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*Vd. Radha Patel

**Vd. Khushali Bhatt

***Prof. Vd. Surendra A. Soni  

*/** P.G. Scholars, P. G. Department of K. C., G.A.A.C., Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

***H.O.D., P. G. Department of K. C., G.A.A.C., Ahmedabad, Gujarat.


A male patient with acute abdominal pain having history of intake of excess fast / market food came routine in OPD of GAAC hospital, Ahmedabad for treatment with apprehensive condition. His USG reports was s/o ileitis, typhlitis with sigmoid colitis, gastritis along with gas filled bowel loops. Patient was successfully treated on the line of pakvashaygata vata or vatapaittika gulma and response of treatment was remarkably good.


KEYWORDS: Pakvashaygata vata, Vata Paittika Gulma



Gulma is well described by Acharya Charaka in Charaka Samhita Nidana Sthana 3. [1] and Charak Samhita Chikitsa Sthana 5. [2] It is of five types – Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja, Raktaja, Sannipataja. Gulma is primarily concerned to Mahastrotasa/GIT. Acharya Charaka has categorized this condition as either Koshthashrita or Shakhashrita -as per concept of trayorogamarga. When gulma doesn’t afflict lumen of GIT, then it is Koshthashrita and vice versa. Vata dosha is mainly responsible for gulma roga and either associated with pitta or kapha as per indulged nidana. Five sites has been described for gulma and signs and symptoms clinically varies as per the site involvement.


Samprapti Ghatak

Dosha – Vata pradhan tridosha

                 Anubandha pitta

Vata dosha - dravayataha vridhhi +

                        Gunataha vridhhi ++

                        Karmatahavridhhi +

Pitta dosha- dravayataha vridhhi +

                        Gunataha vridhhi +

                       Karmataha vridhhi +

DushyaRasa, Rakta, Mansa, Purish

Agni - vishamagni


Vyaktisthan – Udara-              Pakwashay (mahastrotasa)

Strotas- AnnavahaRasavaha, 

 Raktavaha, Purishvaha

Rogamarga- Koshtha

Strotodusti –Sanga/ Vimargagaman

Sama/Nirama - Sama

Vyadhi prakara-Ashukari

Sadhyasadhyata - Krichhasadhya

Patient’s Information

Present case study is concerned to a 45 years old male patient having Vata-pitta prakriti who was regularly in intake of spicy, junk fast food and experienced episode of severe pain in abdomen on 12th November 2021. Then patient consulted telephonically initially & was advised tablet Entrid (1TDS) and tablet Liv compound (4 TDS) with Mudgayush, Manda as pathya, he got mild relief with this treatment only. On 18th November 2021, he came to OPD no. 4, P.G. Department of Kayachikitsa, GAAC, Ahmedabad with following chief complaints.

Chief complains

Udarashool (Abdominal pain) since 1 month

Udaragauravta (Heaviness of abdomen) since 1 month

Udaraaadhman (Flatulence) since 1 month

Dourbalya (weakness) since 2 months


History of Present Complaint

Patient was relatively healthy before 1 month. Then he had gradually started complaints of abdominal pain, heaviness of abdomen, flatulence, and weakness. On 12th November 2021, patient experienced episode of severe pain in abdomen. So, he came to GAAC Hospital for ayurvedic treatment.

Past History:- k/c/o hypertension

Family History: Nil

Personal History:

Diet - Veg Diet, Spicy junk/fast food

Addiction: Nil

Appetite –Disturbed

Profession sitting job (labour work)

Sleep – Disturbed

Micturation–4/5 t/day, 1/2/t/night

Bowel-  1 time/ day, regular

On Examination

Blood pressure- 132/90 mmHg

Pulse rate- 78/min

Respiratory rate- 19/min

Weight- 65 kg

O/E:Per Abdomen:

Inspection:- Distended Abdomen

Palpation:- Mild tenderness on Left iliac & hypogastric region

Percussion:- Tympanic sound over  hypogastric region 

Auscultation:- NAD



USG Abdomen as on 13th November 2021



The patient was diagnosed with Vata-paittika gulma on the basis of investigation reports and sign and symptoms. He had mild improvement with telephonic consultation. Then on 18th November 2021 after he visited OPD was advised following management with the objective of complete samprapti vighatan [5] (permanent cure).




      1)    Tab Entrid


 40 days

 2) Tab. Liv     Compound


40 days

  3)  Lavanbhaskar    churna

Muktasukti Bhasma

Navayas lauha

along with 2 tbsp cow’s ghee


500 mg

500 mg       TDS

40 days

      4)  Samsamani vati


40 days

      5)  Chitrakadi vati


40 days

      6)Pathyadi kwatha  +

 Punarnavadi Kwatha


10gm BDS

40 days

The above treatment was continued for 40 days along with following advice of  pathya and apathya.

Pathya –Apthya (Wholesome diet and activity) :

               Patient was advised for pathya aahar and vihara during the course of medication like – fresh home cooked, warm, easily digestible light diet like- khichadi (vilepi), mudgayusha (green gram soup), vegetables soups etc. and restricted from taking day sleep (divaswapa), awaking at night,  exposure to  pravata (direct exposure of wind ), exess sunlight,  control natural urges ( vegadharana).

  Observation and Results









1.    Abdominal pain

( udarshool)

2.   Udara gaurava  (Heaviness of abdomen)

3.Ati-udgara (Bloating)

         4.Weakness (dourbalya)




























USG abdomen was repeated after 15 days


  After starting above mentioned medications, pathya and apathya were adviced. Patient started feeling improvement from Day-1. Dietary restrictions helped a lot in this case as he was advised specific light diet like yush, krishara etc. After the course of complete treatment patient was completely free from all complaints and marked improvement in USG pathological findings which shows the efficacy of classical ayurvedic management in patients of gulma and inflammatory bowel condition.


                Follow up was taken for 4 weeks in OPD of Akhandand Ayurveda collage, Ahmedabad.  In follow up, medication was changed to restore healthy life. In last USG, mild edematous terminal ilium and caecum was found  so it can be tried to relieve this with further medicine and follow-up. Same medication was continued for further weeks.


       Shakhashrita gulma always involves dushyas (dhatus) of GIT canal. In this case of pakwashayagata gulma/Vata involved thickening of terminal ileum- caecum and sigmoid colon are indicative of involvement of shakha / dhatus. Hence, this is taken as shakhashrita gulma on the basis of modern investigation reports. Selection of drug is mainly to execute the bhedana karma of gulma  as per classical line of treatment of vatika and Pittaja gulma. The use of lavanbhaskar and chitrakadivati is as per principle of bhedana. Being enriched with the properties of Kshara - Deepaña, pachana and anuloman.

            Samshamni vati, punarnavadi kwatha and pathyadi kwatha have been selected as adjuvent to main Bhedana therapy in the form of deepana, pachana, anulomana, shothaprashamana etc Muktasukti and navayasa lauha used as pitta vata shamana, balya, shonita prasadana. Tab. Liv compound was added as yakritabalya and Tab. Enrid was given as antiinflammatory (shotha prashamana) as it is enriched with Panchamrita Parpati. So it can be concluded that classical management of gulma is applicable on the basis of modern investigation, findings along with appropriate history of patient and suitable required pathya karma.


                      Modern diagnostic tools are always helpful to Ayurvedic practitioners in finding the diagnosis as per Ayurvedic classical texts.Gulma is such a kind of disease / diagnosis that is practiced/ used very less in clinical practice because of no standard investigation protocol has been established. This case study proves that that shankhashrita gulma does existand can be cured on the classical line of management of gulma.


 1. Charaka Samhita savimarsh vidyotini hindi vyakhyopeta chowkhambha Bharti academy by Kashinath shastri and Dr. Gorakhnath Chaturvedi Nidana Sthana 3/3.

 2. Charaka Samhita savimarsh vidyotini hindi vyakhyopeta chowkhambha Bharti academy by Kashinath shastri and Dr. Gorakhnath Chaturvedi Chikitsa Sthana 5/8.

3. Charaka Samhita savimarsh vidyotini hindi vyakhyopeta chowkhambha Bharti academy by Kashinath shastri and Dr. Gorakhnath Chaturvedi Chikitsa Sthana 5/6,7. 

4. Davidson’s principals and practice of medicine 21st edition edited by Nicki colledge, Brian walker, Stuart Ralston. 

5. Charaka Samhita savimarsh vidyotini hindi vyakhyopeta chowkhambha Bharti academy by Kashinath shastri and Dr. Gorakhnath Chaturvedi Chikitsa Sthana 5/21,33.


 ****************************************************************************************************************Above article was published in 'World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

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Uploaded by

Vd. Rituraj Verma
B. A. M. S.
Shri Dadaji Ayurveda & Panchakarma Center,
Khandawa, M.P., India.
Mobile No.:-
 +91 9669793990,
+91 9617617746

Edited by

Dr. Surendra A. Soni

M.D., PhD (KC) 
Professor & Head
Govt. Akhandanand Ayurveda College
Ahmedabad, GUJARAT, India.









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