[25/03 6:14 PM] Dr Surendra A. Soni: Is it classical Prameha pidaka ? Some associated or supurative skin lesions...? Case of DM. He had uncontrolled BS 400+. Now after routine OPD management more 2 months BS is 250+. [25/03 7:51 PM] Dr Ranga Prasad Bhat:+919841218802 Pitakas as of my understanding will be vesiculo-pustular in nature and broad at its base with a narrow mukha. Plz correct me if I'm wrong. [25/03 8:06 PM] Dr. D. C. Katoch: +919968076668 Dr Soni, the case appears to be of Lichen planus if itching is there, Ayurvedically Alasak. Such a condition irrespective of biochemistry results due to autoimmune disturbance with psychological background. [25/03 8:10 PM] Dr. D. C. Katoch sir: Manjishthadi kwath orally and topical application of Neem taila or Dermin oil of Dr Vasishth work successfully. Add Tagra or Jatamansi or Mental Relaxation technique, if stress factor is apparently present. [25/03 8:17 PM] Dr Surendra...
Kayachikitsa (Internal-medicine) Blog is a noncommercial Ayurveda Clinical Education Blog of All attached Colleges of Gujarat Ayurved University Jamnagar Gujarat India. It has aim to educate/propagate evidence based Classical Ayurveda Clinical practice among the Ayurveda Students & New practitioners.