly, age-related changes in the lungs compound the effects of heart and lung diseases, especially those caused by the destructive effects of smoking.
Green or greenish colored sputum is indicative of longstanding respiratory infection (green from degenerative changes in cell debris) as in pneumonia, ruptured lung abscess, chronic infectious bronchitis, and infected bronchiectasis or cystic fibrosis. Green color is caused by degenerating neutrophil Myeloperoxidase.
Rust colored usually caused by pneumococcal bacteria and A yellow-greenish (mucopurulent) color suggests that treatment with antibiotics can reduce symptoms.
आचार्य चरक एवं आचार्य चक्रपाणि को समर्पित ।
Prof. Satyendra Narayan Ojha
Yashwant Ayu. College & P.G.Training&Research Center
Kodoli, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India.
Mobile No.- +91 9822177155
email: drsnojha@rediffmail.com
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