AYURVEDIC LINE OF TREATMENT IN GULMA – A SINGLE CASE STUDY *Vd. Radha Patel **Vd. Khushali Bhatt *** Prof. Vd. Surendra A. Soni */** P.G. Scholars, P. G. Department of K. C., G.A.A.C., Ahmedabad, Gujarat. *** H.O.D., P. G. Department of K. C., G.A.A.C., Ahmedabad, Gujarat. ABSTRACT A male patient with acute abdominal pain having history of intake of excess fast / market food came routine in OPD of GAAC hospital, Ahmedabad for treatment with apprehensive condition. His USG reports was s/o ileitis, typhlitis with sigmoid colitis, gastritis along with gas filled bowel loops. Patient was successfully treated on the line of pakvashaygata vata or vatapaittika gulma and response of treatment was remarkably good. KEYWORDS : Pakvashaygata vata, Vata Paittika Gulma Introduction Gulma is well described by Acharya Charaka in Charaka Samhita Nidana Sthana 3. [1] and Char...
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