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Ppt. :A Case study: Ayurvedic Management of Hridroga( Anticarcinogenic Drug induced Dilated Cardiomyopathy)

CASE STUDY- Ayurvedic management of Hridrog (Anticarcinogenic drug induced Dilated Cardiomyopathy) from Prof. Surendra Soni Dilated Cardiomyopathy) Video-recording of the Patient's statement in Hindi language with her permission. Presented by : Dr. Nishita  Limbachiya 2nd year PG Scholar PG Department of Kayachikitsa, Govt. Akhandanand college, Ahmadabad, Gujarat, India.  Guided by : Dr. Surendra A. Soni M.D., PhD (KC)   Professor & Head P. G. DEPT. OF KAYACHIKITSA Govt. Akhandanand Ayurveda College Ahmedabad, GUJARAT, India. Email:


  AYURVEDIC MANAGEMENT OF CHARMADALA (ECZEMA) – A CASE STUDY *Dr. Alpesh Munjani1,  **Dr. Bhagyashree Valvi2,  ***Dr. Anamika Soni3 */**2nd year PG Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa, Government Akhandanand Ayurveda College and Hospital, Bhadra, Ahmedabad, India. Email – Contact no – +91-8238223403 ***Associate Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, Government Akhandanand Ayurveda College and Hospital, Bhadra, Ahmedabad. INTRODUCTION Charmadala is one type of Kshudra kushtha with pitta-kapha dominancy. It is characterized by raktavarna (reddish discoloration), kandu (itching), sphota (blisters), twakadalana (scaling), ruk (pain), sparsh-asahatva (hyperalgesia). रक्तं सकण्डु सस्फोटं सरुग्दलति चापि यत् । तच्चर्मदलमाख्यातं संस्पर्शासहमुच्यते ॥२४॥ (Ch. Chi. 7/24) (1) Ayurveda describes every skin diseases involves tridosha and so treatment of skin disease also should be done according to doshika dominancy. (2) There are wide of range of causativ...

Review Article: Ayurvedic management of 'Pure Red Cell Aplasia' (KAPHA PRADHANA TRIDOSHAJA PANDU).

Ayurvedic management of Pure Red Cell Aplasia(KAPHA PRADHANA TRIDOSHAJA PANDU): A case study *Dr. Jigna Yadav 1 , **Dr. Komal Sathavara 2 ,    ***Vd. Anamika S. Soni 3 ****Prof. Surendra A. Soni 4 * M.D. Scholar,  **M.D. Scholar,  *** Associate Professor,   **** Professor, and HOD, PG Department of Kayachikitsa, Akhandanand   Ayurveda College, Ahmedabad. Introduction - Pure red cell aplasia is rare bone marrow failure with a normocytic anemia and reticulocytopenia with a normal count of white blood cells and platelets. Here we can correlate PRCA with Kapha Pradhana Tridoshaja P andu . Kaphaj Pandu is a type of Pandu where Lakshana of Kapha Dosha is predominant. Pandu is a Pitta Pradhana Vyadhi , in all types of Pandu pitta dosha is involved and it is the main contributing factor in Samprapti of Pandu , but according to symptoms of disease it is further divided into Vataja , Pittaja , Kaphaj , Sannipataja and Mridbhakshanajanya  P and...