WhatsApp Discussion series 30: 'Pippali-vardhaman Rasayan by Dr. Praveen Kumar Madikonda, Dr. Raghuram Bhatta, Dr Pankaj Chhayani, Prof. K.S.R. Prasad, and Dr. Pawan Madan
[12/24, 10:30] S A Soni:
Pippalili is wonderful drug. Acharya charak has described in rasayan chikitsa.
it is mostly useful in Agni disorders liver disorders Pranavahasrato Dusti.
it some time causes urinary burning heart burning because of ushna veerya teekshna guna during Rasayan-seven.
So it may be modified with the bhavana of
2. Dhanya Swaras/
3. guduchi swaras/
4. amalaki swaras/
5. Nimbu swaras etc to control the said pitta dominant signs and symptoms.
this may be a wonderful idea for practitioners who dispenses the medicine personally.
because now there is a trend of Fast Food increasing use of pain Killers, gastric irritants substances alcoholism that leads to various GIT disorders including liver disorders so modified Pipli may be a cheap solution for various disorders including including diabetes etc. Because this will gastric mucofriendly with modification.
For DM we may use salasar adi, haridradi, vachadi etc drugs for bhavana.
This may be used as saanna as well as niranna.
Usually chronic GI disorders response well to appropriate Rasayan schedule as well as Pathyakram.
I got this idea with pippali rasayan and use of takra in udar rog.
[12/24, 10:39] pawan madan Dr:
Only one thing....
using anya sheet viry aushadhi bhavana may not suppress its actions ehich are manifested by the ushn virya and katu rasa, because these gunas actually work and thus it becomes effective in agnidushti and pranavaha sroti dushti...
I found that using pippalu in very small amounts acts as good and without any side effects....
Experts can tell better....

[12/24, 10:41] S A Soni: I only used dhanyak swaras pippali but didn't get less Deepan pachan srotoshodhan effects . Yes gastric irritation was not there.
[12/24, 10:54] Raghuram Dr Banguluru:
Excellent concept sir
To add -
*Steroids* are used to tackle chronic and stubborn diseases
Pippali, I feel might hv been the first ever known and identified herb with *steroidal and quick pace action* in modifying a disease pathology (disease modifying role), may be first *natural herbal steroid* (not equating terms though, going on basis of action)
As a proof we hv *Vardhaman Pippali Rasayana* which has increasing and tapering pattern like steroids...
Also, there is contraindication to use *excessive Pippali* or its prolonged use...Like steroids...
Why bank on steroids, when we have medicines and golden remedy like *pippali* which act like steroids, relieve ur problems in *natural way*?
Other Vardhaman methods can be given a similar thought...
Just putting forth my version on this Elite platform

[12/24, 10:58] S A Soni:
Perfect !!
100% agree.
[12/24, 11:00] Raghuram Dr Banguluru:
Thanks Soni sir

[12/24, 11:02] Anupma Patra AIMS AYU:
Do anybody ve used vardhaman pippali ? Please give some light regarding this.

[12/24, 11:10] S A Soni:
Many times.
What do you want to know..?
[12/24, 11:14] S A Soni:
As per charak
125 mg to 750 or 1000 mg BD (swarna ghatit) on milk diet.
1 to 10 Arohi-avrohi-kram.
[12/24, 11:57] pawan madan Dr:
[12/24, 12:02] Dr Satyadev Tyagi Noida:
Thanks for sharing sir 
[12/24, 12:15] Anupma Patra AIMS AYU:
[12/24, 12:19] S A Soni:
Swarna ghutit 64 prahari - in mg.
Pippali fruits in numbers.
[12/24, 13:31] Anupma Patra AIMS AYU:
Thank u sir. 
Sir average amount of 10 pippali is? Ve u faced any complain from patients during this therapy? Sir u have experienced on chronic GI disorder or any other cases please give some idea.

[12/24, 13:34] S A Soni:
Average 3 to 5 in t swas jalodar cirrhosis etc on milk diet.
[12/24, 13:41] Praveen Medi Dr:
[12/24, 13:45] Praveen Medi Dr:
[12/24, 14:12] Vd Ranga Prasad Ji Chennai:
Just because of Arohana and avarohana method of posology , Sir, comparing it with steroidal therapy or is posology , could be avoided to get negative impact over this wonderful Rasayana yoga.
No where in any of the phytochemical studies on Piper longum, the mention of its steroidal activity is observed. As I do use pippali in vardhaman krama in diseases involving reticulo endothelial system and the respiratory systems as and when the necessity arises, tentatively to address any queries from health seekers who have a strong affinity towards conventional medicine, it has been my habit to get updated with such research works and keep it in memory.
The specific Arohana & avarohana posology may be due to the fact that once the concentration of herbal gunas gets reaching it's peak and starts addressing the samprati ghatakas in the target organs or systems, to avoid over dosage and to maintain the doshic equilibrium, gets followed with avarohana pattern of dosage. This is as per my understanding. Experts may differ or subjugate or add up encouraging inputs to this observation for further discussion about the Arohana and avarohana posology getting adviced in rasayana yogas in specific.
[12/24, 14:14] Vd Ranga Prasad Ji Chennai:
[12/24, 14:15] Praveen Medi Dr:
[12/24, 14:15] Vd Ranga Prasad Ji Chennai:
One of the resource of Phytochemical study on Piper longum available over online.
[12/24, 14:18] pawan madan Dr:
[12/24, 14:20] Raghuram Dr Banguluru:
I hv not equated Pippali with steroids...
I said *steroid like effect*
The idea was *Pippali prashamsa* keeping the respect of Shastra and seeing in comparative view...
To tell.. *Modern system claims they hv steroids* and why don't we tell *We too hv Pippali which is far better than that*
Kindly read my post in detail, last paragraph will clarify

Let us claim some better weapons sir!!!
Old yet Gold !!
[12/24, 14:23] Raghuram Dr Banguluru:
Pippali us one of my regular prescriptions, single or part of compound...Hv practiced Vardhaman Pippali too...Hv better n safe results...
Can't explain Pippali and its uses in simple words...It's gold... Sometimes Amrita in practice...
[12/24, 14:25] Praveen Medi Dr:
[12/24, 14:27] Vd Ranga Prasad Ji Chennai:
I certainly don't Deny the fact that you've not correlated pippali's action with steroidal effect, Sir.
The reason why I jotted those points is because, our dearest Soni brother at times selects good and valid discussions from this KAyasampradAya forum and uploads it in the GAU's blog.
At such times, the *key word* - *steroid* selected by the search engines would land it's search in the post (if at all it gets aired in the blog) and a general viewer (Public) will misinterpret as having steroidal action.
As far as vaidyas are concerned, the comparison gets understood for the Arohana and avarohana pattern of dosage., no doubt about it.
[12/24, 14:28] Vd Ranga Prasad Ji Chennai:
Undeniably, yes, it's very precious like a nectar. I too use it regularly in as V.P yoga.
[12/24, 14:34] Raghuram Dr Banguluru:
Thanks a lot for your inputs and far-sighted thoughts sir

I know it might create confusions if popped up in search engines....But then let's leave it for a curious reader to post queries...Or a responsible reader to read in between lines rather than the lines....

But I really appreciate your concern sir....It is these gestures that guard our science from *being misunderstood* or misinterpreted

[12/24, 14:37] Praveen Medi Dr:
त्रीणि द्रव्याणि नात्युपयुञ्जीताधिकमन्येभ्यो द्रव्येभ्यः; तद्यथा- पिप्पली, क्षारः, लवणमिति
The very verse indicates two things.
1. Pippali, lavana and kshara should not be used for long duration and in higher dosage forms.
2. But if used judiciously over a short period all the three have a remarkable curative role to play in therapeutics.
[12/24, 14:50] Praveen Medi Dr:
Recently i started analyzing "Vardhamana pipplai Rasayana yoga" and its clinical use in cases of Ascitis at Panchakarma Unit, Government Ayurvedic hospital, a Unit of BRKR Ayurvedic college, Hyderabad, with some excellent result
i would like to post the details of one such case as Its the right occasion to share this information
[12/24, 14:59] Praveen Medi Dr:
A 48/ year male patient a known alcoholic with splenomegaly and acisits admitted in allopathic general hospital for a month, could not find any improvement . Therefore the patient came to govt ayurvedic hospital for admission.
As patient was week and not a right choice for virechana we planned vardamana pippali yoga in the following manner
Day1 – 3 pipplai
Day 2—6 pippli
Day 3—9 pippali
Day 4 – 12 pippli
Day 5 – 9 pippli
Day 6 – 6 pippli
Day 7 – 3 pippali
[12/24, 15:05] Praveen Medi Dr: The selected number of pippali were made to a powder form and mixed with takra 200ml and administered, morning at 9 am. He was put only an takra as dietary supplement for whole therapy period.
From day 4 itself reduction of ascites was noted and after 10 days he was without any clinical ascites. LFT came to normal. Ultrasound abdomen also confirmed the same results. Credit goes to Pippali
The work is under publication.
[12/24, 15:06] yatinder sharma Dr: 

[12/24, 15:14] amol kadu Dr Ayu: Grt sir
[12/24, 15:15] amol kadu Dr Ayu:
Why u use takra why not milk as it is indicated in both madatyay and udar
[12/24, 15:17] Praveen Medi Dr:
Hence its beyond doubt that Pippali vardhamana yoga is effective in the management of Splenomegaly with Ascites. But need a a bit caution when used in patients with Esophageal varices.
[Dr.Praveen Kumar Madikonda, MD(BHU), Assistant professor, Panchakarma, BRKR Ayurvedic college, Hyderabad 

[12/24, 15:20] amol kadu Dr Ayu:
I always used wardhman pippali rasayan through milk...
[12/24, 15:20] Praveen Medi Dr:
Takra was more acceptable to the patient as a diet than milk. and more over takra is also indicated in Udara.
[12/24, 15:21] Kapil kapoor:
Great Sir
[12/24, 15:26] Praveen Medi Dr:
I firmly believe that it is the high time we start putting our principles into practice, with the kind of modern scientific knowledge now we have with us the task has become much easier.

[12/24, 15:34] Vd Ranga Prasad Ji Chennai:
Even in hepatomegaly it works clinically.
In myeloproliferative disorders too mild clinical response had been observed in a case of mine.
[12/24, 15:36] Praveen Medi Dr:
[12/24, 15:38] Dr Kavya NIA: 

[12/24, 15:42] Anupma Patra AIMS AYU:
[12/24, 15:44] Anupma Patra AIMS AYU:
[12/24, 15:44] Meghali Gupta KS: Any experience in liver carcinoma
[12/24, 15:49] yatinder sharma Dr:
Very very nice information sir keep the good work going
Please suggest any experiences in lung cancer and pleural effusion.
[12/24, 15:51] amol kadu Dr Ayu:
As per type of udar, takra can be given with medicines.
[12/24, 15:52] amol kadu Dr Ayu:
Takra is amla rasatmak. In madatyay chikitsa amla pradhan dravya used everywhere.
[12/24, 16:06] Darshan Bhai Ras Vdo:
Takra is good choice. Alcoholic liver ma, mdatyey chikitsa ma tkr nu aena pr karmuktv srs smjavel 6.
[12/24, 16:06] Darshan Bhai Ras Vdo:
Ref. Charak madatyey chikitsa.
[12/24, 16:31] pawan madan Dr:
Very nice sir.
Takra powder as suvh with amla guna yukta takra.
Didnt it cause any ushnataa in that patient?
[12/24, 16:32] pawan madan Dr:
And was only takra was given the whole day as food or anything else was allowed ?
[12/24, 16:42] Praveen Medi Dr:
[12/24, 16:42] pawan madan Dr:

[12/24, 16:51] Praveen Medi Dr:
The great part of it is patient has been totally asymptomatic for the past two months after the therapy, without any medication. Previously a modern diuretic was a regular phenomenon.
[12/24, 16:58] pawan madan Dr: 

[12/24, 17:14] amol kadu Dr Ayu:
Really nice. Have u uaed any other medication except pippli rasayan sir.
[12/24, 17:21] Praveen Medi Dr:
Only for the first five days chitrakadi vati and hingwastaka churnam as a deepana measure... Nothing more either before or after...... 
[12/24, 17:31] Manu Vats Dr Patiala:
Wow...heartily CONGRATS...Sir...

both for result oriented work. And much more for the way you presented case here with transparency and authenticity...Really appreciate 
[12/24, 17:59] Praveen Medi Dr:
Thank you sir
, it has been our constant mission to demonstrate strength of Ayurveda to the student community.
[12/24, 18:08] amol kadu Dr Ayu:
Sir try to publish in asl or ayu
[12/24, 18:08] amol kadu Dr Ayu:
I meant pubmed indexed.
[12/24, 18:09] Praveen Medi Dr:
[12/24, 18:13] Vd Ranga Prasad Ji Chennai:
Since you are in institution, that would be a better option to publish in indexed articles with a few more cases being worked with VPR yoga in Ascites of liver origin.
Pvt practitioners get limited cases in their clinics. Hence no other option for them except single case study format.
But in institutions, incoming of such cases will be comparably more.
[12/24, 18:48] Praveen Medi Dr: 
[12/25, 15:06] Pankaj Chhayani dr ndyad:
We use vardhmana pippali in Cirrhosis of liver and one paper was published in Portland, USA by our institution. We use pippali in autoimmune deaseses successfully.
[12/25, 15:08] Pankaj Chhayani dr ndyad:
My one friend from Baroda, used vardhaman pippali in 10,20,30,40,50 (whole fruit in milk) pippali aroha krama in respiratory problem and got good results, I saw him using this krama on one pts..
[12/25, 15:10] Pankaj Chhayani dr ndyad:
I use pippali with ashwagandha in degenerative diseases , as pippali is yogavahi too
[12/25, 15:52] Vd Ranga Prasad Ji Chennai: 

[12/25, 20:44] S A Soni:
Thanks Ranga Sir for clarifying the fact with authenticity.
Your understanding is aarohi avarohi concept seems valid.
I understand it like that gradual increase in Agni burns the metabolic waste that we call pachan srotoshodhan and patient is put on janmana satmya milk / milk product which by virtue produces shuddhatam fresh dhatu. That's why it is known as rasayan/kayakalp but little bit more curative action.
[12/25, 20:53] S A Soni:
What I requested in my first post that we can enable pippali for steroidal action by giving bhavana of bala etc phytosteroid rich drugs.
That is a unique opportunity /possibility with pippali.
[12/25, 21:04] S A Soni:
Great perfect complete sharing praveen sir.
I hope this will boost confidence to fresh scholars.
[12/25, 21:07] Raghuram Dr Banguluru:
Awesome concept Soni sir
definitely links some gaps in the discussion
[12/25, 21:08] Raghuram Dr Banguluru:
How about *Pippali Bhavana* with *Pippali* itself ???
[12/25, 21:10] S A Soni:
Dose would be reduced....
We shall have to choosy regarding selection of patient equal to bhallatak.
Isn't it ?
[12/25, 21:12] S A Soni:
Kwath preparation will evaporate volatile substances.....!
So we shall have to arrange pippali Swaras.
[12/25, 21:13] Raghuram Dr Banguluru:
I think you are mentioning *Bala* sir

Yes sir, we can think of Pippali bhavita Pippali and try reducing dose of Pippali...
Selection of patients is an important point to be looked upon...agree

[12/25, 21:14] Raghuram Dr Banguluru:
Yes sir, I was mentioning Pippali swaras itself.
[12/25, 21:15] S A Soni:
In context to steroidal activities.
[12/25, 21:16] Manu Vats Dr Patiala:
Sir OLD SCHOLARS too need rather more than fresh one

[12/25, 21:16] S A Soni: 

[12/25, 21:17] Raghuram Dr Banguluru:
Yes sir

[12/25, 21:19] S A Soni:
What about *Ark of Pippali* ?.
[12/25, 21:24] Raghuram Dr Banguluru:
Not thought of it sir...Arka is extract in different form!! How does it influence the natural properties of Pippali? May be in a good way...Might be a good choice...And *good research material*

But don't you think swaras is a cheaper option?
May be comparative study would clarify this?
But nice idea sir ji

Bhaishajya Kalpana experts might like to comment and take the discussion ahead, to help us...
[12/25, 21:27] S A Soni:
Pippali vardhaman rasayan was a routine management for many disorders esp jalodar jeern kas tamak shwasa etc in Govt Ayurved College, Udaipur during my UG study. I ve witnessed more than 25 cases under Prof. R. V. S. Roy/Prem chandra ji Sharma/ Vd Narayan Lal ji dhabhai ji.
[12/25, 21:29] S A Soni:
Yes Sir
We have great Ras Shastri with us. I would like to request all great Ras vaidyas to say something.
[12/25, 21:35] S A Soni:
I also took pippali vardhaman on Milk Diet under honourable Prof. Radheshyam ji Sharma (current VC, RAU, Jodhpur) during my PG Study.
[12/25, 21:59] S A Soni:
Gud haritaki (ch.) is safar in E. Vericocity in comparison to Pippali.
[12/25, 22:09] Praveen Medi Dr:
[12/25, 22:30] S A Soni:
Perfect Praveen Sir.
Namo namah !!
[12/25, 22:49] pawan madan Dr:
Very useful inputs regarding pippali vardhamaan rasaayan.
Thanks Soni ji, Praveen ji, Dr Raghu sir.
[12/25, 22:50] Prof. KSR Prasad Wardha:
It is better to use yakrutpippali in liver cirrhosis
[12/25, 22:53] S A Soni: Sir
Reference please.
[12/25, 22:54] pawan madan Dr:
Whats yakritpiopali?
[12/25, 22:59] Prof. KSR Prasad Wardha:
Pippali it self works as steroid ... add it with any medicine to enhance bioavailability.
[12/25, 23:00] pawan madan Dr:
[12/25, 23:01] S A Soni: Yakrit-pippali..?
[12/25, 23:03] Raghuram Dr Banguluru:
Might be Pippali processed in Yakrut of aja in putapaka vidhi...Heard of such preparation, not sure, might be from sushruta

, waiting for reply...
[12/25, 23:05] Prof. KSR Prasad Wardha:
In 1984 under dr habibulla direction dr manikya sharma my teacher worked with this formula ... May be the thesis available at Hyderabad ayurvedic college.
[12/25, 23:06] Prof. KSR Prasad Wardha:
It is the same.
[12/25, 23:12] Raghuram Dr Banguluru:
[12/25, 23:13] S A Soni: 
[12/25, 23:28] Prof. KSR Prasad Wardha:
Only one doubt ...
At present what pippali we are getting in the market is taken its active ingredients through distillation... are they competent to yeald the results.
[12/26, 00:05] Vd Ranga Prasad Ji Chennai:
I use the pippali available in local market, powder it and dispense. So far so now not faced any discrepancy in its pharmacokinetics based on our siddhanta, KSR garu. 
Above discussion held on 'Kaysampraday" a Famous WhatsApp group of well known Vaidyas from all over the India.
Suggestions & questions are welcome from the Ayurveda students. I shall try to get answer from experts and present here on webpage.
Compiled & edited by
Dr.Surendra A. Soni
M.D.,PhD (KC)
Associate Professor
Dept. of Kaya-chikitsa
Govt. Ayurveda College
Vadodara Gujarat, India.
Email: surendraasoni@gmail.com
Mobile No. +91 9408441150
In sicklecell diseases (Tridosaj Pandu),a good result is observed by Pippali vardhaman rasayan.
ReplyDeleteYes ! Do you have experience or any pre/post treatment reports..? Please share.
Deletevery nice discussion over vardhman rasyana..
ReplyDeleteMuch more things getting clear...