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WhatsApp Discussion Series 48: 'Khalitya' by Prof. Satyendra Narayan Ojha, Dr. Venugopal Rao, Dr. Pawan Madan, Vd. Saneep Hase, Vd. Upendra Dixit, Dr. Vinay Choudhary, Vd. Vinaya Ballakur, Vd. Vivek Savant and others.

[1/18, 8:28 AM] pawan madan Dr:

I need a help to understand - Is their any clinical significance of the following two verses in respect to curing the Khalitya -- which is a burning problem now a days...                                                                                              


केशश्मश्रुनखलोमदन्तास्थिसिरास्नायुधमन्यः शुक्रं चेति (पितृजानि)||७|| - CHARAKA SHARIRA 3


नखास्थिदन्तमांसचर्मवर्चःकेशश्मश्रुलोमकण्डरादि तत् पार्थिवं गन्धो घ्राणं च; - CHARAK SHARIRA 7/16

[1/18, 8:28 AM] pawan madan Dr:

anything for this query please ?

[1/18, 8:32 AM] Prof. satyendra ojha sir:

Dr Pawan Madan ji , nowadays , burning problems are metabolic syndrome, multi drugs resistance.

[1/18, 8:35 AM] satyendra ojha sir: 

For chikitsa of khaalitya , chakradattokta formulations are good enough.  Even charak chikitsa 26 references are worthy enough .
Air pollution, heavy water , shampoos , soaps , oils available in market , etc  are common causes of khaalitya..

[1/18, 8:40 AM] pawan madan Dr:

 JI SIR RIGHT...also working on these but still.....this hair loss problems are still here which could not be acurately curable.

[1/18, 8:40 AM] pawan madan Dr:

thanks sir !

[1/18, 8:41 AM] ‪+91 99499 66081‬:

Regeneration, structural integrity are kapha adhikara hence Prithvi tatva important.

Another way to understand this is Kesha is asthi mala and that which nourishes asthi has a role.
I also request you to look at Roma sanjanana from shashtyopakrama of susruta Acharya. This  measure may have to be  researched for unnatural hair or scalp loss.

[1/18, 8:43 AM]Prof. satyendra ojha sir:

Prof shrikant Babu Perugu Garu is working on trichology , he can guide more authentically..

[1/18, 8:44 AM] pawan madan Dr:

JiVinay ji. Thanks for the important clue.

[1/18, 8:45 AM] pawan madan Dr: Ji sir..

[1/18, 8:46 AM] Prof. satyendra ojha sir:

Hair dermal papilla cells are specialized mesenchymal cells that exist in the dermal papilla located at the bottom of hair follicles. These cells play pivotal roles in hair formation, growth, and cycling. Hair follicle formation is usually directed by an aggregation of dermal mesenchymal cells, the origin of dermal papilla cells, in the embryonic skin. We noticed that cultured dermal papilla cells also have hair-forming activity and do not lose the activity even after long-term cultivation, if they are cultured with conditioned medium from keratinocytes obtained from the sole or with a medium containing fibroblast growth factor. The secreted factors from keratinocytes and fibroblast growth factor are, therefore, important for maintaining the cellular properties of dermal papilla cells. Even if the hair bulb, including the hair matrix and the dermal papilla, has been removed from vibrissal follicles in vivo, the new hair matrix and papilla can regenerate from the rest of the follicle, and eventually a hair shaft regrows. It has been reported that hair bulb regeneration does not occur when the lower half of a hair follicle is removed. However, new hair bulbs were formed in the remaining upper halves of vibrissal follicles if the amputated follicles had been implanted under the kidney capsule. The formed bulbs were small and pelage-type, not large vibrissa-type. Histological studies showed that the new dermal papillae were derived from dermal sheath cells surrounding upper follicular epidermis, and the new hair matrices were produced from the follicular epidermis. Moreover, the upper halves of vibrissal follicles reformed large vibrissa-type bulbs when they were associated with dermal papillae or cultured papilla cells and implanted in the kidney. Thus, dermal papilla cells and probably dermal sheath cells have the ability to induce and form hair bulbs under preferred environmental conditions. Attempts to identify the genes and proteins associated with hair-forming activity of dermal papilla cells have been carried out. We and other groups successfully isolated the molecules that were specifically expressed in dermal papilla cells. The nature of the hair-producing factors could be understood through the studies of these molecules.

[1/18, 8:52 AM] Vinay dongre Vd.:

 पवन जी ,

सारे पितृज कुल को देखीए । माता के ,मातामह के भी पितृज कुल को देखे । खलित्य और केश का संबंध उनमे 90 %मिलता ही है । अगर नही मिलता तो गर्भकर 6 भावोको देखे । जीसमे से आहार को सर्वाधिक प्रश्नोत्तर करे । उसमे पार्थिव प्रधान आहार विहार औषधी कितना है , उसे भी देखे ।
यह मेरा मानना है । 

[1/18, 8:52 AM] Prof.  satyendra ojha sir:

 It's keratin , protein , present in hair , help in structural growth.  Protein is paarthiva ansha predominant , therefore , most of treatment of khaalitya is with medicated oil / ghrita..

[1/18, 8:55 AM] pawan madan Dr:

ji sir ..thank u very much....

[1/18, 8:56 AM] Prof. satyendra ojha sir:

Keratin Deficiency

Hair loss, premature aging of hair, and thinning of hair are all signs of keratin deficiency. Although it effects numerous parts of your body like your hair, nails, etc, keratin deficiency shows most prominently on your skin. When you skin lacks keratin, it becomes pore prone to sagging,  loosing its glow and wrinkles. Eating foods that increase keratin production can help alleviate this problem and help keep your skin and hair healthy for anti aging!

Here are foods for increasing keratin production to include in your keratin and skin care diet:

Fruit and Vegetables

It isn’t a surprise that foods that increase keratin production include fruits and veggies! Fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamin A aid the  body in keratin production. A good indication of the nutrient content of fruits and veggies is found in their color. Produce that is orange, such as mangoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, and cantaloupe are high in carotene, which helps your body produce keratin. Carotene can also be found in spinach, green peppers, and squash.

Meat and Dairy

Iron-rich protein can boost the production of keratin in the body and improve the health of skin, hair and nails. Liver, fish and lean  meats build keratin in your body. Always choose lean meat sources over red,  fatty meats. Low-fat dairy, such as certain cheeses, yogurt and low-fat milk,  also contain amino acids that increase keratin levels.

The Vitamins:


Their are a number of supplements on the market that  stimulate growth of hair, skin, and nails. Before deciding if you should  supplement your daily keratin intake, consult a physician. Overproduction of  keratin or any protein in the body can be toxic and have adverse effects on the  kidneys.

Iron Rich Foods

Consume iron-rich food. Iron helps red blood cells  transport oxygen to your hair follicles, as well as to the other tissues that benefit from iron. Animal protein provides iron that is easily absorbed by the body. Iron-rich animal protein includes turkey, duck, chicken, pork, shrimp, eggs, lean beef and lamb. Plant foods that contain iron-rich protein include beans, spinach, black-eyed peas, soybeans, tofu and lentils.

Vitamin C

Eat foods with plenty of vitamin C. Vitamin C enhances  the absorption of vegetarian-based iron, so consume vitamin C foods at the same time that you eat vegetable-based protein. Foods rich in vitamin C include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, peppers, guava, papaya, grapefruit, oranges, pineapple, strawberries and lemons. The vitamin C antioxidant vitamin for hair and skin by LifeCell is a good option to take to boost hair growth and skin, hair and nail health.

B Vitamins

Boost your intake of B vitamins. The B vitamins enhance creation of red blood cells, which in turn carry nutrients and oxygen to your scalp, follicles and growing hair. Foods with vitamin B-6 or B-12 include wild salmon, trout, shellfish, white potatoes with the skin, bananas, lentils,  garbanzo beans, fortified whole-grain cereals, lean beef, chicken breasts and  pork tenderloin. Foods with folate include oatmeal, fortified whole-grain cereal, spinach, beets, parsnips, broccoli, okra, black-eye peas and soybeans.


Consume foods with zinc, such as oysters, crab, pork tenderloin, turkey, veal, chicken, peanut butter, wheat germ and chickpeas. Zinc facilitates hair and tissue growth and repair and helps maintain the oil glands  that surround hair follicles.

Topical Tips

Use keratin formulated shampoos to nourish and supplement  the keratin in your hair. Keratin shampoos help repair damaged hair, protect  against further breakage and add elasticity and shine.  Keratin treatments, available at salons and also for home treatment, use high temperature flat irons to make the keratin bond more effectively with your hair.

[1/18, 8:56 AM] ‪+91 94223 57002‬:

Dihydrotestestrone n collagen formation is one factor responsible for hair loss

In such cases shiroabhynaga n mrudu swdana

Orally asthimajjapachak yog

Laksha guggulu n gunja siddha tail works wonderfully

Local application is must in such cases.

[1/18, 8:56 AM] pawan madan Dr:

 I have found 9 types of sampraptis about kesha paatan till now in the texts....and this factor is still to be added and observed in clinical practice....

[1/18, 8:56 AM] ‪+91 98903 12002‬:

With enough r supposed to get bald😄

[1/18, 8:57 AM] Prof. satyendra ojha sir:


[1/18, 8:58 AM] Vinay dongre Vd.:

 सब कुछ जानने के बावजुद , दुनियाभर के ,खास कर पुरुषोका खलित्य जाता नही , यह सच्चाई है। केवल सांत्वन करने हेतू ,  कहते है की खल्वटी धनवान होता है । 

[1/18, 8:59 AM] pawan madan Dr: 

[1/18, 8:59 AM] ‪+91 99228 93920‬:

In our family.... each elder son gets early bald. I am bald enough at 53 running. Not my brother at 50. My father was bald ..not his younger brother s and so is the continuty.

[1/18, 9:01 AM] Vinay dongre Vd.:

Point मे दम है।

[1/18, 9:04 AM] Vny dongre Vd. :

सर जी , क्या आयुर्वेद इन पितृज भावो के एक दुसरे के प्रति कोई संबंध होणे को कहता है ?

जैसे शुक्र और केश संबंध , केश और दंत , नख और अस्थि ... वगैरा वगैरा ।

[1/18, 9:04 AM] Prof. satyendra ojha sir:

My grand father , father , eldest, elder brothers , and me too protecting our head with hair..

[1/18, 9:08 AM] Prof. satyendra ojha sir:

Ji , pitrija bhaava ke kaarana se hi inme paarthivaagni ke mahattva Ko samajhanaa hoga , jab tak paarthivaagni par karyakaari dravya nahi khoje jaayenge , samasyaa Bani rahegi..

Testosterone is the most important androgen. Testosterone production starts from adrenarche in both sexes: in males in the testes, in females in the ovaries and in both sexes to a lesser part in the adrenal cortex, too. Circulating in blood certain amounts of testosterone are bonded to Sexual Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG). The free part represents the active steroid affecting various organs to a certain extent. Testosterone is responsible for the formation of the male-phenotype, development of muscular tissue, bone density, and in a certain way it influences the fat/sugar metabolism. It also has a big impact on skin, skin appendages, and hair in particular. Testosterone increases sebum production (seborrhoea) and controls hair growth as well as hair loss in certain areas of the body..

[1/18, 9:12 AM] satyendra ojha sir:

Vaidyaraja Vinay ji  !

[1/18, 9:16 AM] Vinay dongre Vd.:

केवल अग्नि का विचार पुरा होगा क्या ? जब की वह इन सभी भावो मे समान है । हर द्रव्य के स्वतंत्र घटक रचना को भी ध्यान मे लेना होगा ।

वरना हरेक के खलित्य मे , *तेल मालिश* चलती रहेगी ।

सरजी आप जानते है , मेरा आयु अभ्यास ही पुरा नही हो रहा ; और जाके ये टेस्टस्टेरॉन वगैरा .... मेरे मंद बुद्धि को हजम नही होगा।

मैं तो मुझे राम की दि हुई , मोती माला मे ही उसे धुंढता हूं।

फिर भी आपकी सहायता के लिये धन्यवाद । 

[1/18, 9:24 AM] satyendra ojha sir:

Aapane references Samhitā me dekhe hai tail maalisha hi prachurataa se upalabdha hai .

[1/18, 9:24 AM] Upendr dixit Prof. Goa:

Parinamana from Meda to Asthi also needs to be considered. In the patients of Keshapata Indralupta and Khalitya are mainly to be considered. In these patients at least we need to think of proper nourishment for Asthi is not available or it is available but Parinamana is not proper. Srotorodha, Asthi Dhatvagni  (and before that Medo Dhatvagni) and Vyana are most important factors for Parinamana. Role of Sarvadehika Shukra in Nootana Utpatti of Dhatu is to be assessed. Many times Leena Vikrit Pitta due to previous diseases like Kamala, Visarpa etc. is the reason for producing Aushnya and Shaithilya, which affect Asthi. Asthi and Vata have Ashrayashrayi Bhava. So severe Vata Prakopa due to any reason is likely to affect Asthi Bala.

Though complicated, we need to think in these ways.

[1/18, 9:26 AM] satyendra ojha sir: right !

[1/18, 9:27 AM] pawan madan Dr: yes !

[1/18, 9:27 AM] satyendra ojha sir:

 Right , multiple factors to be considered before concluding the samprapti of khaalitya , in this regard ch.soo.28 & ch.chi. 15 are helpful..

[1/18, 9:29 AM] satyendra ojha sir:

To elucidate the functions of the serine/threonine kinase Akt/PKB in vivo, we generated mice lacking both akt1 and akt2 genes. Akt1/Akt2 double-knockout (DKO) mice exhibit severe growth deficiency and die shortly after birth. These mice display impaired skin development because of a proliferation defect, severe skeletal muscle atrophy because of a marked decrease in individual muscle cell size, and impaired bone development. These defects are strikingly similar to the phenotypes of IGF-1 receptor-deficient mice and suggest that Akt may serve as the most critical downstream effector of the IGF-1 receptor during development. In addition, Akt1/Akt2 DKO mice display impeded adipogenesis. Specifically, Akt1 and Akt2 are required for the induced expression of PPARγ, the master regulator of adipogenesis, establishing a new essential role for Akt in adipocyte differentiation. Overall, the combined deletion of Akt1 and Akt2 establishes in vivo roles for Akt in cell proliferation, growth, and differentiation. These functions of Akt were uncovered despite the observed lower level of Akt activity mediated by Akt3 in Akt1/Akt2 DKO cells, suggesting that a critical threshold level of Akt activity is required to maintain normal cell proliferation, growth, and differentiation.

[1/18, 9:29 AM] pawan madan Dr:


9. Some foods like SHAMI PHALA

[1/18, 9:29 AM] Vinay dongre Vd.:

वात दुष्टी व अस्थि बल व मेद धातु ! गुड पॉईंट्स।

[1/18, 9:30 AM] ‪+91 98903 12002‬:

 वैद्य उपेंद्रसर .. you still believe in क्षीरदधीन्याय..

[1/18, 9:30 AM] Vinay dongre Vd.:

इससे पहले कुल वृत्तांत।

[1/18, 9:31 AM] satyendra ojha sir:

Purishadharaa kalaa Ko upekshita mat kijiye

[1/18, 9:32 AM] AS Kulkarni Dr.:

The khalitya is the result of increased ushna guna in rakta. In indralupta vata dominant pitta vikruti is the main reason. In palitya increased pitta is the cause. Darunak is also important which causes loosening of hair roots.

[1/18, 9:33 AM] pawan madan Dr:

Ji...bilkul......isi kaaran se se maine wo query daalithi...kyunki uske bina yecomplete nahi lag rahaa  thaa.

[1/18, 9:34 AM] Upendr dixit Prof.:

The diseases which produce Dhatu Shaithilya like Pandu, Prameha can affect Asthi in long term .

[1/18, 9:34 AM] pawan madan Dr:

Ji.....upar waaleme...7th point haii...equally important

[1/18, 9:38 AM] Upendr dixit Prof. Goa:

As per the reasons, we have to select medicines as well as Aushadha Sevana Kala. e.g. for Agni and Dhatvagni Deepana, Samana Kala  ( Madhya Bhojana). For improving functions of Vyana, after meals. To provide nourishment for Asthi, Vyana Kala is to be used, because Vyana performs Dhatu Vyoohana.

[1/18, 9:39 AM] satyendra ojha sir:

Vaidya upendra ji ....???

[1/18, 9:41 AM] satyendra ojha sir:

Dhaatvaagni , dhaatu vaahi srotas , and dhaatu poshaka rasavaahi vyaana vaata are 3 important components in production of anupahata dhaatu..

[1/18, 9:41 AM] Upendr dixit Prof. Goa:

Padmaka- Kitta (Mandoora)Yoga for providing Bala to Asthi . As per the guidance of Vaidyaraj Datar Shastri.

[1/18, 9:42 AM] AS Kulkarni Dr.:

 The increased kshara dharma in rakta to be considered. The raktapittaj vyadhis should be classified as amla and kshara pradhan. I use bhringaraj taila in amla pradhan pathology while jaswand amla tail in kshara pradhan pathology.

[1/18, 9:43 AM] Upendr dixit Prof.:

For moving out Leena Pitta, initially Paripathadi Kwatha. Then medicines for improving Asthi Bala.

[1/18, 9:45 AM] ‪+91 99499 66081‬:

How is the result of bhringarajasava internally? Does it help in improving dhatvagni at medas to asthi.

[1/18, 9:47 AM] AS Kulkarni Dr.:

As vd upendra ji said use of Paripathadi kadha, rajani yog, jingi sharadi and panchkashay guggul according to pathophysiology. Then for regeneration and strengthening use padmak kitta or shrung kitta.

[1/18, 9:51 AM] Upendr dixit Prof.:

We have to decide whether Asava Kalpana is suitable for the patient. Bhringarajasava perfoms Mala Shodhana and therefore Srotoshuddhi. So Poshana is made available to Dhatus.

[1/18, 10:03 AM] satyendra ojha sir:

No one talking about tikta shrita ghrita & kshīra ??

[1/18, 10:09 AM] Vinay Chodhry Dr.:

Two kalpas r vry important - narsimharasayanam - vajikarna prakaran and Guggulu tiktakam ( vat vyadhi ) but only after assessments of doshas n dushyas ... Selection of aushad is possible ...For male pattern kapla FM vajikarna prakaran having keshya properties that too according to dosha predominance...

 Prapaundrikatailam ext.and for nasyam in pitta predominant cases.

[1/18, 10:14 AM] ‪+91 99499 66081‬:

If cause is inadequate nutrition or absorption with or without history of illness then

Deepana, pachan, srotoshodhan, dhatuposhan may be the direction we must take I infer.

[1/18, 10:17 AM] Vinay Chodhry Dr.:

Pawan sir have u seen anyone becoming bald after using shami phala.....

[1/18, 10:17 AM] ‪+91 99499 66081‬:

I have found Narasimha rasayan very useful in hormonal imbalances in female. It also arrests hair loss. About male pattern of baldness have not achieved results with this yog.

[1/18, 10:19 AM] Upendr dixit Prof. Goa:

In her MD study Vd. Mrs. Madhavilata Dixit worked on that.

[1/18, 10:23 AM] satyendra ojha sir:

Please share here.

[1/18, 10:26 AM] ‪+91 99499 66081‬:

Lot of posts on onion juice application on scalp on FB has anybody tried it? If it works what is the mechanism behind? 

[1/18, 10:30 AM] Dr Yogita Jamdade:

One of the my patients has reported it useful in palitya sir

[1/18, 10:31 AM] pawan madan Dr:

Not exactly shamiphala.......but upon taking history....the one who is taking more teekshana dravyas do have this...

[1/18, 10:32 AM] Dr Yogita Jamdade AP: Asthimajja pachak is also useful in keshapata.

[1/18, 10:34 AM] ‪+91 99499 66081‬:

Thank you !

[1/18, 10:52 AM] ‪+91 99228 93920‬:

Yaar koi mera khalitya dur karega kya? 45 saal ki umar mai se log vruddha vaidya bolane lage hai....

[1/18, 10:54 AM] satyendra ojha sir:

Dr Pawan Madan ji , please , help vruddha Vaidya shriprasad ji !

[1/18, 10:56 AM] ‪+91 98903 12002‬:

I think I m also on d verge of following वृद्धवैद्य परंपरा ..

[1/18, 10:57 AM] satyendra ojha sir:

Then , me not ...

[1/18, 11:04 AM] satyendra ojha sir:

जन-सामान्य में प्रायः ऐसे उदाहरण सुनने में आते रहते हैं कि कुछ लोग संयमित और संतुलित भोजन लेने के बावजूद बीमार हो गये, जबकि कुछ लोग उल्टे-सीधे खानपान के बाद भी स्वस्थ रहे आते हैं।

लगभग 5000 वर्ष पूर्व का एक दृष्टान्त देखने पर स्पष्ट होता है कि आत्रेय के शिष्य अग्निवेश ने ठीक यही प्रश्न अपने गुरु से किया था: “भगवन! देखने में आता है कि हितकारी आहार का उपयोग करते हुये भी कुछ लोग रोगी हो जाते हैं, जबकि अहितकारी आहार लेते हुये भी कुछ लोग निरोगी देखे जाते हैं। ऐसी स्थिति में क्या अच्छा है और क्या बुरा इसकी पहचान कैसे की जाये?”

इस प्रश्न का जो उत्तर आत्रेय ने दिया, उससे भिन्न उत्तर आज के तथाकथित वैज्ञानिक युग में भी नहीं दिया जा सका। आत्रेय का उत्तर था:

“अग्निवेश! हितकारी आहार करने वाले लोगों में आहार के कारण होने वाले रोग उत्पन्न नहीं होते और हितकारी आहार लेने मात्र से समस्त रोगों का भय दूर नहीं हो जाता। हानिकारक भोजन के अलावा भी रोगों के तमाम कारण, जैसे ऋतुओं का विपरीत होना, प्रज्ञापराध या जानबूझकर गलती करना, शब्द, स्पर्श, रूप, रस, गंध का अतियोग, मिथ्या योग एवं विषम योग आदि ऐसे कारण हैं जो उचित भोजन लेने के बावजूद भी इन्सान को बीमार कर देते हैं। इसीलिये हितकारी आहार लेने वाले रोगी हो जाते देखे जाते हैं। हानिकारक आहार का उपयोग करने वालों में पथ्य, आहार, व शरीर की स्थिति में भिन्नता होने से हानिकारक आहार तुरन्त हानि नहीं पहुंचा पाते। सभी अपथ्य बराबर दोष वाले नहीं होते, न ही सभी दोष बराबर बलवान होते, और न सभी शरीर व्याधिक्षमत्व या रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता से संपन्न होते। इस बात में कोई संदेह नहीं है कि एक ही अपथ्य आहार जगह, समय, संयोग, वीर्य, व मात्रा की भिन्नता के कारण या ज्यादा खा लेने से और अधिक अपथ्य हो जाता है।”

उत्तर तो और भी विस्तृत है, पर अंत में आत्रेय यह भी बताते हैं कि बहुत मोटे या बहुत दुबले लोग, रक्त, मांस, व अस्थियों के सुसंगठित न होने के कारण बेडौल शरीर वाले लोग, दुर्बल, अल्पसत्त्व या कमजोर मनोबल वाले लोगों में रोगों को सहने की क्षमता नहीं होती। जबकि इनके उलट लक्षणों वाले लोगों में रोगों को सहने की क्षमता होती है। इन अपथ्य आहारों, दोषों व शरीर की भिन्नता के कारण बीमारियाँ भी कम या ज्यादा, जल्दी या देर से उत्पन्न होती हैं।

सारांश में कहें तो स्वस्थ रहने के लिये हितकारी भोजन आवश्यक तो है किन्तु अपने आप में पर्याप्त नहीं है।

आत्रेय के इस उत्तर को आयुर्वेद की उस समग्रता में देखना आवश्यक है जिसे मैं आयुर्वेद के सात रक्षा-कवचों का सिद्धांत कहना पसंद करता हूँ। आहार, विहार, स्वस्थवृत्त, सद्वृत्त, पंचकर्म, रसायन व औषधि जीवन तथा मृत्यु के मध्य आयुर्वेद के सात रक्षा-कवच हैं। जब तक इन सात रक्षा-कवचों को मजबूत न रखा जाये तब तक बीमारियों से बचाव और स्वस्थ रहना संभव नहीं है। शरीर का व्याधिक्षमत्व या इम्यूनिटी अन्ततोगत्वा इन्हीं सात रक्षा-कवचों की दीर्घकालिक स्थिति से निर्धारित होती है।

---दीप नारायण पाण्डेय

[1/18, 11:06 AM] satyendra ojha sir:

Dr deep Narayan Pandey ji is great scholar of Ayurveda , his knowledge is very deep and broad ranged .. I salute his approach to ayurved

[1/18, 5:17 PM] ‪+91 93261 90749‬:

सुश्रुतोक्त नित्य नावन नस्यार्ह  -

[1/19, 6:43 PM] Vd Sandeep Hase: 


9. Some foods like SHAMI PHALA

As per yesterday's discussion on khalitya....No need of oil application for every pateint.                              

A pt of 32 yrs old having male pattern baldness,his scalp oily in nature at first coming with complain of itching in scalp and hairfall.

So we apply leech on scalp 
My opinion is hirvudin in leech maintain liquidity of blood (our scalp already enrich with maximum blood supply) and creat fresh plasma in scalp ,and also cleda and ama pachan proceed,resulting in to availibility of nutreint for growth of hair
Sharing one pt result before and after 3 month..



[1/19, 6:44 PM] Vd Sandeep Hase: Before treatment

[1/19, 6:45 PM] Vd Sandeep Hase: After 1and half month

[1/19, 6:46 PM] Vd Sandeep Hase: After 3 month

[1/19, 7:07 PM] ‪+91 98904 10382‬: Wow...grt

[1/19, 7:19 PM] Dr Akash Kembhavi: 

Brilliant results. Congratulations !

[1/19, 7:21 PM] anand pande: @⁨Vd Sandeep Hase⁩

[1/19, 7:27 PM] Somraj Kharche Dr. KC: Great Sir...

[1/19, 7:35 PM] Vd Sandeep Hase: 

2 to 3 leeches does not making any changes, apply 8  to 10 leeches at same time, getting same result in another pateints ...

[1/19, 7:50 PM] Priyanka Ingle Vd.: 

This is indeed amazing 
Very good thought process and application 
Thank you for sharing.

[1/19, 7:50 PM] venugopal Dr.: 

This is a case of Alopecia areata multilocularis. Not male pattern baldness. please review the image again....

[1/19, 7:51 PM] Vd Goutam Jogad: 

Wonderful results

What should be max age  to treat pt of hair fall.

[1/19, 7:52 PM] venugopal Dr.: 

No need to amaze. Hair regrowth vary much possible in A. areata.

[1/19, 7:54 PM] venugopal Dr.: 

But not in Baldness...

[1/19, 7:56 PM] satyendra ojha sir: 

Yes , I am agreed with you, too many cases are dealt with applications of Brihati, ritha, chitraka, without jalaukaavachaarana..

[1/19, 8:05 PM] Vd Sandeep Hase: 

Theoratically i don't ve much idea about all patern of baldness, but their is presence of hair root or black dot in our Scalp and age is younger (tarunvastha, uttam dhatubal, sahanan), then their is much possibilities of hair regrowth.

[1/19, 8:08 PM] Gujjarwar S. Prof.: 

Wonderful job dr. Sandeep ji. रक्तमोक्षण अाधी चिकित्सा है रक्तदुष्टीगत विकार मे.....

[1/19, 8:09 PM] venugopal Dr.: 

I see min 15 case of Alopecia cases per month. So thought to correct the diagnosis.

[1/19, 8:10 PM] Vd Sandeep Hase: Sir , agree !

[1/19, 8:14 PM] satyendra ojha sir: 

Yes , Prof Venu Garu , you are senior, so, you must correct if there is imperfect diagnosis..

[1/19, 8:17 PM] Gujjarwar S. Prof.: 

I  appreciate the work. 
Because many Ayurveda doctors not also try for Ayurveda therapis /procedures which are very much effective. 
 He is doing something of ayurveda conscept means we have to appreciate his work. Its my personal opinion. 

Thanks Prof. Vd. Venugopal ji & Prof. Ojha sir ji for additional experience knowledge sharing.

[1/19, 8:19 PM] satyendra ojha sir: 

Yes, definitely, this work is done by younger, he must be encouraged, his efforts are really good..

[1/19, 8:21 PM] Vd Sandeep Hase:

I know each time same path not working. But result opens different way of working by boosting my confidence.

[1/19, 8:27 PM] venugopal Dr.: 

I too really appreciate your work.
I shall give a clue on what exactly condition your line of treatment work.
  Just go throw these lines.

[1/19, 8:27 PM] venugopal Dr.: 

When healthy hair is pulled out, at most a few should come out, and ripped hair should not be distributed evenly across the tugged portion of the scalp. In cases of alopecia areata, hair will tend to pull out more easily along the edge of the patch where the follicles are already being attacked by the body's immune system than away from the patch where they are still healthy.

[1/19, 8:32 PM] venugopal Dr.: 

Roma koopanugam raktam pittena sahmurchanam
I think this Indralupta samprapti can be correlated with Auto immume reaction on dermal papilla of the hair follicle.
@Ojha sir, your kind concerns pls..

[1/19, 8:37 PM] pawan madan Dr: 

Appreciable work Sandeep ji.

But agree with Venu sir.

This type of alopecia is curable commonly.

Even u rub any teekshna oil mixed with white onion juice three four times a day and hair start coming in 15-20 days.

The real challenge is still baldness.

Even if we are able to increase the hair density ....leaving aside will be an achievement......

[1/19, 8:39 PM] satyendra ojha sir: 

Yes , here , autoimmune phenomenon is involved.
Alopecia areata is a hair-loss condition which usually affects the scalp. Alopecia areata causes one or more patches of hair loss. It is an autoimmune disorder, in which the immune system attacks hair follicles, is believed to cause alopecia areata.

[1/19, 8:41 PM] satyendra ojha sir: 

Once you applied bhallataka on patches of hair loss in ayurved college Shiroda Goa.. 
Prof. Gujjarwar ji !

[1/19, 8:42 PM] pawan madan Dr: 

And in this auto immune has been very difficult to design a ingle chikitsaa sutra......every different patient of loss of hai presents with different samprapti......

[1/19, 8:42 PM] venugopal Dr.: 

I observed majority of the pts that's about 80% are of Pittaprakruti ,pitta nadi and pitta age group.

[1/19, 8:42 PM] Vd Sandeep Hase: 

Thank  u sir, giving me good guideline.

[1/19, 8:43 PM] pawan madan Dr: 

Thats really observation is also same...but still doing only pittashaamak chikitsaa is *not working*..
there is always need to see aavaran or some other factors......

[1/19, 8:44 PM] pawan madan Dr: Not working...always....

[1/19, 8:46 PM] Ranjit Nimbalkar Prof.: 

Hair growth is there but diffused and white hair..

[1/19, 8:47 PM] Ranjit Nimbalkar Prof.: 

What prognosis to expect ?

[1/19, 8:47 PM] Ranjit Nimbalkar Prof.: Pls guide Venu sir

[1/19, 8:47 PM] pawan madan Dr: 

Rub ichabhedi rasa mixed with white onion juice added to kayakalp tail of patanjali.....rub for 1-2 mins 4-5 times a day.

[1/19, 8:47 PM] venugopal Dr.: 

I have treated these kind of presentations with just Jayapala tailam my own formularion ,that we discussed several times..

[1/19, 8:48 PM] Vd Goutam Jogad: 

Gunja siddha tail also works in such conditions.

[1/19, 8:48 PM] Ranjit Nimbalkar Prof.: 

Yes sir... I have given him Jaipal tailam...

[1/19, 8:48 PM] Ranjit Nimbalkar Prof.: 

He is also taking some rx from some skin specialist.

[1/19, 8:49 PM] venugopal Dr.: 

Internally Patoladi kashayam tab 2 tab 3 times.

[1/19, 8:49 PM] Ranjit Nimbalkar Prof.: 

But even after joint effort (double engine), result not moving further.

[1/19, 8:50 PM] venugopal Dr.: 

Was he had any steroid shots on scalp....

[1/19, 8:50 PM] pawan madan Dr: 

Kriminashak chiktsaa for 2-3 months is required.

[1/19, 8:51 PM] Ranjit Nimbalkar Prof.: 

No sir... Some lotion application only....

[1/19, 8:52 PM] Ranjit Nimbalkar Prof.: 

I asked about its details... Hoping to get them on this follow up.

[1/19, 8:55 PM] venugopal Dr.: 

Examine scalp skin of the patches.
If there is fibrosis, hair regrowth takes much longer time. May be 9 to 12 months.
This is what i observed....

[1/19, 8:56 PM] Vd Sandeep Hase: 

Sir try prachan karma ,palash kshar application ,ichabhedi rasa lepa,Hairzone spray (himalaya)..
Raktaprasadak chikitsa
Kruminashak chikitsa

[1/19, 8:57 PM] Vd Goutam Jogad: 

Max age limit for hair regrowth as per ur observation sir ?

[1/19, 9:00 PM] venugopal Dr.: 

I can say 38 yrs Max. I didn't come across at my clinc so far A. areata pts more than this age.

[1/19, 9:48 PM] Ranjit Nimbalkar Prof.: 

No fibrosis sir.. 

Also, I'm more interested in its probable modern dx and pathology behind it.. 

[1/19, 10:03 PM] Ranjit Nimbalkar Prof.: 

And why white coloured hair growth on scalp...?

And why progress is stopped after a good start....?

[1/19, 10:05 PM] satyendra ojha sir: 

It means that treatment plan is not effective....

[1/19, 10:11 PM] Gujjarwar S. Prof. Shalya: 

Yes sir. 
Thank you for remembering that bhallatak oil application. 

Also i used Jaipal past,  white Japa pushpa swaras & प्रच्छान कर्म  in different cases of खालित्य & इंद्रलुप्त .

[1/19, 10:13 PM] Gujjarwar S. Prof.: 

Nice discussion on evidence based Ayurveda.

[1/19, 10:21 PM] Gujjarwar S. Prof.: 

yes sir.

[1/19, 10:35 PM] Vd Vinaya Ballakur: 

Coconut shell oil application daily for a week. Then when area shows hair growth ( becomes rough) apply bhringamalaka thailam externally. Internally bhringrajasava and Ashwagandha churna to manage stress. It is often seen after  patient goes through a stressful phase.

[1/19, 10:35 PM] vivek savant Vd.: It is available in market ?

[1/19, 10:36 PM] Vd Vinaya Ballakur: 

I think it's available. But I advise the patient to prepare the oil at home as it has to be applied hot.

[1/19, 10:37 PM] vivek savant Vd.: 

I search so many times at oil depot and in 'ghani' called in marathi but no available.

[1/19, 10:39 PM] Vd Vinaya Ballakur: 

A mature shell is kept on fire until it turns red hot. At a point it starts giving out drops of brown thick oil. If a plate is kept underneath it can be collected and immediately applied to area. There is slight burning which can be tolerated.

[1/19, 10:40 PM] ‪+91 98851 62380‬: 

Anybody tried  vibheetaki phala majja?

[1/19, 10:40 PM] vivek savant Vd.: 

I heard about mukhdushika it is useful.

[1/19, 10:41 PM] mamta bhagwt: 

Thank you for information Vinaya ji..

[1/19, 10:42 PM] Prof. hrishikesh mhetre: 

For DG experts/enthusiastic people ...
Names are in local marathi ... From kokan ... From aअ to haह

[1/19, 10:48 PM] vinayak Dr: 

What abt  premature grey hair . It's treatable ?

[1/19, 10:48 PM] vivek savant Vd.: 

Venu sir !
so many times in my some pts hair grown seen regularly bt suddenly hairfall occurs in 2 to 3 days then what should be d reason ?

In my one pt good hair growth is there and in two days all hairs are on pillow 

Pls sir

We should consider about dhatwagnimandya?

[1/19, 10:50 PM] vivek savant: 

He is krush tipical vat prakruti  indralupt since 4 yrs of his  age.

[1/19, 10:53 PM] Vd Vinaya Ballakur: 

If results are not seen for long time or if patient has recurring indralupta then simultaneously stress management should be planned.

[1/19, 10:56 PM] vivek savant: 

Now his age 24 yrs 
Stress lenevala bilkul nahi hai like khushalchendu...

[1/19, 10:58 PM] ‪+91 98851 62380‬: 

Narasimha rasayana is drug of choice for this case.

[1/19, 10:59 PM] vivek savant: Tried it for a long time.

[1/19, 11:00 PM] ‪+91 98851 62380‬: Is he non-vegetarian?

[1/19, 11:01 PM] vivek savant: Yes ! nonvegetarian.

[1/19, 11:02 PM] vivek savant: 

So many times after treatment he has hairs on his scalp bt after some months totally hair loss.

[1/19, 11:03 PM] ‪+91 98851 62380‬: 

Advice him to stop eating broiler chickens and eggs. Check the lifestyle and eliminate all the avrishyas like seedless fruits, watermelon, sigru seeds, nidra viparyaya

[1/19, 11:04 PM] vivek savant: 

He has less apetite  at his age of 4 to 8yrs 
Now he is engineer and football player.

[1/19, 11:05 PM] ‪+91 98851 62380‬: 

What all the oushada you tried?

[1/19, 11:10 PM] vivek savant: 

In balyavastha krimighn kafaghn there is hair growth now panchtikt ghrut guggul raktpachak paripathadi kawath teladi churn cont of teel amalaki bhringraj 

Viddha karm and jalaukavacharan also done per month vaman also done now hairs on scalp smashru is seen axilary and inguinal hairs r seen bt don't know why loss is there.....

[1/19, 11:19 PM] ‪+91 98851 62380‬: 

Sir please provide his Astha sthana and dasavidha Pariksha. Dosha, dushya, srotovikruti.

[1/20, 12:04 AM] M gopikrishnan Dr.: 

Is referred as vishwamitra kapala taila , can be prepared easily by patala yantra (like bhallataka taila extraction) method.abundantly.very useful in kustha..

[1/20, 12:14 AM] Dr. Chandrakant : 

Correct it should be applied hot.
 White colour turns there after.

[1/20, 7:12 AM] Vd Vinaya Ballakur: 

Thanks for the Ayurvedic name and process of the oil Gopi sir.

[1/20, 7:16 AM] Vd Vinaya Ballakur: 

Thank you sir. This oil gives great results. And quick too. Nourishment in the form of a keshya oil if provided at the time of appearance of new hair , it leads to healthy black growth of hair.

[1/20, 7:18 AM] Vd. Dilkhus m tmboli: 

I am using it in त्वक विकार ...(In vaat pradhan twak vikar)
I think there is thesis in jaam nagar on Vishwakapal Tail...

[1/20, 7:20 AM] Vd Vinaya Ballakur: 

Haven't tried in tvak vikar yet but shall try. Any specific vata Pradhan tvak vikar you recommend it ?

[1/20, 7:23 AM] Vd Vinaya Ballakur: 

Khalitya in indralupta can also be inferred as a vata vikruti I think.

[1/20, 7:26 AM] vivek savant: 

I never use bt heard for mukhdushika by very senior vaidya
He claimed by application of this tail mukhdushika totally goes.

[1/20, 7:31 AM] mamta bhagwt: 

No it's Romakoopa gata  kapha that blocks hair growth.

[1/20, 7:33 AM] vivek savant: 

It is kaf and pitta 
Pitta kaf according to hetu age...

[1/20, 7:33 AM] vivek savant: I think

[1/20, 7:33 AM] Vd Vinaya Ballakur: 

That is why it is not seen in older ages probably.

[1/20, 7:45 AM] Vd Sandeep Hase: 

Making of oil so easy,but Is it  necessary to make small holes on cocunt shell before procedure ,either chances of bursting ,plz tell us exact idea...

[1/20, 7:50 AM] mamta bhagwt: 

Specifically in palitya, romakoopaanugata pitta that makes paka in Romakoopa and turns hair white.

In indralupta, roomakoopa Gata kapha that blocks hair growth. So prachchanna karma to remove block is prime line of treatment. 

In khalitya again pitta that makes Roma chyuti and baldness occurs.

[1/20, 7:52 AM] Somraj Kharche Dr. KC: 

विश्वामित्र कपाल स्नेह को मुखदुषिका के लिए मैंने एक लड़की को दिया था। लड़की अगले हप्ते चेहरे पे बड़ा ulcer लेके आयी। 
फिर तुरंत मैं उस पेशंट को बघेल सर के पास लेके गया। सर ने ट्रीट किया और वो ठीक भी हुई। उस दिन बघेल सर ने बोला कि विश्वामित्र कपाल स्नेह उष्ण होता है। संभाल के उपयोग करना।
खैर, उसके बाद मैंने कभी उपयोग ही नही किया !

[1/20, 7:56 AM] M gopikrishnan Dr.: 

Very true , when we used to prepare this oil , few drops of this oil fell over a students hand , literally burnt his hand.

[1/20, 7:56 AM] M gopikrishnan Dr.: 

I don't know if it is to be diluted and to be applied.

[1/20, 7:56 AM] vivek savant Ayu: 

जल जाता है ये भी मैंने सुना था इसलिए अभी तक use नही किया !

[1/20, 7:57 AM] Somraj Kharche Dr.: 

हा सर, बघेल सर सोरायसिस के पेशंट में dilute करके ही उपयोग में लाते थे !

[1/20, 7:57 AM] M gopikrishnan Dr.: 

It's one among the 1000 practical we did in our pg studies

[1/20, 7:57 AM] Vd Vinaya Ballakur: 

After the coconut is cut and the inside scrapped , only the cut shell is to be kept on fire.. So no chances of bursting. After some time we can hear a sound like a liquid oozing. Then remove from fire and  immediately  collect oil drop by drop on a plate kept underneath.

[1/20, 7:58 AM] M gopikrishnan Dr.: 

Inn patala yantra method , there is no problem , can collect it easily.

[1/20, 7:59 AM] M gopikrishnan Dr.: 

Only shell is added.
 Inn form of small pieces.

[1/20, 7:59 AM] Vd Sandeep Hase: Thank u ,i will try it.

[1/20, 7:59 AM] Vd Vinaya Ballakur: 

For indralupta apply as it is. If patient is a very young child coconut oil may be mixed with it.

[1/20, 8:05 AM] Vd Vinaya Ballakur: 

Oh. When we collect in plate, the temperature reduces to a safe level. Direct application from shell to skin might cause burn definitely.

[1/20, 8:06 AM] M gopikrishnan Dr.: 

Inn patala yantra method, we collect the oil the next day, by that time the oil is cold enough.

[1/20, 8:08 AM] Vd Vinaya Ballakur: 

You might be getting good quantity of oil by this method sir. In the direct method , drawback is the quantity of oil. .

[1/20, 8:09 AM] M gopikrishnan Dr.: 

It's very high and thick like eranda tailam.

[1/20, 8:14 AM] pawan madan Dr: 

Wonderful discussion...Thank You all.....

[1/20, 8:14 AM] satyendra ojha sir: 

great discussion, ayurvedapeeth family to new heights.

[1/20, 8:16 AM] vivek savant: 

सर जी मेरे प्रश्न का अभी तक उत्तर नही मिला !

[1/20, 8:18 AM] satyendra ojha sir: Is it for me ?

[1/20, 8:18 AM] vivek savant Ayu Pth: आप को भी सर

[1/20, 8:19 AM] Vinay Chodhry Dr.: 

U can get vishwamitra kapal tail as chirratai tailam from sidha pharmacy in sidha it is used for lekhana karma in kusta but only after dillution ...Skm prepares it through patal yantra ...

[1/20, 8:23 AM] ‪+91 80873 68745‬: 

One can prepare malhar from vishmamitr kapal oil

[1/20, 10:52 AM] venugopal Dr.: 

Baldness no where related to Indralupta,khalitya including Nidana, Samprapti,and chikitsa.
It's a blunder majority of the vaidyas having opinion that Baldness is Indralupta. But it's Alopecia areata and variants
Just my personal opinion out of years if observation over hundreds of patients.
Anyone may differ.

[1/20, 11:26 AM] ‪+91 94225 92068‬: 

In our internship day, we hv used kasis karanjadi lepa for indralupta with good effects in Ayurvedic department of Sasoon Hospital.

[1/20, 11:37 AM] ‪+91 94225 92068‬: 

Lepa is from sushrut vrana chikitsa, also known as रोमसंजनन लेप.

कासिसं नक्तमालस्य पल्लावांश्चैव संहरेत।

कपित्थरस पिष्टानि रोमसंजननं परम।।

[1/20, 11:56 AM] mamta bhagwt: 

Very much right sir, 

Baldness is khalitya.

Where as *patchy hair loss is indralupta.* 

If sarva daihika hair loss is present it is Rujya or Ruhya.. 

Very clearly mentioned by Acharya Sushrutha. So no scope for confusion and blunders here.

[1/20, 12:16 PM] venugopal Dr.: 

Indralupta and khalitya both are same in which there is patchy hair loss that not just limited to scalp any where in the body
Indralupta -Hair loss of moustache-  Alopecia areata barbe
Khalitya- Total hair loss of scalp and hair Don't regrow-Alopecia totalis
Ruhya- Hair loss all over body -Alopecia universalis
No connection with baldness.

[1/20, 1:03 PM] venugopal Dr.: 

Just came for consultation
A case of Diffuse alopecia areata.

Alopecia areata incognita, also known as diffuse alopecia areata, is a rare form of alopecia areata described predominantly in young women. In cases of alopecia areata incognita, the typical patchy distribution of hair loss in classical alopecia areata is absent, but abrupt and intense hair loss is characteristic.

[1/20, 3:20 PM] Dr Akash Meshram: 

I too have one patient. guide the best possible way to treat such case

[1/20, 6:13 PM] Pawan mali Dr.: 

In Jamnagar phd level work is carried out on vishvamitra kapal tail along with lepa in combination with bakuci ..jeerak ..shahajeerak...and three other contain 15 years back around 2002 in rasashastra dept with good results in case of indralupta....local application of ashvakanchuki rasa yields very good results...aim of treatment is to relieve y at keshmula any ushna tikshna dravya for local application and after hair growth started treatment with keshya drugs will be helpful...nice inputs by all experts..

[1/20, 8:25 PM] sachin chndalia Vd: Yes pavan sir...


Above discussion held on 'Ayurveda Peetha"(initiated by Prof. S.N. Ojha) a Famous WhatsApp group of  well known Vaidyas from all over the India. 

Compiled & edited by

Dr.Surendra A. Soni
M.D.,PhD (KC)
Associate Professor
Dept. of Kaya-chikitsa
Govt. Ayurveda College
Vadodara Gujarat, India.
Mobile No. +91 9408441150


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Compiled  by Dr.Surendra A. Soni M.D.,PhD (KC) Associate Professor Dept. of Kaya-chikitsa Govt. Ayurveda College Vadodara Gujarat, India. Email: Mobile No. +91 9408441150


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