WhatsApp Discussion series 30: 'Pippali-vardhaman Rasayan by Dr. Praveen Kumar Madikonda, Dr. Raghuram Bhatta, Dr Pankaj Chhayani, Prof. K.S.R. Prasad, and Dr. Pawan Madan
[12/24, 10:30] S A Soni: Pippalili is wonderful drug. Acharya charak has described in rasayan chikitsa. it is mostly useful in Agni disorders liver disorders Pranavahasrato Dusti. it some time causes urinary burning heart burning because of ushna veerya teekshna guna during Rasayan-seven. So it may be modified with the bhavana of 1.yashtimadhu/ 2. Dhanya Swaras/ 3. guduchi swaras/ 4. amalaki swaras/ 5. Nimbu swaras etc to control the said pitta dominant signs and symptoms. this may be a wonderful idea for practitioners who dispenses the medicine personally. because now there is a trend of Fast Food increasing use of pain Killers, gastric irritants substances alcoholism that leads to various GIT disorders including liver disorders so modified Pipli may be a cheap solution for various disorders including including diabetes etc. Because this will gastric mucofriendly with modification. For DM we may...