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Case-presentation: Ghatak-stan-arbud(Malignant Breast Cancer) by Dr. Narinder Paul


[2/13, 20:59] Dr Narinder Pal, Jammu: 

*_👉Faster then chemotherapy and radiotherapy_* 👈

_Result shown within two month of ayurvedic treatment_

A case of *Solid invasive ductal carcinoma of right breast with papillary pattern* from delhi reported in my clinic on 1st of november 2018. After observing the strong progressive nature of this ca,oncologists advised her complete masectomy with radiotherapy immediately...
Unwilling to do the same patient approched to me with a state of tense mind and dilema..

This female patient dont want  her breast to be removed but on the other hand she was in state of doubt also that wheather this  ayurvedic treatment will be so effective that it can stop further progression or metastatis..

Pt was having kaph pitt prakruti having sama mala nirama mutra and coated jihwa..
Striking feature was that there was history of recurrent kaphj gulma for which she was taking off and on allopathic medication therby keeping the samprapti intact..probably i think this untreated kaphaj gulma contributed in the formation stanaarbuda(due to their same roga marga).

*Dosha* kaphpradhan vaat.
*Dushya* sira,mamsa,twaka.
*srotas* rasvahi,raktvahi,mamsvahi.
*Agni* samanya sometimes mandha.
*vyadi adhishthan* stana siraa.
*Marga* bahya and abhyantar.
*swbhava* chirkari & krichhsadhya
*Prakruti* kaph piitaj.
*Satva* madhyam.
*Mala* samanya.
*Mutra* samanya.
*jihwa* coated.
Mansik avsada were also present.patient was going in kshyaavastha..


Gulma hara arbuda hara deepeniye pachaniye kaph vat hara anulomniye chikista..
Drug advised

1.sairyak bhallatakdi kashyam 6am

2.vavirangvaan kashyam 6pm

3.vajrakam capsule 2}BL& BD

4.Bruhut soreshwaram ghhrutam 15ml at bedtime

5.ostecan capsule 2 at bed time.

7mahiscjadi leham 2gm bd

8.chittamruthmadi lepanam EA

9.sanjeevini tail 

10.Avipatthi choornam for virechan

11.ashwahandhadi choornam

I started the treatment for gulma as well arbuda and advised them to repeat the pet scan after two months..

Pet scan report came and not only there was zero progression/ metastatis but also there was remarkable reduction within this short interval of time..all the symptoms she was having earlier was subsided..
During this entire course of treatment, patient was solely on ayurvedic treatment and diet advised. 🙏🙏

[2/13, 21:01] Dr Narinder Pal, Jammu: 

After treatment👇

[2/13, 21:04] Dr Pravin Soni Beawar: 


[2/13, 21:04] Prof. KSR Prasad Tachnoayurveda: 

Great manahement.

[2/13, 21:05] Prof MB Gururaja: 

Great .....

[2/13, 21:17] pawan madan Dr:


Great....Dr Narinder..👍👍💐🙏👍👍

[2/13, 21:17] pawan madan Dr: 

What was your line of treatment and choice of medicines...🙏🙏

[2/13, 21:26] Prof. KSR Prasad Tachnoayurveda: 

Will you please type the medicines given ... If possible from which Pharmacy 🙏

[2/13, 21:34] Dr. D C Katoch sir: 

Prasad Ji,   principles of treatment work, not the medicines. There could be many medicines working on the same principles.

[2/13, 21:38] Dr Vipul Patel, Vadodara: 

Amazing and wonderful results 👏👏👏 this can improve the faith in ayurveda...

[2/13, 21:43] Prof. KSR Prasad Tachnoayurveda: 

I got admired with principle management
I wish to know the importance of medicinal combinations .. as these are not commonly prescribed all over INDIA

[2/13, 21:43] Dr Vinod Mittar, Bhiwani: 

👍👍👍🙏Good Narinder ji💐💐

[2/13, 21:44] Dr. R S. Soni, Delhi:

अद्भुत !

[2/13, 22:00] Vd. Subhash Sharma Ji Delhi: 

*great achievment  👏👏👌👌👌 एसे रोगियों की सम्प्राप्ति विघटन में भल्लातक का बहुत योगदान होता है, उष्ण तीक्ष्ण आग्नेय व्यवायी विकासी गुण युक्त औषधियां अच्छा कार्य करती हैं।*

[2/13, 22:08] Dr Surendra A Soni: 

Thanks Dr. Narinder Ji for sharing very good successful case. 

If you permit me as Honorable Subhash Sir and other members permit me, I wish to put this case on Kayachikitsa blog with necessary changes as per your requirement.

Thank you very much,  you are so impressive with your valuable posts since your joining the group, among the recently added members like Dr. Shashi ji,  Dr. Bhavesh bhai,  V. B. Pandey Sir etc.

Dr. Narinder ji  !!


[2/13, 22:14] Dr Deepak Saxena, Kurukshetra: 

Thanks for sharing sir such a wonderful case🙏🙏🙏🙏.

[2/13, 22:28] Dr Narinder Pal, Jammu: 

Sir line of treatment was gulma hara and arbuda hara..

[2/13, 22:30] Dr Narinder Pal, Jammu: 

avipathhi choorn and ashwagandhadi choornam are avs m preparing by own..some are prepared by behalf of my order in pharmacies.

[2/13, 22:30] Vd. Subhash Sharma Ji Delhi: 👌👌👍👍💐🌹🙏

[2/13, 22:33] Ranvir Rajpurohit Dr: शानदार।🙏

[2/13, 22:33] Dr Narinder Pal, Jammu: 

Abhinandan sir🙏🙏 will be an honour for me if u post the case..will post detailed description about medicines used..

[2/13, 23:05] Dr. Namadhar Sharma, Delhi.: Great

[2/14, 00:12] Dr Sameer Shinde: Very nice👌👌

[2/14, 07:40] Dr. Mansukh Mangukia: 

🙏🙏 Sir, excellent result .


Above case presentation & discussion held in 'Kaysampraday" a Famous WhatsApp group  of  well known Vaidyas from all over the India. 

  Presented by

Dr Narinder paul
Consultant Ayurveda physcian 
Dr Narinder's Ayurveda
Near DC office, Ward No. 15,
Patel Nagar, 
Opposite to Syndicate Bank, 
Dist.- Kathua,
Jammu  & Kashmir, India. 

Mobile No.-
+91 7889467296
+91 9858544094

Compiled, edited & Uploaded by

Dr.Surendra A. Soni

M.D., PhD (KC)
Associate Professor
Govt. Ayurveda College
Vadodara GUJARAT, India.
Mobile No. +91 9408441150


  1. Thank you for sharing a great case
    Jai Ayurveda ✊

  2. Amazing Dr Narinder,
    You are one of those ayurvedists who make us proud of being ayurvedist.


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