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An effort to Understand the difference in ‘Anyoanyavritta-vata’ & ‘Doshaavritta-vata-bheda’ based on Charaka-samhita Vatavyadhi Chikitsa Chapter.


An effort to Understand the difference in ‘Anyoanyavritta-vata’ & ‘Doshaavritta-vata-bheda’ based on Charaka-samhita Vatavyadhi Chikitsa- 28.


Vibheda-Bindu (Differencial Point)





It has been mentioned under the heading of Vata-vyadhi in Ch. Chi. 28. It is specific type of pathology caused by affection of types of Vata-dosha by another type, hence no independent entitled as disease or Vyadhi. It does considered as Vatavyadhi.


It has been mentioned under the heading of Vataa-vyadhi in Ch. Chi. 28. It is specific type of pathology caused by affection of  types of Vata-dosha associated with Kapha & Pitta etc, hence no independent entitled as disease or Vyadhi. It does considered as Vatavyadhi.


Nidan Panchak

As per  Vata-vyadhi.

As per  Vata-vyadhi but consideration of Pitta & Kapha as Aavarak is essential.



Usually as per Vata-vyadhi and mainly ‘Dhatukshayatmak’ mentioned in Ch.Chi.-28.

Chiefly as per ‘Aavarak’ associated Vata-aavarak-dosha-prakopa Nidanas.


Anya Dosha-chintan

(Consideration of Other Dosha)

Usually no or very less consideration of Kapha & Pitta.

Being ‘Aavarak’ & ‘Aavritta’ phenomenon in pathology, Aavarak is  usually other than Vata-dosha, like Pitta & Kapha usually these are exaggerated/vitiated leading to obstruction in channels for the movement of the specific type of Vata-dosha. 


Independent due to Dhatu-kshaya.


Not Independent due to ‘Margavarodha’ of specific type of Vatadosha by vitiated Kapha/pitta.



We should assume that Usually Dooshya gets kshaya (decrease qualitatively as well as quantitatively) condition hence leading to reactive Vata-prakopa including its all 5 types as per principle

‘dehe srotansi riktani poorayita anilo bali’.

(Ch. Chi.-28/18)

It may be in Koshtha, Shakha or Marmasthisandhi or Indriya; all together. It must me noted that Acharya didn’t mention the exaggeration/ vitiation of dooshyas here but we should understand that severity of the symptomatology is indicative of  severe involvements of  dooshyas that may be said ‘unukta’(or not disclosed)

Kapha/Pitta or Dooshyas are  so  much exaggerated/ vitiated here that they do obstruct the path of  all 5 types of Vata-dosha. Above vitiation is also due to associated Vata-prakopa. Vitiated Vatadosha first vitiates Kapha/Pitta  then after  specific type of Vatadosha itself gets obstructed by vitiated  Pitta & Kapha as per the principle

‘Kupitah(Vata) tou samuddhooya tatra tatraakshipan gadaan !

Karoti aavrittamaargatvaad rasaadeen ch upashoshayeta !!

(Ch. Chi.-28/60)


Clinical Presentation

Usually Signs & Symptoms are very severe or terminal especially where Prana/udan vayu get involved as per principle..

Visheshat jivitam pran-udane sanshritam balam !

Syat tayoh peedanat hanirayushashch balasya cha !!

(Ch. Chi.-234-35)



Usually Signs & Symptoms are severe  but milder in comparison to Anyoanyavritta vatadosha,  especially where Prana/udan vayu get involved as per principle..

Visheshat jivitam pran-udane sanshritam balam !

Syat tayoh peedanat hanirayushashch balasya cha !!

(Ch. Chi.-234-35)



Usually Signs & Symptoms are not mentioned as generalized, kept limited to specific area or disruption of action of specific type of vatadosha caused by Kapha & Pitta as Aavarak.


In context to other Dooshyas, simultaneous vitiation of individual Dooshya has not been mentioned that we are to understand as per description mentioned in previous chapters.




Usually As per Vikriti-sam-samaveta pattern.

Primarily Prakriti-sham-samaveta pattern because of generalized Pitta or Kapha prakopa in the path of specific type of vatadosha.



 Vata-pitta-kapha dehe sarva-sroto-anusarinah !


Avyahat-gatiryasya sthanasthah prakritou sthitah !

Vayuh syat so-adhikam jeeved veetarogah samaah shatam !

Pranodan-samanakhya vyanaapanaih sa panchadhaa !

Deham tantrayate samyak sthaneshu avyahatshcharan !!


All 5 types of vata have their specific actions, areas or sites etc these are indicative of specific types of srotasas concerned to their actions as well as areas or sites, mentioned very well in description of each vayu.

Mainly Mahasrotas including  all srotasas because Vatadosha is capable to involve any type of the srotas in the body.

Aavritta-vata-bheda phenomenon usually involve multiple srotas as per the description by Charak because of ‘Aavaran’ phenomenon where ‘Aavarak’ & ‘Aavritta’ are involved essentially.



Kooshtha, Shakha, Marmasthisandhi, Indriya etc

Kooshtha, Shakha, Marmasthisandhi.



Sattva & Sharira

Sattva & Sharira



Not mentioned anything but as per symptomatology mentioned, we can assume that it must be very Manda or Visham.

Sama, Manda, Visham, Teekshna



Not mentioned anything but it may be Saam or  Niram

Both Saam & Niram possible



All mainly Pakwashaya

All, especially as per Aavarak dosha.



Mainly Sanga because of Kshaya condition.

Mainly Vimargagami Vriddha/prakupita Kapha & Pitta that obstruct the path of  specific type of Vatadosha.







Usually Asadhya (Pranodan) or Kashtasaadhya and Asaadhya after one year.

(Ch. Chi.- 28/235)

Usually Kashtasaadhya and Asaadhya after one year.

(Ch. Chi.- 28/235)



We can understand that ‘Vayurkopo Dhatukshayaat’ phenomenon is main initiative of Samprapti & later on in case of ‘Pranodan’ involvement, Sattva-sankshobha & Ojodushti are definitely there.

‘Maargasyaavaranena ch’

As per the site of specific vatadosha and aavarak dosha either Pitta & Kapha.


Yadyasya vayornirdishtam sthanam tatra itarou sthitou !

Doshou bahuvidhaan vyadheen darshyetaam yatha nijaan !!

(Ch. Chi- 28/231-32)



It has been mentioned that ‘Avyakta lakshanam teshaam poorvaroopamiti smritam’ !

(Ch. Chi.- 28/19)

But as per the Dosha-dhatu & malas involvement, preliminary signs & Symptoms of Kshaya of individual entity can be observed. Though these are not the poorvaroopa of vatavyadhi but the presence of these may lead to vatavyadhi in the future.

Above shloka is perfectly applicable in the involvement of Pran-udan vatadosha. 

Similarly, Signs & Symptoms of Vitiated Kapha / Pitta, responsible as ‘Aavarak’,  can be observed in the body.  Though these are not the poorvaroopa of vatavyadhi but the presence of these may lead to Aavaran-janit-vatavyadhi in the future. 



Not mentioned generally but the severity of symptomatology suggests that ‘Anyo-anyavaran’ phenomenon is itself a condition of complication of various types of Gambhir-marmashrita vyadhi, may be a vataja, pittaja, kaphaja, shonitaja, dwandwaja or Sannipataja.

Hridrogo vidradhih pleeha gulmo atisar ev cha !

Bhavanti upadravah teshaam aavrittanaam upekshanaat !!

(Ch. Chi.- 28/236)



Not  mentioned directly but as per the severe symptomatology, we can assume that mostly these are because of majjadhatudushti and onward involving Sattva and Ojas. 

Primarily individual Doshavritta specific Vata-dosha phenomenon described but dhatugatatva or reverse dhatugatatva is possible as per principle of Dhatvagni etc  mentioned in Ch. Chi. 15.



As per Vatavyadhi

As per  Aavarak primarily, followed by specific types of Vatadosha.







Individual line of treatment mentioned for all 12 types of ‘Anyo-anyavaran-vata-dosha’ conditions.

स्थानान्यवेक्ष्य वातानां वृद्धिं हानिं च कर्मणाम् ॥२१७॥

द्वादशावरणान्यन्यान्यभिलक्ष्य भिषग्जितम् ।

कुर्यादभ्यञ्जनस्नेहपानबस्त्यादि१ सर्वशः ॥२१८॥

क्रममुष्णमनुष्णं वा व्यत्यासादवचारयेत् ।

उदानं योजयेदूर्ध्वमपानं चानुलोमयेत् ॥२१९॥

समानं शमयेच्चैव त्रिधा व्यानं तु योजयेत् ।

प्राणो रक्ष्यश्चतुर्भ्योऽपि स्थाने ह्यस्य स्थितिर्ध्रुवा ॥२२०॥

स्वं स्थानं गमयेदेवं वृतानेतान् विमार्गगान् ।


Swam sthanam gamayedevam vrittan etan vimargaan !!

(Ch. Chi.- 28/217-21)

Individual line of treatment mentioned for all 11 types of ‘Aavrittavata’ conditions.

Below the general line of treatment instructed.

भिषग्जितमतः सम्यगुपलक्ष्य समाचरेत् ॥२३८॥

अनभिष्यन्दिभिः स्निग्धैः स्रोतसां शुद्धिकारकैः ।

कफपित्ताविरुद्धं यद्यच्च वातानुलोमनम् ॥२३९॥

सर्वस्थानावृतेऽप्याशु तत् कार्यं मारुते हितम् ।

यापना बस्तयः प्रायो मधुराः सानुवासनाः ॥२४०॥

प्रसमीक्ष्य बलाधिक्यं मृदु वा स्रंसनं हितम् ।

रसायनानां सर्वेषामुपयोगः प्रशस्यते ॥२४१॥

शैलस्य जतुनोऽत्यर्थं पयसा गुग्गुलोस्तथा ।

लेहं वा भार्गवप्रोक्तमभ्यसेत् क्षीरभुङ्नरः ॥२४२॥

अभयामलकीयोक्तमेकादशसिताशतम्१ ।

अपानेनावृते सर्वं दीपनं ग्राहि भेषजम् ॥२४३॥

वातानुलोमनं यच्च पक्वाशयविशोधनम् ।

इति सङ्क्षेपतः प्रोक्तमावृतानां चिकित्सितम् ॥२४४॥

प्राणादीनां भिषक् कुर्याद्वितर्क्य स्वयमेव तत् ।

पित्तावृते तु पित्तघ्नैर्मारुतस्याविरोधिभिः ॥

कफावृते कफघ्नैस्तु मारुतस्यानुलोमनैः ॥२४५॥




Not mentioned specifically.

Specifically mentioned for ‘Aavritta-vata’.



Presented by

Prof. Surendra A. Soni
M.D., Ph.D (Kayachikitsa)
Upgraded P.G. Dept. of Kayachikitsa
Govt. Akhandanand Ayurved College,
Bhadra, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
Mobile: +91 9408441150


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Compiled  by Dr.Surendra A. Soni M.D.,PhD (KC) Associate Professor Dept. of Kaya-chikitsa Govt. Ayurveda College Vadodara Gujarat, India. Email: Mobile No. +91 9408441150


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