[11/07 09:21] Ramkumar Dr. Bhamu:
Pl. Treatment plan for benign prostate enlargement.
[11/07 09:22] Akhlesh Bhargava:
Prostaric massage
Cap.Ural bph
Cap. Himplasia
Cap.Ural bph
Cap. Himplasia
Vrihatvatchintamani..vanga bhasma
Medohar guggulu
Sweta parpati
Medohar guggulu
Sweta parpati
[11/07 09:47] Harish Verma Canada:
Swet Parpati is Diuretic in nature. It should not be recommended in BHP.
In BHP urine formation is not issue. Urine
Obstruction is the issue.
Anything, which can reduce the size of Prostate will help.
Diuresis sometime can aggravate the problem.
[11/07 09:56] Raghuram Dr Banguluru:
In BHP urine formation is not issue. Urine
Obstruction is the issue.
Anything, which can reduce the size of Prostate will help.
Diuresis sometime can aggravate the problem.
[11/07 09:56] Raghuram Dr Banguluru:
TabBangsil + TabFortege..
Superb combination in BPH,
Superb combination in BPH,
Tried with really good results in many patients..
[11/07 10:22] Ramkumar Dr. Bhamu:
Thanks sir, good morning
[11/07 10:26] Janardan Hebbar Dr:
[11/07 10:26] Janardan Hebbar Dr:
Have been using Ural bph and himplasia combination since more than a year. Dysuria is resolved with it. But no solid promise on reduction in hyperplasia.
[11/07 11:03] pawan madan Dr:
Medicines ....himaplasia, ural BPH, fortege bangshill work only in the first stage of prostatic hypertrophy.
[11/07 11:03] M B Gururaja Dr: Exactly
[11/07 11:41] Akhlesh Bhargava:
Sir ji
Actually sweat parpati having
Kalmi sora
Having kshara property for scrapping of prostate
Actually sweat parpati having
Kalmi sora
Having kshara property for scrapping of prostate
[11/07 11:45] shekhar singh MP:
Point to be noted
Point to be noted
[11/07 11:50] Janardan Hebbar Dr:
Sir, I doubt their ksharanaat kshara action. Are they included in the list of kshara group?
[11/07 11:51] Akhlesh Bhargava:
Anorectal prostatic massage with kashra taila for 2 minute
[11/07 11:56] Raghuram Dr Banguluru:
I too doubt how far they impart Kshara action..but Shweta Parpati has good results in BPH and other urinary disorders..
I hv found Kalyana Kshara to be effective in BPH..
[11/07 11:57] Akhlesh Bhargava:
What is kalyaan kshara...?
[11/07 11:58] Raghuram Dr Banguluru:
It is prepared by AVS Kottakkal and other Kerala pharmacies.. Will check if I can find ingredients and post sir..
[11/07 12:06] Janardan Hebbar Dr:
[11/07 12:06] Janardan Hebbar Dr:
I vote for kalyan kshara. Have been using it for UTI, and IBS C.
But I really doubt usage of Shweta parpati in bph.
[11/07 12:09] Raghuram Dr Banguluru:
https://www.shimply.com/ health-and-nutrition/ayurveda- organic-products/buy-piles- hemorrhoids-ayurvedic- treatments/kalyana-ksharam-by- arya-vaidya-sala-p36751601
But I really doubt usage of Shweta parpati in bph.
[11/07 12:09] Raghuram Dr Banguluru:
[11/07 12:28] Gadhave BN Dr.:
I Add kanchnar gugulu since many years in above combi
Sup.calcrush 20ml 20ml
Stonhill 1bd
gokshuradi churna
With curd
Gokhru+varunadi Kwath
30ml 30ml
[11/07 14:05] Shantanu Das Prof KC:
gokshuradi churna
With curd
Gokhru+varunadi Kwath
30ml 30ml
[11/07 14:05] Shantanu Das Prof KC:
On BPH....I use....kusaa avleha....,Gokhuraadi nd singhanaad gugula combination.....,along with virechan....simply (triphalaa)'...
Am getting gd results....
Am getting gd results....
[11/07 14:14] Akashdip Gupta Meerut:
varunadi kwath+ kanchnagugglu + chandraprabhavati
give good result BPH
give good result BPH
[11/07 22:19] DC Katoch sir:
Two points come to my mind from the preceding posts, which I have gone through with lot of interest. In such a huge literature of Ayurveda is there any reference of black kapikacchhu's goodness over white seed variety and secondly, prostate should be treated like hypertrophied tonsils- Shigru, Plandu, Shilajeet, Varun Chhal like shothahar/Vriddhihar drugs work well in both.
[12/07 08:16] Tapan Vaidya:
Prostatitis is just like hypertrophied Tonsilitis.
I hv an analogy to support the matter.
I hv an analogy to support the matter.
सार्धपंचांगुलम् गुद:। and
सार्धपंचांगुलम् गल:।
सार्धपंचांगुलम् गल:।
This fact initiates this comparison of
prostate with Tonsil
Penis with tongue
Labia with lips
Clitoris with Uvula
Vahi all entroitus with by cal cavity
AE folds with fornices
Tastes with thyroid....
And so on.
Pl throw light on this.
prostate with Tonsil
Penis with tongue
Labia with lips
Clitoris with Uvula
Vahi all entroitus with by cal cavity
AE folds with fornices
Tastes with thyroid....
And so on.
Pl throw light on this.
This fantasy provides a guideline for some treatment guidelines for certain organs which are not clearly described in Ayurveda
Eg prostate->Tonsils.
Eg prostate->Tonsils.
[12/07 08:35] D.C. Katoch sir:
Wonderful thought provocation Vd Tapan !
[12/07 08:44] Harish Verma Canada:
Please discuss the issue professionally.
Prostate Enlargement is a biggest challenge. these days.
Even in modern science many new drugs are in pipeline. Entire world is just thinking of Andrgens, Dihydrotestosteron & 5 alpha reductase. But they are not successful.
In my practice I found good results of Aam Pachak or Agni Vardhak Drugs in BPH. Dr Katoch Ji & Dr Ojha Ji, please put some light on Ayurvedic Samprapti of Ashthila and its Chikitsa Sutra.
Prostate Enlargement is a biggest challenge. these days.
Even in modern science many new drugs are in pipeline. Entire world is just thinking of Andrgens, Dihydrotestosteron & 5 alpha reductase. But they are not successful.
In my practice I found good results of Aam Pachak or Agni Vardhak Drugs in BPH. Dr Katoch Ji & Dr Ojha Ji, please put some light on Ayurvedic Samprapti of Ashthila and its Chikitsa Sutra.
[12/07 09:07] D.C. Katoch sir:
Dr Harish, good different thoughts , लाइन से हटकर। What is the logic of using aampachak/agnideepak in BPH - a pakvashyoth vyadhi of swabhavik samprapti. Annavahsrotodushak hetus are not reported for BPH.
[12/07 09:41] Harish Verma Canada:
For Ayurvedic and Modern Correlation of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia I found following two articles on net:
[12/07 10:35] Pankaj Chhayani dr nadiad:
Oldage is Vata dominated age in which Vata get aggravated. In BPH, वायु विभजति caused hyperplasia. I think above drugs like varuna, shigru etc should be used with ghee and taila..
[12/07 10:37] anamika Dr.:
So that is true for karma of vata
[12/07 11:46] Prof. Ramakant Chulet Sir:
Oldage is Vata dominated age in which Vata get aggravated. In BPH, वायु विभजति caused hyperplasia. ---I disagree with this concept because 1- it is not vibhajan
2- it is only ekdesheey shoth vat dusti>kph asrik & pitta dusti by agrevat red vat > vaat nargaavrodh by vriddha kaph rakta and pitta > utsedh ling swaythu at the stansamsray site
2- it is only ekdesheey shoth vat dusti>kph asrik & pitta dusti by agrevat red vat > vaat nargaavrodh by vriddha kaph rakta and pitta > utsedh ling swaythu at the stansamsray site
[12/07 11:52] Parakunsh Rao Dr:
@tapan Vaidya. Interesting analogy of prostate with tonsils. May I know it's reference of source. To add with Tonsillitis suffers in childhood and prostatic enlargement in the old age.
[12/07 11:54] Pankaj Chhayani dr nadaad:
Normal cell, hypertrophied, and hyperplasia.
Utsedhling shvayathu is broad term, it is applied on udara, arbuda etc..
[12/07 12:02] Tapan Vaidya:
आजसे पुछना शुरु करता हुं।
एकाध महीनेमें रीपोर्ट करता हुं ।
एकाध महीनेमें रीपोर्ट करता हुं ।
[12/07 12:08] Anupma Patra AIMS AYU:
Sorry Tapan sir, i am also not agree wuth ur comparison.
[12/07 12:09] Dr. Ram Shukla:
Snuhi kshir is indicated in asthila
[12/07 12:35] Bharat Padhar Vd:
In prostate enlargement, symptom are like mutravaha srotodusti. It is site of apaan vaayu...Apaan vaayu can be vitiated in two ways...1) vegavidharan or vaat prakopak aahar Sevan..2) Ajirn or Agni dusti...
In old age above both causative factors are responsible for prostate enlargement eg Agni dusti as well as apaan dusti by increased vaat dosh.
So treatment should be planned with deepan, pachan and vatanuloman drugs...they should also be vatashamak too..eg...Hingvastaka churna with ghee before meal...1/4 reduced boiled water is very effective treatment...which is deepan pachan and vatanuloman and basti shodhak...Pathyapalan of swasthvrut chatustak is compulsory...
Patients should be advised a little amount of 1/4 reduced boiled water, whenever thirst...should avoid excessive drinking of water...
[12/07 12:37] Dr. Ram Shukla:
In old age above both causative factors are responsible for prostate enlargement eg Agni dusti as well as apaan dusti by increased vaat dosh.
So treatment should be planned with deepan, pachan and vatanuloman drugs...they should also be vatashamak too..eg...Hingvastaka churna with ghee before meal...1/4 reduced boiled water is very effective treatment...which is deepan pachan and vatanuloman and basti shodhak...Pathyapalan of swasthvrut chatustak is compulsory...
Patients should be advised a little amount of 1/4 reduced boiled water, whenever thirst...should avoid excessive drinking of water...
[12/07 12:37] Dr. Ram Shukla:
It's not agni in bph , nor is direct involvement of mutra vaha srotas
Prostate gland is located externally on the neck of bladder
The hypertrophy and hyperplasia takes place in the cells of prostate gland
If it is mutravaha srto dusti then it should occur in female also
Prostate gland is located externally on the neck of bladder
The hypertrophy and hyperplasia takes place in the cells of prostate gland
If it is mutravaha srto dusti then it should occur in female also
[12/07 12:39] Bharat Padhar Vd:
[12/07 12:40] Dr. Ram Shukla:
Here due to increase in space, the prostate gland applies pressure on the neck due to which the sensation to urge urine rises
We are discussing Bharat, even I may be wrong.
Please continue your opinion also.
It is a positive discussion.
We are discussing Bharat, even I may be wrong.
Please continue your opinion also.
It is a positive discussion.
[12/07 12:41] Bharat Padhar Vd:
Female has also mutravaha srotodusti..it is not necessary that all mutravaha srotodusti is due to prostate enlargement but prostate enlargement can be a cause of mutravaha srotodusti...
[12/07 12:42] Bharat Padhar Vd:
[12/07 12:42] Dr. Ram Shukla:
But we are discussing bph
It is a type of shoth
No one is senior.
We all deserve equally.
Please continue
Hence virechana ausadh snuhi is indicated by bhavprakash
Also mutral ausadh which helps in decreasing shoth are indicated
I have got good results of himplasia tablet of Himalaya also.
By continuing the medicine the patients are experiencing relief in bph
It is a type of shoth
No one is senior.
We all deserve equally.
Please continue
Hence virechana ausadh snuhi is indicated by bhavprakash
Also mutral ausadh which helps in decreasing shoth are indicated
I have got good results of himplasia tablet of Himalaya also.
By continuing the medicine the patients are experiencing relief in bph
[12/07 12:47] Bharat Padhar Vd:
If we clean our mind from modern investigation and pathology, then we can think it properly according to Ayurved...in prostate enlargement shoth is not visible... patients come to us with symptom...we can diagnose on bases of dosh, dusya, srotas Agni and other nidanpanchak like tools... when I tried to see prostate enlargement only on bases of pure Ayurved perspectives, I felt that which I posted above..
[12/07 12:48] Dr. Ram Shukla:
Digital examination pr
You can diagnose enlarged prostate
You can diagnose enlarged prostate
[12/07 12:50] Bharat Padhar Vd:
It's my prevalage that sir you are my senior, we learned a lot of from u...and hope to learn further...so you r always respectable for me as senior in both the way as age and knowledge..
[12/07 12:55] Anupma Patra AIMS AYU:
Sir please give ur suggetion regarding this.
[12/07 12:55] Bharat Padhar Vd:
In initial stage patients ignore the mutravaha srotodusti... when the pathology reach in advance stage, the structural changes starts in mutravaha Marga... prostate enlargement is result of ignorance of early stage of mutravaha srotodusti
[12/07 13:02] Yogesh Badwe Dr:
BPH can be correlate with mutragranthi while CA prostate seemes to be Vatashthila.
[12/07 13:10] Ajay MR Bngluru:
If there is pain and burning etc symptoms in bph, we can use vastyamayantaka ghrta in apaana kaala.
[12/07 13:11] Ajay MR Bngluru:
Usually selection of drugs can be from varanadi kashayam, bangshil fortege chandraprabha, ural bph, gokshuradi guggulu and others
[12/07 13:31] Manju Mishra MO UP:
As per ch.sidhi 9 \49 mutragranthi is placed at vasti d wear means inside the vasti and ashthila is outside the vasti 
Nityanand ras shilajeet shilasindur may also be effective in bph
Vang bhasma ,shivagutika,,varunshiru kwath,,chandraprabha vati in bph.
Nityanand ras shilajeet shilasindur may also be effective in bph
Vang bhasma ,shivagutika,,varunshiru kwath,,chandraprabha vati in bph.
[12/07 14:03] Ghanshyam Vatsa KC MD:
BPH may be because of shukraveh srotodushti instead of mutraveh srotodushti or combination of both.
Prostrate gland is an active part of shukraveh srotas.
BPH occurs almost in later 1/3 of life which indicates shukraveh srotas involvement also.
BPH occurs almost in later 1/3 of life which indicates shukraveh srotas involvement also.
[12/07 14:05] Ranga prasad Ji Vd. Chennai:
Probably hence, Prostatic massage helps relieve the local congestion...
[12/07 14:09] Sushant Patil Vasai:
Mitra ho Vanaspati chya snap cha ek posting mala chalu keliye instagram war apan sarva bhet dya. Apala anubhav manda
[12/07 14:10] Parakunsh Rao Dr:
Pourusha = Vigor. It has nothing with mutra.
[12/07 14:19] Ranga prasad Ji Vd. Chennai:
I don't know whether one has observed the following fact in history taking.
A few of the BPH cases seen in elderly were sexually in active...

And co incidentally a few cases of such in active persons I ve seen are widowers.
And co incidentally a few cases of such in active persons I ve seen are widowers.
Their history was pointing to few episodes of spontaneous erection (of course not priapism) and no means to release the sexual arousal. History of gleets (prostatic discharge) at such times too was elicited.
Purusha - Paurusha - sexual life related - BPH ...!?
Just an observation from my end.
I got no substantial classical references with me to adjudicate this clinical observation through history taking.

[12/07 14:43] Ghanshyam Vatsa KC MD:
More sexually active & having multiple partners have more chances of BPH
As per my observation. 
[12/07 14:57] Manju Mishra MO UP:
Acharya charak ji describrd vat ashthila under vasti doshas
[12/07 17:05] Harish Verma Canada:
Good Morning to everybody. I know in India its evening, but in Toronto its morning.
I have gone through all posts related with BPH.
Dr Bharat Paddar is genius in BPH. Salute to your post.
Now please let us know:
Is there any role of Shukra Agni in BPH?
Is there any possibility of Shukra AgniMandhiya, which could lead to hypertrophy or BPH?
I have gone through all posts related with BPH.
Dr Bharat Paddar is genius in BPH. Salute to your post.
Now please let us know:
Is there any role of Shukra Agni in BPH?
Is there any possibility of Shukra AgniMandhiya, which could lead to hypertrophy or BPH?
[12/07 17:25] Bharat Padhar Vd: 
Apaan vaayu is controller of Shukra dhatu, which is mainly vitiated in BPH. Vitiated apaan leads to shukradhavgni Vaishamya..so function of Shukra dhatu become Visham.. now the function of Shukra dhatu is Garbh utpadan..Garbh means cell..so when Shukra dhatu function become Visham it means cell production become Visham in form of hyperplasia or hypoplasia. So vitiated apaan leads to Shukra dhatvagni Vaishamya and finally result in BPH
Very early stage of BPH is Kostha gata Vyadhi, so it is sukh sadhya because hyperplasia is less. Middle stage is Shakhasrit which have more amount of hyperplasia and it is kast sadhya...later stage is marnasthisandhi gata stage which is cancerous stage and Asadhya by medicine..
Very early stage of BPH is Kostha gata Vyadhi, so it is sukh sadhya because hyperplasia is less. Middle stage is Shakhasrit which have more amount of hyperplasia and it is kast sadhya...later stage is marnasthisandhi gata stage which is cancerous stage and Asadhya by medicine..
Above discussion held on 'Kaysampraday" a Famous WhatsApp group of well known Vaidyas from all over the India.
Compiled & edited by
Dr.Surendra A. Soni
M.D.,PhD (KC)
Associate Professor
Dept. of Kaya-chikitsa
Govt. Ayurveda College
Vadodara Gujarat, India.
Email: surendraasoni@gmail.com
Mobile No. +91 9408441150
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