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Case-presentation: Ayurvedic Management of 'Mitral Valve Prolapse' (MVP).

  A Case Report:  Ayurvedic Management of Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP) Author: Harshil Padhiyar, Megha Patel, Aishwarya Chaudhari, Anamika Soni, Surendra Soni . Introduction MVP is known with the synonyms as floppy valve syndrome, redundant cusp syndrome. It is one amongst the most prevalent cardiac valvular abnormalities. The clinical and echo cardio graphic criteria have been well established for its diagnosis. The most specific echo cardio graphic criterion is superior displacement of either or both the mitral valve leaflets by more than 2mm along its long axis above the annular plane. MVP is clinically recognized by the presence of mid-systolic click heard on auscultation. MVP is classified as primary or secondary. Primary MVP is characterized by myxomatous degeneration of the valve in absence of any connective tissue pathology. Secondary MVP can be multifactorial and can be in with Ehler-Danlos Syndrome, Marfan’s Syndrome. Clinically patient presents with chest pain ...

Case presentation: Tamaka Shwasa/Jirna Vatika Kasa (Bronchial Asthma/Byssinosis)

Patient’s information   A 65-year-old male patient presented to OPD no. 4 (PG Kayachikitsa Department) at Govt. Akhandanand Ayurveda College and Hospital, Ahmedabad, with the following symptoms…   1. Shushka Kasa (Dry coughing) since 3 year 2. Shwasa Kruchhata (Breathlessness) since 4 year 3. Kanth Pradeshe Kapha Anubhuti since 1 year 4. Urah Shoola (Pain in chest) since 1 year   General physical examination Pulse- 62/min Respiratory rate- 20/min BP- 140/74 mmHg Built- Medium   Dhashavidha Pariksha Prakruti- Vata-Kapha Vikruti- Mahat Hetu Linga Bala - Cotton particles, constant severe coughing Sara- Rasa-Rakta Madhyama Sara Samhanan- Madhyam Praman- Madhyama Satmya- Shad Rasa Satmya Ahara Shakti- Madhyama Vyayam Shakti- Alpa Vaya- Vruddha Avastha     Therapeutic intervention(IPD)   Medicine Duration Anupana 28/08/24- 02/09/24 1)Shivaks...