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Showing posts from February, 2019

Case-presentation: Ghatak-stan-arbud(Malignant Breast Cancer) by Dr. Narinder Paul

Case-presentation  [2/13, 20:59] Dr Narinder Pal, Jammu:  *_👉Faster then chemotherapy and radiotherapy_* 👈 _Result shown within two month of ayurvedic treatment_ A case of *Solid invasive ductal carcinoma of right breast with papillary pattern* from delhi reported in my clinic on 1st of november 2018. After observing the strong progressive nature of this ca,oncologists advised her complete masectomy with radiotherapy immediately... Unwilling to do the same patient approched to me with a state of tense mind and dilema.. This female patient dont want  her breast to be removed but on the other hand she was in state of doubt also that wheather this  ayurvedic treatment will be so effective that it can stop further progression or metastatis.. Pt was having kaph pitt prakruti having sama mala nirama mutra and coated jihwa.. Striking feature was that there was history of recurrent kaphj gulma for which she was taking off and on allopathic m...

Case-presentation : 'Sheet-pitta' by Vaidya Subhash Sharma

[1/3, 23:24] Vd. Subhash Sharma Ji Delhi:  *case presentation - शीतपित्त एवं उदर्द के विभिन्न रूप* *12 वर्षीय बालक * *लक्षण - पिछले 2 वर्ष से स्थानीय एवं कभी सर्व शरीरगत अकस्मात कंडू, कंडुता के साथ सूची वेधन स्थानिय पीड़ा एवं कंडू स्थान गत अक्षि मुख नेत्र औष्ठ हस्त पाद आदि स्थान गत शोथ एवं दाह से पीडि़त था, anti allergic, steroids, homeopathic, ayurvedic सभी प्रकार की चिकित्सा दी जा चुकी थी।* *बालक tomatoe catchup, vineger युक्त fast food lover रह चुका है, परीक्षा के बाद सम्प्राप्ति घटक इस प्रकार बने ....* *दोष - वात कफ एवं पित्तानुबंध* *दूष्य - रस रक्त त्वक* *स्रोतस - रस रक्तवाही* *स्रोतोदुष्टि - विमार्गगमन* *अग्नि - मंद कभी विषम * *उद्भव स्थान -.आमाश्य एवं पक्वाश्य* *व्याधि अधिष्ठान - त्वक* *मार्ग - बाह्य* *स्वभाव - आशुकारी और साध्य * *चिकित्सा सूत्र - निदान परिवर्जन,शमन, बाह्य औषध प्रयोग* *पंचतिक्त घृत 5 ml प्रात: 6 बजे,7 बजे उष्णोदक से हरिद्रा खंड 4-5 gm* *आरोग्य वर्धिनी 2 गोली* *पंचतिक्त घृत गूगल 1 गोली* *गंधक रसायन 1 ...

WDS67: Frequency of Stool and it's various pathological aspects by Dr. Pawan Madaan, Vd. Raghuram Bhatta, Prof. Mamata Bhagwat, Vaidya Range Prasad Bhat & others.

[2/2, 07:23] pawan madan Dr: There are many conditions in which the symptoms regarding the mala evacuation are quite confusing and we need to chikitsa sutra after seeing the upashay/anupshaya. 1. Motions....1-3 times in the mng till noon.....normal or soft feels evacuated after this and no motions at all whatsoever food he takes after this..... 2 Motions....2-4 times a day......semisolid or more loose but has to apply pressure. 3. Motion....only 1 to 2 times in the mng....normal in consistancy......but has to sit in toilet for 20 to 30 mins... 4 Motions......loose or semisolid.....after eating cant hold this....has to rush......but without significant pain in abdomen... 5. Motions.....semisolid with severe pain many times jn the day night... What chikitsa sutra needed to be applied in each one of these conditions ? All these conditikns are included in the various stages of IBS but all need different chiktsaa. ...