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An effort to understand the mechanism of 'Vaman-virechan-vyapad'

1.        Description of ‘Vyapad’ is the best to understand the reverse pathogenesis when desired action is not performed   by body as a response to drugs induced. 2.       Five fold description mentioned above, is sufficient to understand action of final triggering Nidan or cause that finally be responsible for the mechanism of Dosha-dooshya-sammoorchhana or pathogenesis viz  Jivadan as a result of Teekshna drug in alpa-dosha along with Mridukoshthi. 3.         Pre existing Dosha-dooshya condition as well as body response may be inferred As per the presentation of signs and symptoms either acute, subacute or chronic e..g. Parikartika or Jivadan. 4.       A physician should be able to make hypothesis / identify the said pre-existing Dosha-sthiti as per the basic dash-vidh-parixa etc, and illustrated concept of ‘Vyapad’ must be helpful to unders...

Whats App Discussion series 32: Discussion on 'Galactorrhoea' by Dr. Praveen Kumar Madikonda, Dr. Sukhvir Verma and Dr. Suman Ahuja and others.

[1/8, 09:10] Dr Suman Ahuja KC:  Respected all members !! Please guide me for the treatment of galactorrhoea. Patient is 30 year old initially came to me for acne but having lactation in very less quantity.. for the last few days. Having irregular menstrual cycle. Serum prolactin level with in normal limit. Patient is of avara satva. I hv started treatment on the principles of dhatu updhatu Vridhi..... Please give expert opinion. [1/8, 09:12] Dr Suman Ahuja KC:  Last child birth was 2 years back. Natural lactation stopped one year back. [1/8, 09:13] Sukhvir Verma KC:  Use anulomak like Haritki and kumari swaras for the same. [1/8, 09:13] Tapan Vaidya ADI :  रसबल with biobliss. [1/8, 09:16] Dr Suman Ahuja KC:  Thanks Sir. Only this much is sufficient or should I add some other medicine. I hv already put her on chandraprabha vati n kanchnar Guggulu. [1/8, 09:19] Dr Suman Ahuja KC:  Bio bliss ?...

Whats App Discussion series 31: 'Cardiomyopathy' due to excessive intake of Soda as an 'Oksatmya' by Vaidya Rangaprasad ji Bhat, Dr. Ashwini Kumar Sood, Dr. Subhash Sharma and Dr. Praveen Kumar Madokonda and others

[1/5, 18:26] S A Soni:  C/o dilated cardiomyopathy  Pt. Had *oksatya* of *ksharatisevan* throughout his life until the signs and symptoms occurred in 2012 as per the sequence mentioned by Charak.....! First visual symptoms followed by marked weakness and onward up to the condition of *Hridayapakartan* or cardiomyopathy. Just the history of excessive soda intake give enough ground to make diagnosis.  Superb Acharya Agnivesh / Charak !! ३ विमानस्थानम्   १ रसविमानम्  क्षारः पुनरौष्ण्यतैक्ष्णयलाघवोपपन्नः क्लेदयत्यादौ पश्चाद्वि१शोषयति, स पचनदहनभेदनार्थमुपयुज्यते; सोऽतिप्रयुज्यमानः केशाक्षिहृदयपुंस्त्वोपघातकरः सम्पद्यते । ये ह्येनं ग्रामनगरनिगमजनपदाः सततमुपयुञ्जते त आन्ध्यषाण्ढ्यखालित्यपालित्यभा जो हृदयापकर्तिनश्च भवन्ति, तद्यथा- प्राच्याश्चीनाश्च; तस्मात् क्षारं नात्युपयुञ्जीत ॥१७॥   आयुर्वेददीपिका व्याख्या   हृदयापकर...