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PPT. Cardiac case management through Ayurveda- Prof. Dr. S. N. Ojha

Follow-up Discussion:

[1/13, 9:38 PM] Dr. Satish Jaimini Choumu, Jaipur: 

Very nice sir !

[1/13, 9:39 PM] satyendra ojha sir:

In this, I presented details of 4 Patients of cardio-vascular diseases.. please go through it.. thanks...

[1/13, 9:44 PM] Prof. Surendra A. Soni: 

Excellent Sir !
Planning for blog uploading.


[1/13, 9:44 PM] satyendra ojha sir:

Thanks... Please go through it and let me know if you have any questions...

[1/13, 9:45 PM] Prof. Surendra A. Soni: 


[1/13, 9:46 PM] Dr. Satish Jaimini Choumu, Jaipur: 

Aise dhamake karte raho sir jamane ko chamtkar chahiye...

[1/13, 9:46 PM] satyendra ojha sir: 

Thanks.. Dr Satish ji !

[1/13, 9:47 PM] Dr. Rituraj Verma:

 शत शत नमन गुरुवर💐💐💐🙏!

[1/13, 9:48 PM] Prof. Satish Panda K. C: 

Unique presentation.
💐 Rare in ayurved.

[1/13, 9:48 PM] satyendra ojha sir:

 In this PPT, I shared my drugs combination, please, changes as per individual is required..

[1/13, 9:52 PM] Dr. Satish Jaimini Choumu, Jaipur: 

अभी मुझे पता लगा जयपुर के कई डॉक्टर्स ने अपने यहाँ पंचकर्म थेरेपिस्ट रख लिए ओर सारे procedur कटी बस्ती ग्रीवाबस्ति अभ्यंगम शिरोधारा सब कर रहे हैं !

[1/13, 9:52 PM] satyendra ojha sir: 

Right, my intention is to work for common people of India..

[1/13, 9:54 PM] Dr. Satish Jaimini Choumu, Jaipur: 

अगर हम कमतर परफॉर्म किये तो फिर चुनोतियाँ पेश आएंगी ।

[1/13, 10:09 PM] Dr Manu Vats, Patiala: 

Sir ..Congratulations and Thanks  a lot for Sharing it. And I think ppts of the same patient ! 
It's a treat to learn a lot of things from this case👌🙏🙏🌷🌷Regards !

[1/13, 10:10 PM] Dr Manu Vats, Patiala: 


[1/13, 10:10 PM] satyendra ojha sir: 

Nowadays, I am working on the role of dvau trifalaa in IHD..
[1/13, 10:10 PM] satyendra ojha sir: Thanks !

[1/13, 10:16 PM] Dr. Mrityunjay Tripathi, Gorakhpur: 

Nice sir ji pranam thanks 🙏🙏🙏🙏

[1/13, 10:21 PM] satyendra ojha sir: 

Acharya Charak indicated pushkaramoola in both vaatika and Kaphaja hridroga, therefore, I started this drug in various combination in IHD, Cardio-myopathies, RHD, CHD, etc..

[1/13, 10:22 PM] Dr Manu Vats, Patiala: 

Sir query regarding 3 types of capsules.
Each capsule 500mg or 1gm and secondaly are all ingradient herbs are in equal quantity ?.
Similarly about cap hrid abhrakadi🙏

[1/13, 10:27 PM] Dr Manu Vats, Patiala: 

And pls add ..can we ask patient to take this combination of churna and boil for decoction ?

[1/13, 10:27 PM] satyendra ojha sir:

 If we refer Ch.Chi.26/84, स्यु: वात हृद्रोग विकर्तिकाघ्ना: 
आचार्य चक्रपाणी ; विकर्तिकेह हृदय परिकर्तिकाकारा वेदना..
We find that Acharya Charak had excellence in clinical practice ...

[1/13, 10:27 PM] satyendra ojha sir: 500 mg Caps

[1/13, 10:29 PM] satyendra ojha sir: 

No, not all are in equal quantity , shunthi vacha chitraka ela are 1/4th, others are same.

[1/13, 10:29 PM] satyendra ojha sir:

 Abhraka taamra bhashma 10 mg each...

[1/13, 10:30 PM] satyendra ojha sir: 

Yes, churna form, not kvaatha...

[1/13, 10:30 PM] Dr Manu Vats, Patiala:

 Ok Sir Thanks !

[1/13, 10:31 PM] satyendra ojha sir:

 We are adding bhavanaa to strengthen potency....

[1/13, 10:31 PM] satyendra ojha sir:

 7 times bhaavanaa of most of dravya in combination..

[1/13, 10:32 PM] Dr Manu Vats, Patiala: 

Sir this reference is about TRIUSHAN GHRIT.
So ghrit must be used in IHD...

[1/13, 10:32 PM] satyendra ojha sir:

 If svarasa of any dravya is available, we use svarasa, otherwise kvaatha for bhaavanaa..

[1/13, 10:33 PM] Dr Manu Vats, Patiala: 

Ok Sir..🙏

[1/13, 10:33 PM] satyendra ojha sir:

 Yes, if you see the combination , bad lipid of ghrit will be antagonized....

[1/13, 10:34 PM] Dr Manu Vats, Patiala: 

Sorry its 26/86..
26/84 is pushkarmool kvath...

[1/13, 10:34 PM] satyendra ojha sir:

 Combination is made considering all points....

[1/13, 10:34 PM] satyendra ojha sir: 

It's 84

[1/13, 10:35 PM] Dr Manu Vats, Patiala: 

Got it Sir....

[1/13, 10:35 PM] satyendra ojha sir: 

Even in this Goghrita is present..

[1/13, 10:36 PM] satyendra ojha sir: 

Believe in Charak Samhita, All is well.. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

[1/13, 10:37 PM] satyendra ojha sir: 

At present , due to social media, I have Patients from all over India..

[1/13, 10:37 PM] Dr Manu Vats, Patiala: 

Yes Sir.. 
I used to prescribe Goghrit or Arjun Ghrit..
Sir any opinion about Arjun Ghrit ?

[1/13, 10:39 PM] satyendra ojha sir:

 To be frank, I use Arjuna uncommonly.. Acharya Charak indicated Arjuna only once in Kaphaja hridroga..

[1/13, 10:40 PM] satyendra ojha sir:

 Arjuna ksheera may be better than Arjuna Ghrita , but I am not sure, sorry..

[1/13, 10:44 PM] Dr Manu Vats, Patiala: 

Hmm. Yes Sir ! you  are right.

[1/13, 10:46 PM] Dr Manu Vats, Patiala: 

Sir just going through this ghrit... dahi from Buffalo milk is mentioned.. I'm surprised as its milk known for bad cholesterol....
Why cow milk is not mentioned ?

[1/13, 10:51 PM] satyendra ojha sir:

 One best reference for you.. 
*गुडूचीस्वरसक्षीरसाधितं माहिषं घृतम् च.चि.१६/१३४*

[1/13, 10:53 PM] satyendra ojha sir: 

Vaidya Manu, always, note contents of the combination....

[1/13, 10:54 PM] Dr Manu Vats, Patiala: 

Ji Sir.. Sure !

[1/13, 10:55 PM] satyendra ojha sir:

 Wait, work on my website is likely to finish in this week..

[1/13, 10:55 PM] satyendra ojha sir:

 and my first E book on Avaranavigyaniyam will be published in the website, free for all ..

[1/13, 10:56 PM] satyendra ojha sir:

 One can get print - out...

[1/13, 10:57 PM] Dr. Mrityunjay Tripathi, Gorakhpur: 

Thanks sir ji pranam 🙏🙏 kab tak aa rahi hai sir ji 🙏🙏

[1/13, 10:59 PM] satyendra ojha sir:

 I decided to publish all my work on the website.. no price , free of cost, my opinion is not to sell the knowledge, it's to share  wholeheartedly..

[1/13, 11:00 PM] Dr Manu Vats, Patiala: 


[1/13, 11:00 PM] Dr Chandra Shekhar Sharma: 💐🙏

[1/13, 11:01 PM] Dr. Mrityunjay Tripathi, Gorakhpur: 

Bahut hi Uttam sir ji ,Charan sparsh 🙏🙏🌹🙏🙏

[1/13, 11:02 PM] satyendra ojha sir: 

I am very impressed with Vaidyaraja Subhash Sharma ji and his prizes for youngsters to promote Ayurveda.. The group is going to lead the world..🙏🙏

[1/13, 11:02 PM] Dr. Arun Rathi, Akola:

 *Sirji Pranam*


*In one word "Fabulous"*

[1/13, 11:02 PM] Dr. Arun Rathi, Akola: 


[1/13, 11:03 PM] satyendra ojha sir:

 Thanks brothers..

[1/13, 11:03 PM] Dr. Arun Rathi, Akola: 

[1/13, 11:03 PM] Dr. Mrityunjay Tripathi, Gorakhpur:


[1/13, 11:03 PM] satyendra ojha sir:

 Khush Rahiye Pandit ji !

[1/13, 11:03 PM] Dr. Mrityunjay Tripathi, Gorakhpur: 🙏🙏

[1/13, 11:04 PM] Prof. Surendra A. Soni: 

नमो नमः ।। 🙏🏻🌹🌷👏🏻😌

[1/13, 11:37 PM] pawan madan Dr: 

Wonderful sir.

[1/13, 11:46 PM] pawan madan Dr: 

Mahaan soch
Mahaan work

[1/14, 2:24 AM] Dr. Sadhana Babel, Pune: Superb !

[1/14, 2:47 AM] Vaidyaraj Subhash Sharma, Delhi:

 * excellent sir, great sharing *


[1/14, 2:52 AM] Vaidyaraj Subhash Sharma, Delhi: 

*ईश्वर lives in them, the same people do the respect of वैद्य and they also meet their blessings.*
Ojha sab !

[1/14, 5:35 AM] D C Katoch Sir: 

I too, 
 Arjuna is of Kshaye Ras and Sheet Virya and recommended in shastra to be used as Arjun Ksheer Pak or Arjun Ghrit. So I use it in the symptom complex of Paittik Hridrog type of IHD/CAD where palpitation (हृद्द्रव)is one of the cardinal symptoms. Otherwise Arjunarisht is used in conditions associated with indigestion, poor appetite, abdominal flatulence etc. I never use Arjuna alone in IHD/CAD because of its Kshaye Ras, which tends to enhance the contractility of cardiac muscle leading to jeopardize the oxygen demand-supply balance.
डॉ ओझा जी !

[1/14, 5:35 AM] D C Katoch Sir: 

Great  pious ambition Dr Ojha you have. Wish you all the best for this initiative. 👍🏼

[1/14, 5:49 AM] Dr. Mansukh Mangukia: 

🙏 I can't find words to express thanks to you.🙏

[1/14, 7:02 AM] Vd. Aashish Kumar, Lalitpur: 

धन्यवाद ओझा सर🌹🌹👏🏻👏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

[1/14, 7:06 AM] Dr Naresh Garg, Jaipur: 

नमस्कार ओझा सर !🙏🙏💐💐

[1/14, 8:40 AM] satyendra ojha sir:

 I use Arjuna in combination, never alone. Best result of Arjun, I observed, in tachyarrhythmia, premature ventricular complexes , Mitral valve prolapse. I use combination of Shaalaparni Arjuna Shatavari Brahmi with prabhakar vati in above mentioned conditions..

[1/14, 8:43 AM] pawan madan Dr: 

Ji sir. Thanks.
In combination works best for many other than CAD.

[1/14, 8:44 AM] satyendra ojha sir:

 I refer Cardiomyopathies as Kaphaja hridroga, so, in those conditions, I use Arjuna with krishnaadi (ch.chi.26/97 ) ..

[1/14, 8:51 AM] satyendra ojha sir: 

Combination of drugs mentioned in Ch.Chi.-26/97-98 is best choice in Cardiomyopathies.. 
मूत्रे शृताः कट्फलशृङ्गवेरपीतद्रुपथ्यातिविषाः प्रदेयाः ।
कृष्णाशटीपुष्करमूलरास्नावचाभयानागरचूर्णकं२ च ॥९७॥
उदुम्बराश्वत्थवटार्जुनाख्ये पालाशरौहीतकखादिरे च ।
क्वाथे त्रिवृत्त्र्यूषणचूर्णसिद्धो लेहः कफघ्नोऽशिशिराम्बुयुक्तः ॥९८॥
Drugs mentioned in Ch.Chi.26/98 are best in valvular insufficiency, ventricular/atrial septal defect. 
In above conditions, follow up with Echo study is mandatory. pulmonary arterial hypertension, if develop, is irreversible, so, in certain conditions, surgical intervention is mandatory....... Routine ECG, at regular intervals Echo study must be done to note any changes, especially, arrythmia, clot, systolic & diastolic functioning and left ventricular ejection fraction..

[1/14, 8:52 AM] satyendra ojha sir: 

Thanks.. with regards to my Guru ji and Agraja .. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

[1/14, 8:52 AM] Shantanu Das Prof KC: 

Prabhakar vati with shalparni kwatha is an excellent combination.....

[1/14, 8:54 AM] Dr Ashwini Kumar Sood, Ambala: 

Great philosophy, really appreciable 🌷👌🏼
Prof. Ojha Sir !

[1/14, 9:03 AM] Shantanu Das Prof KC: 

Arjun patra rasa with Mulethi..., Panchamula sidha kheera. With mulethi. also helpful in Paitrika hridrog...🙏🏻

[1/14, 10:45 AM] Prof S. K. khandal Sb: 
Dear ojha !
this is some thing beyond expectations and what i wish only you did it.
Love you and carry on business this field need your guidance.

[1/14, 10:47 AM] satyendra ojha sir:

 it's all because of your blessings and guidance.. 
Guruji !
Saadara Pranaama !!

[1/14, 10:57 AM] Dr. Shailendra Mehta, Chandigarh: 

Satyugeen Aapt....🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Prof. Ojha Sir !

[1/14, 11:29 AM] D C Katoch Sir: 

👍🏼 brilliant understanding. Fact is we need to differentiate functional  deficit of heart and structural deficit in heart to prescribe appropriate treatment that may work successfully.
Prof. Ojha ji !

[1/14, 11:31 AM] satyendra ojha sir: 

Yes , Sir ji ..🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

[1/14, 11:33 AM] Dr. Mrityunjay Tripathi, Gorakhpur: 

Uttam sir ji 🙏🙏 pranam  Guru Ji 🙏🙏🌹🙏🙏

[1/14, 11:39 AM] Vd V. B. Pandey Basti U. P:

 Ojha Sir !
you are Great just unable to choose words about your devation. 🙏🙏

[1/14, 11:55 AM] Ranga prasad Ji Vd. Chennai: 

Thanks for confidence boosting clinical inputs sir. 🙏💐

[1/14, 11:56 AM] satyendra ojha sir: 

🙏🙏 Dr Ranga Prasad Bhatt ji !

[1/14, 11:56 AM] Ranga prasad Ji Vd. Chennai: 

Welcome to the group. Missed your presence from a longer period of dormancy. 🤝

[1/14, 11:56 AM] Ranga prasad Ji Vd. Chennai: 

Namaskarams anna. 🙏

[1/14, 11:58 AM] satyendra ojha sir: 


[1/14, 11:58 AM] satyendra ojha sir: 

Not again in dormancy..

[1/14, 11:59 AM] Ranga prasad Ji Vd. Chennai: 


[1/14, 12:07 PM] Ranga prasad Ji Vd. Chennai: 

Eagerly waiting for the launch of your loka kalyAnArtham and kshemArtham  website. 

Day by day, anna, the intensity and karmaphala of your karma yoga is on the path of rise with your gesture of sharing your knowledge with a gesture of *bilkul muft*. *

*सब का साथ । सब का विकास* आंदोलन through your intended and yet to be launched website is commendable. *I / We am / are  eagerly waitING*. 💐

Above Power Point Presentation & follow-up discussion held in "Kaysampraday", A Famous WhatsApp group of  Vadyas from all over the India.

Presented by-

Prof. Satyendra Narayan Ojha  
MD PhD (Kayachikitsa)
Annasaheb Dange Ayurveda Medical College, Ashta, Dist.- Sangali,  Maharashtra, India.
Mobile No.- +91 9822177155     


  1. Not sure if its only me or not, but I cant get to view PPTs posted. On this post or in previous posts as well.
    you may want to check if its problem for others as well and fix if so.

  2. This is dr suresh naik please add me to kaya sampradaya what's up group. My No 8867145122

  3. Pls add me to the wsup grp of kaya wsup no is 8904085534

  4. Pls add me in whatsapp group


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[11/1, 00:57] Tapan Vaidya:  Today morning I experienced a wonderful result in a gasping ILD pt. I, for the first time in my life used Hemgarbhpottali rasa. His pulse was 120 and O2 saturation 55! After Hemgarbhapottali administration within 10 minutes pulse came dwn to 108 and O2 saturation 89 !! I repeated the Matra in the noon with addition of Trailokyachintamani Rasa as advised by Panditji. Again O2 saturation went to 39 in evening. Third dose was given. This time O2  saturation did not responded. Just before few minutes after a futile CPR I hd to declare him dead. But the result with HGP was astonishing i must admit. [11/1, 06:13] Mayur Surana Dr.:  [11/1, 06:19] M gopikrishnan Dr.: [11/1, 06:22] Vd.Vivek savant:         Last 10 days i got very good result of hemgarbh matra in Aatyayik chikitsa. Regular pt due to Apathya sevan of 250 gm dadhi (freez) get attack asthmatic t...

Case-presentation: 'रेवती ग्रहबाधा चिकित्सा' (Ayu. Paediatric Management with ancient rarely used 'Grah-badha' Diagnostic Methodology) by Vd. Rajanikant Patel

[2/25, 6:47 PM] Vd Rajnikant Patel, Surat:  रेवती ग्रह पीड़ित बालक की आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सा:- यह बच्चा 1 साल की आयु वाला और 3 किलोग्राम वजन वाला आयुर्वेदिक सारवार लेने हेतु आया जब आया तब उसका हीमोग्लोबिन सिर्फ 3 था और परिवार गरीब होने के कारण कोई चिकित्सा कराने में असमर्थ था तो किसीने कहा कि आयुर्वेद सारवार चालू करो और हमारे पास आया । मेने रेवती ग्रह का निदान किया और ग्रह चिकित्सा शुरू की।(सुश्रुत संहिता) चिकित्सा :- अग्निमंथ, वरुण, परिभद्र, हरिद्रा, करंज इनका सम भाग चूर्ण(कश्यप संहिता) लेके रोज क्वाथ बनाके पूरे शरीर पर 30 मिनिट तक सुबह शाम सिंचन ओर सिंचन करने के पश्चात Ulundhu tailam (यह SDM सिद्धा कंपनी का तेल है जिसमे प्रमुख द्रव्य उडद का तेल है)से सर्व शरीर अभ्यंग कराया ओर अभ्यंग के पश्चात वचा,निम्ब पत्र, सरसो,बिल्ली की विष्टा ओर घोड़े के विष्टा(भैषज्य रत्नावली) से सर्व शरीर मे धूप 10-15मिनिट सुबज शाम। माता को स्तन्य शुद्धि करने की लिए त्रिफला, त्रिकटु, पिप्पली, पाठा, यस्टिमधु, वचा, जम्बू फल, देवदारु ओर सरसो इनका समभाग चूर्ण मधु के साथ सुबह शाम (कश्यप संहिता) 15 दिन की चिकित्सा के ...


Compiled  by Dr.Surendra A. Soni M.D.,PhD (KC) Associate Professor Dept. of Kaya-chikitsa Govt. Ayurveda College Vadodara Gujarat, India. Email: Mobile No. +91 9408441150


UNDERSTANDING OF RAKTAPITTA, AMLAPITTA  & SHEETAPITTA  AS PER  VARIOUS  CLASSICAL  ASPECTS MENTIONED  IN  AYURVEDA. Compiled  by Dr. Surendra A. Soni M.D.,PhD (KC) Associate Professor Head of the Department Dept. of Kaya-chikitsa Govt. Ayurveda College Vadodara Gujarat, India. Email: Mobile No. +91 9408441150

Case-presentation- Self-medication induced 'Urdhwaga-raktapitta'.

This is a c/o SELF MEDICATION INDUCED 'Urdhwaga Raktapitta'.  Patient had hyperlipidemia and he started to take the Ayurvedic herbs Ginger (Aardrak), Garlic (Rason) & Turmeric (Haridra) without expertise Ayurveda consultation. Patient got rid of hyperlipidemia but hemoptysis (Rakta-shtheevan) started that didn't respond to any modern drug. No abnormality has been detected in various laboratorical-investigations. Video recording on First visit in Govt. Ayu. Hospital, Pani-gate, Vadodara.   He was given treatment on line of  'Urdhwaga-rakta-pitta'.  On 5th day of treatment he was almost symptom free but consumed certain fast food and symptoms reoccurred but again in next five days he gets cured from hemoptysis (Rakta-shtheevan). Treatment given as per availability in OPD Dispensary at Govt. Ayurveda College hospital... 1.Sitopaladi Choorna-   6 gms SwarnmakshikBhasma-  125mg MuktashuktiBhasma-500mg   Giloy-sattv...