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Case-presentation: "Agni-karma" in Kati-shoola(Lumbago) by Vaidya Jayshree Kulakarni


[10/17, 7:43 PM] Dr Jayshri Kulkarni, Latur:

Case of severe bachacke ! Not relieved Inspite of pain killers & muscle relaxants & injectables.
Pt was not affording for x-ray and MRI etc.
Since 10 days.
So performed single sitting अग्निकर्म at कटि only at one point!
Pretreatment Video.....
immediate results within 5 minutes!
After treatment video......
जय आयुर्वेद!!🙏🏻

[10/17, 7:45 PM] Dr Bhadresh Nayak, Surat: 👍👌

[10/17, 7:45 PM] Samta Tomar Dr Jmngr: Nice !

[10/17, 7:54 PM] Dr Ankur Sharma, Delhi: 

Really very impressive.

[10/17, 7:54 PM] Dr Surendra A Soni:

Thanks for sharing Madam !!

[10/17, 7:57 PM] Dr Ankur Sharma, Delhi: 

Would u tell surface anatomy of point at which you did agnikarm

What is the clinical diagnosis

[10/17, 7:59 PM] Dr Jayshri Kulkarni, Latur:

Spinous process of left S2 level.
कटिगत वात !

[10/17, 8:03 PM] Dr Ankur Sharma, Delhi: Thanks

[10/17, 8:04 PM] Dr Yogesh Gupta: Good

[10/17, 8:04 PM] Dr Ankur Sharma, Delhi: 

Please post agnikarm video too
If possible...

[10/17, 8:05 PM] Dr Surendra A Soni: 


I think it's a fresh case most probably  muscular spasm due to heavy exertion that relieved immediately with agni karna.
It would be interesting that how long that relief continues.


[10/17, 8:06 PM] Dr Ankur Sharma, Delhi: 👏👏🙏

[10/17, 8:06 PM] Dr Shashi Jindal, Chandigarh: 👏👏👏👏

[10/17, 8:07 PM] Dr Jayshri Kulkarni, Latur: 

I have experienced in 100+ cases that results r for years.

[10/17, 8:07 PM] Dr Ankur Sharma, Delhi: Wow !

[10/17, 8:09 PM] Dr Surendra A Soni: 

Great !!

[10/17, 8:09 PM] Dr Naresh Garg, Jaipur: 

🙏🙏great !

[10/17, 8:10 PM] Dr Yogesh Gupta: 👍👌💐

[10/17, 8:11 PM] Dr Kapil kapoor: Marvellous !

[10/17, 8:17 PM] Dr Atul Kale, Pune: Great !

[10/17, 9:21 PM] Vd. Subhash Sharma Ji Delhi: 👌👌👌👌

[10/17, 9:24 PM] Prof. Deep Narayan Pandey: 

Apart from the treatment, this clinic is so clean👌👌👌💐.

[10/17, 9:27 PM] Dr Pravin Soni Beawar: 💐💐

[10/17, 9:27 PM] Dr Ashwini Kumar Sood, Ambala: 

Great service to humanity 👌.

[10/17, 9:41 PM] Vd Monika Deep, Faridabad: Good.

[10/17, 9:52 PM] Samta Tomar Dr Jmngr: Wow

[10/17, 9:53 PM] Vd Monika Deep, Faridabad: Very good then..

[10/18, 12:10 AM] Prof Prakash Kabbra, Nagpur: 

Madam you belongs to great group. Please share the word Katigatavata given in science with reference to context.

[10/18, 10:39 AM] Dr Yogesh Gupta:


[10/18, 6:32 PM] Dr Ankur Sharma, Delhi: 

Mechanism of agnikarm
In relieving pain of neurological origin


In the treatment of chronic pain, we often reach a point where we need to block or destroy the source of the pain. With pain, the source is located within a nerve. There are numerous approaches to treating pain at the nerve. Some procedures simply block the nerve and provide temporary relief, while others can actually destroy the nerve. In this article, we will discuss nerve burning, also known as radiofrequency denervation.

The first step in nerve burning is to identify the source of the pain and isolate those nerves. Then, the physician performs a temporary nerve block through the use of a local anesthetic. By numbing the nerve we can see how much relief will be provided by destroying the nerve and also how the area will feel afterward. If the level of relief is adequate and the remaining sensation is not unpleasant we can consider destroying the nerve.

Many techniques have been tried over the years including surgically cutting the nerves and destroying them with powerful chemicals. The safest and most effective technique has been found to be utilizing high frequency alternating current passed through a needle to generate heat and create a small thermal lesion (“burn”) on the nerve. This procedure is called a radiofrequency denervation.


Most nerves control both sensation and movement in a portion of the body. When destroying nerves, it is vital that we do not destroy motor nerves that supply important muscles. For the most part we can treat nerves that either do not have any motor function or nerves that supply muscles that we can do without. There are many nerves in the neck, face and chest region that can be treated using radiofrequency. A similar but non-destructive technique called pulsed radiofrequency denervation can sometimes be used to provide relief from pain that involves nerves with both significant sensory and motor function.


Chronic neck and low back pain that has been localized to the small facet joints in the spine is the most amenable to radiofrequency denervation. The pain may be due to underlying arthritis, degenerative disc disease or an injury. Sacroiliac joint pain may also respond to radiofrequency denervation. Certain types of non-cardiac chest wall pain and facial pain may likewise respond well to this technique. Pulsed radiofrequency can be used on many other nerves.


With time nerves regenerate (regrow). Fortunately, the regeneration process is very slow. The relief associated with a successful radiofrequency procedure generally lasts from six months to two years. If the underlying cause of the pain has not improved or resolved the procedure may need to be repeated.

Radiofrequency denervation procedures in carefully selected patients and conditions can be tremendously successful with a very low complication rate and discomfort similar to a nerve block. In many cases complex surgery can be delayed or avoided.

It is useful in
arthritis, chronic back pain, chronic neck pain, chronic pain, chronic pain treatment, degenerative disk disease, nerve block, nerve burning, radiofrequency denervation.

[10/18, 8:21 PM] Dr Surendra A Soni:

 Very important article in reference to mode of 'Agni-karma'.
Thanks Dr Ankur for Sharing.


[10/18, 9:47 PM] Vd Ranga Prasad Ji Chennai: 

But I think these procedure involve the nerve propria and are exposed to the nerves directly.

Where as we use the skin surface and the dermatomes related to the nerves.! 

[10/18, 9:50 PM] Vd Ranga Prasad Ji Chennai: 

Nerve block procedures usually involves reaching  the nerve propria...


[10/18, 10:00 PM] Dr Ankur Sharma, Delhi: 

Heat can be transferred through conduction from superficial skin surface to deep layers dermis which contains nerve

While injectable material can't

But both are affecting nerve.

[10/18, 10:22 PM] Dr Bhadresh Nayak, 

Surat: It's good debate.
Mode of action of agnikarma
Even today we unble to understand
Regarding nerve block agnikarma doesn't make nerve block
It's thermodynamic effect
It's related to pain center of local as well as brain centre
Sensory nerve path is activated
So continue the debates.

[10/18, 11:25 PM] Vd Ranga Prasad Ji Chennai: 

Logically understandable. Dr. Ankur

[10/18, 11:25 PM] Vd Ranga Prasad Ji Chennai:

[10/18, 11:26 PM] Vd Ranga Prasad Ji Chennai:

[10/19, 7:03 AM] Dr Pankaj Chhayani: 

There is possibility to stimulation of nerve fibres those produce inhibitory neurotransmitter.

[10/19, 1:08 PM] Dr Surendra A Soni:

Great detailed description Sir ! Thanks for sharing.
What can we conclude in reference to machenism 'Agnikarma' as you and Dr Ankur have shared logical views concerned to modern aspect.
We can also understand that what 'Atisweda' does in the body.


[10/19, 1:11 PM] Dr Ranga prasad Bhat, Chennai: 

Yes. Effect of जेंताक, अश्मघन, नाडी etc sveda which involves high temperature can be understood from the references shared.

[10/19, 1:22 PM] Vd Raghuram Bhatta, Banguluru: 

But still I think we are left out with classical clues in the form of *Yogya Ayogya* for selection criterion and *Swinna Aswinna and Atiswinna lakahanas* for reading accuracy of therapies sir, as far as swedana and it's heat impact is concerned. We can be selective.

Apart from this, we hv *Snehana, bahya and abhyantara* administered before *Swedana*
We can monitor and scale it's quality and quantity.
Snehana by all probables should mk *heat tolerance of swedana* better immaterial of the type of swedana chosen.

[10/19, 1:27 PM] Vd Raghuram Bhatta, Banguluru: 

Sir, there is no doubt that your work would become a *benchmark reference* for learning enthusiasts...

The way you write and document things is *undefeatable*...

Interesting note is that you hv touched up the content with both hindi and English... That would be handy for *non hindi people*👌👌

Congratulations Ranga sir💐💐!


Above case presentation & discussion held in 'Kaysampraday" a Famous WhatsApp group  of  well known Vaidyas from all over the India. 

Presented by
वैद्य सौ. जयश्री कुलकर्णी, 
एम.डी कायचिकित्सा, एम.ए. संस्कृत.चरकचिकित्साविशेषज्ञ
चिकित्सालय स्थल- लातूर, महाराष्ट्र, भारत.
दूरभाष: +91 9326190749

Reviewed & uploaded by

Dr.Surendra A. Soni

M.D., PhD (KC)
Associate Professor
Dept. of Kaya-chikitsa
Govt. Ayurveda College
Vadodara Gujarat, India.
Mobile No. +91 9408441150


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Compiled  by Dr.Surendra A. Soni M.D.,PhD (KC) Associate Professor Dept. of Kaya-chikitsa Govt. Ayurveda College Vadodara Gujarat, India. Email: Mobile No. +91 9408441150


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