[2/28, 7:03 PM] Vaidya Yogesh Deole: *Case report: Effect of Ayurveda treatment on Amavata and reduction in anti CCP* *Case* A 39 years old female patient (UHID-20220113117) (occupation: teacher) came with complaints of pain in both legs and all joints in the last 1 month. She was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis by rheumatologist and started immune-suppressant and analgesic medicines. Her anti CCP level on 7/1/22 was 103.7 U/ml with RA factor positive. Due to insufficient outcomes and continued pain, she came to OP Department of Kaya chikitsa, S.G Patel ayurveda hospital, New Vallabh Vidyanagar, Anand for treatment. Based on her clinical features, she was diagnosed with Amavata on 13/1/22. All allopathic medicines were stopped. The treatment protocol with deepana, pachana and anulomana medicines was fixed. *Clinical features:* Pain in all joints and morning stiffness for one month Weakness for one month *Causative factors (nidana):* Diet at irregular ti...
Kayachikitsa (Internal-medicine) Blog is a noncommercial Ayurveda Clinical Education Blog of All attached Colleges of Gujarat Ayurved University Jamnagar Gujarat India. It has aim to educate/propagate evidence based Classical Ayurveda Clinical practice among the Ayurveda Students & New practitioners.