WhatsApp Discussion series:22- Discussion on Daarunak(Dandruff) by Dr. Anupama Patra, Dr. Sukhaveer Verma, Dr. Vishal Arora & Others
[16/07 12:27] pawan madan Dr:
Dandruff is the increased shredding of the dead skin cells.
Anti fungal , and many more treatments are advised but only temporary effect.
Whats its cause as per ayurveda ?
[16/07 12:54] J K Pandey Dr. Lukhnau:
पवन सर ! क्या हम डैंड्रफ को दारूणक या अरूंषिका के रूप में देख सकते हैं ?
[16/07 13:01] Sukhvir Verma Dr. KC:
Step 1-Head massage with Katu tail or Karanj tail or Neem tail in night with good quantity of oil
Step-2 wash the hairs with any good Shampoo in next morning
Step-3 Clean head with any disinfection diluted solution or Neem kasayam. eg use of 15 ml dettol liquid with 500 ml water.
Don't use fresh water after that.
Step-4 Dry the hair and don't use any oil till evening and again use katu tail in evening for same procedure.
Use this 5-7 days regularly and than on alternate day for 15 days.
Patient will be dandruff free.
Approx 80-90 efficient. Rest can be treated with change in oil.
[16/07 13:04] Sukhvir Verma Dr. KC:
This is very simple procedure may be adopted regularly on specific interval without any side effects. Private practitioners may the add the medicine as per their convenience 

[16/07 13:06] Lokdeep sharma dr:
@dandruff - apply ranjan bhasm with coconut oil in night, alternate day.
For 1-2 weeks
Very good results
[16/07 13:07] D C Katoch sir:
[16/07 13:10] Manu Vats Dr Patiala:
For dandruff....mix Rectifer oil i.e. Zatyadi oil along gandhak....with Any hair oil of good company ..massage at roots ..keep it overnight ..wash with Neem soap......thrice a week.......always give good results.
[16/07 13:11] Manu Vats Dr Patiala:
Ratio of Rectifier oil with hair oil is 1:3
[16/07 13:44] Anupma Patra AIMS AYU:
Snehan, swedan and siravedha, avapeeda, shirovasti, abhyang are the principle of treatment. So from the treatment it may be assesses that it may be simple to complicated form where shodhan may be needed.
Usually hair fall found associated with dandruff. I advise to apply a paste of aamlaki, mulethi, kala til+ padmakeshor if available with one spoon honey, twice a week half to one hr before head bath it act well for dandruff ,whitening and falling. Adv regular use of any oil in scalp. Applying the paste of egg white, dahi and nimbu in scalp also act very nice. Within 3-4 application it clears.
Kodrava(koda) truna kshara has been advised by sushrut to wash the head.
If it is possible by anybody please try it once for prakshalan.
[16/07 13:58] Vishal arora Pathankot Dr:
Good afternoon Vaidyas
A different thought on dandruff
When the second last layer of skin converts to last layer (outermost layer of the scalp skin), same time outermost layer shreds out and it's cells get washed at the time of bath.
In some conditions second last layer starts converting to outermost layer before time. In that stage outermost layer still survives. Now there are two final layers of scalp skin, one is healthy and outermost is unhealthy, it's cells doesn't shreds with water at the time of bath. Those unshaded cells cause persistent dandruff.
[16/07 14:19] Anupma Patra AIMS AYU:
@Vishal sir, in some condition second last layer starts converting to last layer before time. So that condition may be kapha vata vridhi.
[16/07 14:19] pawan madan Dr:
Thank U Sukhbir ji..
Step no 3....to clean with kashaaya or dettol.......u mean ....to apply that kashaaya or dettol after head wash...?
[16/07 14:30] Nitu swrup Dr. Delhi:
Use of neem tail in night
Wash it in morning and after being dry apply gandhak rasayan mix in takra on hair and wash it with water after 2 hrs.
[16/07 14:57] Sukhvir Verma Dr. KC:
Yes sir wash with kasyam or dettol or savlon diluted solution after that. To keep the essence of this on head so don't wash with simple water.
[16/07 14:58] Sukhvir Verma Dr. KC:
I am 100% sure abut this therapy. I saying 80-90 % results but it is more than 90%.
[16/07 15:06] Katoch sir:
Good experience sharing, Dr Pawan.
[16/07 15:31] Pawan Madan Dr:
Thank U sir....

[16/07 15:42] Manju Mishra MO UP:
Take coconut oil and in its bottle add some karpur...this oil should be applied on scalp and wash in morning also hair pack with curd or whey or do onion juice massage on scalp for 15 mins than do shampoo
[16/07 15:51] Jui Shahane:
Dandruff: Neem oil local application on scalp by massaging scalp gently for 5 min with finger tips. Wash hair with decoction of Shikakai & Amalaki.....its very beneficial. Nasya is also necessary supplementary treatment. I generally don't advise any kind of shampoo.
[16/07 23:14] Vishal arora Pathankot Dr:
Respected vaidyas
I would like to continue the concept of dandruff. The above said concept of persistent dandruff was told to me by a dermatologist. Dermatologist told that it is may be due to increased temperature of scalp area. I felt that it may be due to pitt dushti as heat factor is involved. So, I feel sheet oils like amla tail or neeli bhringyadi tai should work better on persistent dendruff along with intake of kaamdudha or mukta pishti.
This is my view, seniors please correct me if my view is incorrect. 

[16/07 23:46] Anupma Patra AIMS AYU:
[17/07 00:04] Anju Navale Dr:
For dandruff few tips to be followed.
Apply oil only when hairs dries completely.
Any hair pack applied should not get dried completely otherwise it will lead to breaking of hair strand. (people keep mehndi pack on head overnight)
Ask the patient to put his clothes for washing everyday.
Keep a separate comb and clean it.
[17/07 09:17] Shantanu Das Prof KC:
Treatment of Dandruff....Hope Darunaka is the right choice...By Dr patra...
I also use : simple Aloe veera juice and lemone and methika kalka lepana followed by simply coconut oil....
[17/07 10:11] Prof. KSR Prasad:
Durdurapatradi keram/tailam is drug of choice
[17/07 10:56] Raghuram Dr Banguluru:
#Dhurdhurapatradi Tailam..
Noted on thing with this oil, no doubt it is the best in business for removing dandruff.. But people with Pitta predominance hv complained headache, sometimes severe on application.. And got relief on discontinuation.. If any others hv noted the same, kindly share
[17/07 11:04] Gururaja Bose Dr:
Right choice , even i prescribe the same .
[17/07 12:06] Dr Surendra A. Soni:
Dr Vishal
Very good Pathophysiology of dandruff.
Charak mentioned *केशभूमिस्फुटन* in *८० वात विकार*.
This should be taken into consideration.
Is it same दारुणक that described सुश्रुत ? Or different ...? It is a matter of consideration for experts.
1 observed 1 patient who couldn't get rid of dandruff even after _*vaman virechana vasti shirodhara.*_ while many recovered with Amla Takra/Triphala kwath prakshalan
[17/07 12:12] Dr Surendra A. Soni:
Yes Raghu Sir
You are correct. 
[17/07 13:32] Anju Navale Dr:
Durdurpatradi is available in Coconut base (Ker tailam),could be opted for pitta predominance
[17/07 14:08] Shantanu Das Prof KC:
I think Dr Soni.....Darunka...nd keshbbhumi sphuton....quite different...
In kustha roga :...krimi..also a major factor ...kesadaa..romabidhwansa.... etc...I hope kesada...krimi may be the causative factor....
[17/07 15:12] Dr Surendra A. Soni:
Quite possible Sir...
[17/07 15:30] Ranga Prasad ji Vd. Chandigarh Chennai:
Soniji ! विदेहोक्त टीका थोड़ा clear picture देता है !
[17/07 15:36] Dr Surendra A. Soni:
Perfect Ranga Sir.
[17/07 15:39] Sanjay Lungareg Dr:
रक्त, पित्त की अनुबन्धता ।
आज अगर ये सभी शास्त्र उपलब्ध होते तो कितनी सहजता होती।
[17/07 15:40] Dr Surendra A. Soni:
yes Sir
[17/07 20:03] Anupma Patra AIMS AYU:
I think darunak and keshabhumi sphutan are same. In 80 bheda of vata vyadhi diseases are mentioned shortly and we have to follow the available elaborated part for detailed knowledge. As per quotation of videha there may be anubandha of rakta and pitta.
I think where problem is deep rooted or not responding to normal shaman therapy. Snehan, swedan and raktamokshana needed. For this reasons this shodhan procedure mentioned by sushrut. There must be some relief during internal snehapaan before vaman in that case. Perhaps Vaman and virechan were not needed in that case so there was no relief ,i think so and it may aggravated the situation so dhara also not give required result.
Siravedha can clear the anubandha of pitta and rakta if any.
Keshada krimi may be responsible for hairfall and discoloration of hair.
Any further suggestion or contradiction are most welcome.
फिर से बात आकर सिरवेध पर रुक जाती है। इसलिए रक्तमोक्षण का कम्पलीट डेवलपमेंट आयुर्वेद जगत के लिए सबसे महत्पूर्ण है।
Above discussion held on 'Kaysampraday" a Famous WhatsApp group of well known Vaidyas from all over the India.
Compiled & edited by
Dr.Surendra A. Soni
M.D.,PhD (KC)
Associate Professor
Dept. of Kaya-chikitsa
Govt. Ayurveda College
Vadodara Gujarat, India.
Email: surendraasoni@gmail.com
Mobile No. +91 9408441150
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