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Whatsapp discussion series:10- Parkinson's Disease and Progressive Supranuclear Palsy by Prof. Satyendra Ojha Sir and others

[09/04 1:34 PM] Pankaj Chhayani dr ndyad: 

@ Ojha sir, pls sir discuss about Parkinson disease..11 April is world Parkinson disease.. We have many patients of Parkinson , and one pt of PSP that mimick Parkinson disease... What we can do in PSP..🙏

[09/04 1:34 PM] Pankaj Chhayani dr ndyad: 

Is there any relationship between dhatuxaya and tremors? Or dopamine receptors failure and hypokinesia?

[09/04 3:24 PM] satyendra ojha sir: 

Since Parkinson's disease is neurodegenerative disease , so we have to think dhaatukshaya janya vaata prakopa.. The failure of dopamine receptors or deficiency of dopamine neurotransmitter is main reason for clinical features , but due to dopamine deficiency , the exaggerated acetylcholine also play roles in pathophysiology of features like tremors , therefore , anticholinergic & antihistamine like trihexiphenydil is found effective , however levodopa , dopamine agonist , with carbidopa is first choice.. The issue is first pass metabolism of dopamine in natural resources . more than 90 % of dopamine is destroyed in periphery and reach very minimum in brain. Carbidopa inhibits peripheral metabolism of levodopa , so , most of levodopa crosses blood brain barrier and reach to basal ganglia and surrounding areas to provide dopamine.. Ayurveda perspective ; tremors ( increased chala guna ) , bradykinesia & hypokinesia ( decreased chala guna ) , , rigidity & postural change , short and shuffling gait  ( increased rooksha , sheets guna ), etc are features due to vaata prakopa.. Praana , udaana and vyaana vaayu bheda are effected predominantly.. Snehan , mridu svedana, shorodhara , anuvasaana , yaapanaa basti look to work on rooksha , chala , sheeta guna of vaata,  and they work , but result does not last longer. Vaataghna drugs like vrihatvaat chintamani rasa , yogendra rasa , etc also have limited roles in PD . in few cases , I found result with sinhanaada guggula , mahayogaraja guggula , and the combination of ashwagandha bala shatavari kapikachchhu chopachini maasha and dashamoola  with ghrita ,  abhyanga by mahaamaasha tail , mridu naadi sveda ( not more than 5 mins ) shorodhara by kvaatha of ashwagandha bala shatavari kapikachchhu chopachini maasha brahmi shankhapushpi aamalaki  and dashamoola mixed with mahanarayan tail . yes , result is very good , if I continue levodopa etc prescribed by neuro physician with my treatment .. We can minimize on & off phenomena .. By reducing rigidity , betterment of life. We can improve gait , posture , speech , balance and cognitive processes.. Result on tremors is there , but not so marked as in other features.. All these are my personal experience..

[09/04 3:27 PM] satyendra ojha sir: 

Ghrita helps lipid soluble substances to cross blood brain barrier.. Ghrita kalpa of kapikachchhu etc may help in controlling PD..

[09/04 3:31 PM] satyendra ojha sir:

 Because of dopamine deficiency , vaata becomes vyaahata , parityakta from the svasthaana , therefore , the choice is achieve  avyaahata / aparityakta gati of vaata , ie possible only after supplementing dopamine into brain ( praana sthaana )..

[09/04 3:34 PM] satyendra ojha sir:

 Future prospectus ; to work on PD with ayurveda perspective to provide better treatment than management of contemporary science..

[09/04 3:48 PM] satyendra ojha sir:.

 How is PSP different from Parkinson's disease?
Both PSP and Parkinson's disease cause stiffness, movement difficulties, and clumsiness, but PSP is more rapidly progressive as compared to Parkinson’s disease. People with PSP usually stand exceptionally straight or occasionally even tilt their heads backward (and tend to fall backward). This is termed “axial rigidity.” Those with Parkinson's disease usually bend forward. Problems with speech and swallowing are much more common and severe in PSP than in Parkinson's disease, and tend to show up earlier in the course of the disease. Eye movements are abnormal in PSP but close to normal in Parkinson's disease. Both diseases share other features: onset in late middle age, bradykinesia (slow movement), and rigidity of muscles. Tremor, very common in individuals with Parkinson's disease, is rare in PSP. Although individuals with Parkinson's disease markedly benefit from the drug levodopa, people with PSP respond minimally and only briefly to this drug. Also, people with PSP show accumulation of the protein tau in affected brain cells, while people with Parkinson’s disease show accumulation of a different protein, called alpha-synuclein.
What causes PSP?
The exact cause of PSP is unknown. The symptoms of PSP are caused by a gradual deterioration of brain cells in a few specific areas in the brain, mainly in the region called the brain stem. One of these areas, the substantia nigra, is also affected in Parkinson's disease, and damage to this region of the brain accounts in part for the motor symptoms that PSP and Parkinson's have in common.
The hallmark of the disease is the accumulation of abnormal deposits of the protein tau in nerve cells in the brain, so that the cells do not work properly and die. The protein tau is associated with microtubules – structures that support a nerve cell’s long processes, or axons, that transmit information to other nerve cells. The accumulation of tau puts PSP in the group of disorders called the tauopathies, which also includes other disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, corticobasal degeneration, and some forms of frontotemporal degeneration. Scientists are looking at ways to prevent the harmful clumping of tau in treating each of these disorders.
PSP is usually sporadic, meaning that occurs infrequently and without known cause; in very few cases the disease results from mutations in the MAPT gene, which then provides faulty instructions for making tau to the nerve cell. Genetic factors have not been implicated in most individuals.
There are several theories about PSP's cause. A central hypothesis in many neurodegenerative diseases is that once the abnormal aggregates of proteins like tau form in a cell, they can affect a connected cell to also form the protein clumps. In this way the toxic protein aggregates spreads through the nervous system. How this process is triggered remains unknown. One possibility is that an unconventional infectious agent takes years or decades to start producing visible effects (as is seen in disorders like Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease). Another possibility is that random genetic mutations, of the kind that occur in all of us all the time, happen to occur in particular cells or certain genes, in just the right combination to injure these cells. A third possibility is that there is exposure to some unknown chemical in the food, air, or water which slowly damages certain vulnerable areas of the brain. This theory stems from a clue found on the Pacific island of Guam, where a common neurological disease occurring only there and on a few neighboring islands shares some of the characteristics of PSP, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Its cause is thought to be a dietary factor or toxic substance found only in that area.
Another possible cause of PSP is cellular damage caused by free radicals, which are reactive molecules produced continuously by all cells during normal metabolism. Although the body has built-in mechanisms for clearing free radicals from the system, scientists suspect that, under certain circumstances, free radicals can react with and damage other molecules. A great deal of research is directed at understanding the role of free radical damage in huma

[09/04 3:49 PM] satyendra ojha sir:

 PSP is very rare disease , I don't have any clinical and therapeutic experience ..

[09/04 3:52 PM] Dr Parag kanolkar Ay Pith: 

For parkinson best results r seen by giving 4 tsp/20gm of kapikacchu and 3gm of maricha (miri) powder mix in udad dal floor and make vaddas in ghee... eat them with garlic ginger chatani...
Wonderful results

[09/04 3:54 PM] ‪+91 98235 94378:

 It occurs in jara awastha so dhatukshayajanya vaat vruddhi

[09/04 3:54 PM] ‪+91 98235 94378: 

वात वृध्दि लक्षण - कम्प

[09/04 3:55 PM] pawan madan Dr:

its tooo complicated to give any relief to payients even when he is taking levadopa aling with ayu management..
I have used ashwagandha, bala vidaari, kaunch, chopchini, dashmool etc.......and yogendra rasa VVCM, rasaraaj, vaatshaamak...........panchakarma.......abhyanga etc as vaatashaamak or vaata corrective.........tens of times...............but really speaking .........I have not been able to give relief or support to any pt of parkinsonism on levadopa..

I doudt that it is only a vaata vyaadhi.
Aavaran or aashyaapakarsha or some other sampraapti need to be considered in this perhaps.
Need more guidance from Gurujana..

[09/04 4:01 PM] satyendra ojha sir:

 Accumulation of protein tau , and related proteins , free radicals , in brain cells , work as neurotoxins and degenerate brain cells.. The issue is clumping of protein tau in neighboring cells, which happens slowly but progressively.. Formation , accumulation and elimination of neurotoxins are our sites to work.. Sthaana dosha is praana vaayu , samaana takes part in synthesis and apaana in elimination from cells.. As we have discussed about lysosomal storage disease , here , also , we can think in the same manner..

[09/04 4:02 PM] satyendra ojha sir:   Dr Pankaja ..

[09/04 4:07 PM] Dr Parag kanolkar Ay Pith:

 In energy science as old age... sex chakra and mooladhara chakra energy stops going to the brain... this energy acts like fuel... to the working of neurons... as energy channels r blocked. ..
So in early days when the shishya was sent to Guru they were to follow bramhacharya...
this  when blocked neuronal working weakens causing diseases like parkinson.. alzhemer..etc

[09/04 4:12 PM] pawan madan Dr:  

Parag ji...
brahmcharaya se energu brain ko pahunchati hai ya rukti hai....samajh nahi aaya

[09/04 4:17 PM] Dr Parag kanolkar Ay Pith: 

Bramhacharya means abstinence from sexual activity.... so that the energy going down rises up to the brain... acts as fuel for neurons...
In deeper level... mooadhara contains kundalini energy... which taken safely to the brain... it upgrades brain powers... which r called siddhis

[09/04 4:24 PM] Katoch sir: 

Parkinson syndrome has three origins- Degenerative, Ischemic and Toxic. First type needs medhya-rasayan- vajikaran,  second type needs srotoshodhan and third type needs nidan parivarjan. Drugs of choice in first type are Kaunch and Suvarn yoga, in second type Pushkarmool and Haritaki, in third type Shodhan dravya like Shireesh, Punarnava. Panchagavya Ghrit or Brahmi Ghrit can be used in all three types to carry the therapeutic effects of medicines by crossing blood brain barrier.

[09/04 4:26 PM] Prof Chandola Sir:

 Brahmchari means Jo Brahm me Charan kare Vo Brahmchari. Isiliye anek Yogi Grihastha Ashram me rahkar bhi Adhyatm ki Ucchtam avastha ko prapt hue hain...

[09/04 4:28 PM] pawan madan Dr: 

Bilkul sahi sir..
Brahmcharya means brahm.jaisi charyaa..
Doing everything with understanding..

[09/04 4:29 PM] pawan madan Dr: Katoch sir...
Even in degenerative cases high doses has very less therapeutic action....

[09/04 4:34 PM] Katoch sir:

 Yes, Dr Pawan, treating neurodegeneration at nucleus level is a real challenge but some benefits can be seen in early stages with neuroprotective suvarna yoga like Krishanchaturmukh ras, suvarnsindoor with medhya rasayan.

[09/04 4:46 PM] Katoch sir: Benefits of Yoga in simple way

[09/04 4:46 PM] Pankaj Chhayani dr ndyad:

 @   Ojha sir, I read above things in Google... In pt of PSP at our hospital came with L- dopa. And his physician also told that L-dopa may or may not work ,u can discontinue if not getting benefit..

[09/04 4:48 PM] Katoch sir: Dr Pankaj, Snehan helps in such patients.

[09/04 5:07 PM] M gopikrishnan Dr. Ay pith:

 Found not even a single case cured from parkinson, only well maintanence was appreciated with kampavatari ras , hemagarbha pottali with vanari kalp (modaka), abragarbha pottali with brahmi grita anupanam.

[09/04 5:37 PM] ‪+91 94239 75874: Ojha sir and katoch sir ..thanks for your valuable n experienced opinion in CA and Parkinson's

[09/04 5:40 PM] pawan madan Dr: Jeee....
Even.if.we are able to a big achievemnet.....But I am still looking for that..
Parkinsonism and similar diseases.......kis ayurvedikt nidaan ke antagat samajhi ja sakti hain...?

[09/04 5:53 PM] Pankaj Chhayani dr ndyad:

 I have seen very good results in our hospital in many cases, and also no results(little bit) in many cases.. In few cases I noted that if there is tremor then it becomes difficult.. In some cases good result is found where tremor is not present

[09/04 6:08 PM] venugopal Dr. Ay Pith: 

Though complete cure is difficult, a case responded as the intensity of tremors minimised through
Kalyana churna with Panchagava ghrit
Chaturbhja ras

[09/04 6:15 PM] Mamta Bhagwat Dr @ B'lore: 

Parkinson's disease and related diseases of the extra pyramidal system come under Kampavata category.
There is increase in cala guna of vata which leads to tremors, chorea, choreiform disorders, athetosis are caused due to dhatukshaya.
Altered calaguna or reduced calaguna leads to Brady kinesia ( already mentioned by Ojha sir also)
The treatment mentioned are Tarpana and all vatahara upaya.

[09/04 6:21 PM] Katoch sir: 

Yes, very true Dr Venu that radical cure is not possible in full blown PD of degenerative origin because of the irreversible damage to the neurons in brain stem. However, clinical success to certain extent is possible with neuroprotective intense  medication by Rasayan vasti, medhya ghrita and suvarn kalp like chaturbhuj ras/ Kristen haturmukh ras/ hem garbhpottali.

[09/04 6:22 PM] Prof Chandola Sir:

 Kahin ek paper dekha tha about role of Ashvagandha in regeneration of Neuron..

[09/04 6:22 PM] Dr Parag kanolkar Ay Pith: Can nasya play a key role in pd

[09/04 6:23 PM] Prof Chandola Sir: NASA hi shirso dwaram..role hona hi chahiye..

[09/04 6:24 PM] Pankaj Chhayani dr ndyad: Brihan nasya play role..

[09/04 6:24 PM] Dr Parag kanolkar Ay Pith: Anyone tried ...

[09/04 6:24 PM] Katoch sir: Studies in this direction are not in my knowledge.

[09/04 6:24 PM] Pankaj Chhayani dr ndyad: Nasya is given,but not alone

[09/04 6:25 PM] Prof Chandola Sir: Vachadi ghrita nasya was tried in Alzheimer's disease.

[09/04 6:25 PM] Prof Chandola Sir: Of-course vd other oral medhya drugs..

[09/04 6:27 PM] Pankaj Chhayani dr ndyad:

 Pls share own experience if anyone have done thesis only on effect of nasya in PD

[09/04 6:28 PM] Mamta Bhagwat Dr @ B'lore:

 Kapikacchu is told to be very good . but it doesn't get absorbed in the intestines of the humans and doesn't cross blood brain barrier. A study was conducted which proved that kapikacchu in fat medium ( dissolved in ghrita) not only gets absorbed also Crosse BBB.
Venu sir can throw more light on this I hope

[09/04 6:34 PM] pawan madan Dr: 

Right Mamta ji...
Kaunch doeant show any effect in any dose.
Treatment of.unmaad like diseases include ghritas...

[09/04 6:36 PM] Dr Parag kanolkar Ay Pith: Kaunch is written in texts

[09/04 6:36 PM] Dr Parag kanolkar Ay Pith: For specially pd

[09/04 6:38 PM] Pankaj Chhayani dr ndyad:

 Its true... If we see structure of nervous tissue, there is important role of fat..  स्नेह सारोडयं पुरुष..प्राणा स्नेह भूयिष्ठा ,स्नेह साध्या भवन्ति

[09/04 6:40 PM] Dr Parag kanolkar Ay Pith: 

Chemical analysis of kauch... shows chemical like dopamine with some extra bond... I read somewhere on net

[09/04 6:45 PM] Dr Parag kanolkar Ay Pith: 

Chemical Composition : Seeds contain L-dopa (4-3, 4-dihydroxy phenyladaline) gluthione, lecithin, gallic acid, glycosides, nicotine, prurenine, prurenidine, dark brown viscous oil. alkaloids mucanine, tannic acid, resin, lecithin

[09/04 7:08 PM] venugopal Dr. Ay Pith: 

Few vague studies revealed that Lajjalu has the ability of Neuro regeneration. But I am not sure about Ashwagandha.

[09/04 8:17 PM] Somraj Kharche Dr. KC:

  जितने pre-cursor of dopamine कपिकच्छु में है उससे ज्यादा माष में है और वैसे भी कंपवात की चिकित्सा में कही भी अकेला कपिकच्छु है ऐसा मुझे तो याद नही।पता नही आयुर्वेद वालो को मॉडर्न फार्माकोलॉजी पे इतना भरोसा क्यू है?

[09/04 8:18 PM] Somraj Kharche Dr. KC:

  कपिकच्छु और कंपवात ये पक्का समीकरण ही हो गया है और वैसे देखा जाये तो कपिकच्छु इतना खास रिजल्ट भी नही कंपवात में

[09/04 8:20 PM] Somraj Kharche Dr. KC:

  इसे मॉडर्न pharmacolgy की पकड़ कहते है।आयुर्वेद वालो के दिमाग में कपिकच्छु इतना फिट हो गया है की इसके चक्कर में हम बाकि की अच्छी अच्छी दवाईया ही भूल गए है

[09/04 8:20 PM] Pankaj Chhayani dr ndyad:

 Very nice.. We can not give kaucha in large dose as a medicine,but masha can be given in large dose as a diet

[09/04 8:21 PM] Somraj Kharche Dr. KC: 

हालांकि ये बात सही है की कंपवात पूरा ठीक नहीं होता पर कई हद तक पेशेंट को अच्छा आराम जरूर दिया जा सकता है

[09/04 8:21 PM] santosh Chavhan dr: Actually it may be ..due to Tab Zandopa

[09/04 8:22 PM] Somraj Kharche Dr. KC: यापन बस्ती दीजिये...बहोत बढ़िया रिजल्ट है....

[09/04 8:22 PM] santosh Chavhan dr: Dr Narendra Bhat launched when he was in Zhandu pharmaceutical

[09/04 8:22 PM] anil shukla prof. ay pith: Zandopa is a granules...

[09/04 8:23 PM] Somraj Kharche Dr. KC:

  नाहर फार्मेसी की वडजटाघन वटी का उपयोग कीजिये 15 गोली एक दिन में....बढ़िया रिजल्ट है।सस्ती भी है और अच्छी भी है

[09/04 8:23 PM] anil shukla prof. ay pith: If given with milk n ghee shown positive results

[09/04 8:23 PM] santosh Chavhan dr:

 Yapana Basti. I think Dr Milind Kulkarni did dissertation on Raj Yapana Basti

[09/04 8:23 PM] Dr Atul Kale Ay pith: 

Dixit sir, My respected teacher Vaidya Milind Kulkarni sir worked on Parkinson's disease at Jamnagar.

[09/04 8:23 PM] Somraj Kharche Dr. KC: मैं 5-5-5 ऐसा dose उपयोग में लाता हु।

[09/04 8:24 PM] anil shukla prof. ay pith: 

Dr KM Parikh of Zandu Pharma has done extensive reserch on standarised it

[09/04 8:24 PM] Somraj Kharche Dr. KC:

  मेरे ख्याल से हम आयुर्वेद वालो को कपिकच्छु से अब बाहर निकलना चाहिए।क्यू की अन्य उत्कृष्ट कल्प है हमारे पास

[09/04 8:25 PM] santosh Chavhan dr: Brain neurodegeneration should be considered.

[09/04 8:25 PM] santosh Chavhan dr: Yes Somrajji.. PD Kapikachhu.. Monotony

[09/04 8:25 PM] Somraj Kharche Dr. KC: जी सर

[09/04 8:27 PM] anil shukla prof. ay pith: 

Shir vasti with Medhya drvya n Brihan Nasya r also good

[09/04 8:28 PM] anil shukla prof. ay pith: 

Natural L-Dopa ke karan hamko bha gaya kapikachhu

[09/04 8:28 PM] Somraj Kharche Dr. KC: 

बृहण नस्य का सच में अच्छा उपयोग होता है

[09/04 8:28 PM] Somraj Kharche Dr. KC: 

\पर सर उससे ज्यादा तो माष में है।

[09/04 8:28 PM] Pankaj Chhayani dr ndyad: Bala is also good

[09/04 8:28 PM] anil shukla prof. ay pith: Shirobasti

[09/04 8:29 PM] Somraj Kharche Dr. KC: 

पर ओरिजिनल बला मिलती कहाँ है? मैंने तो नेट के सिवाय कही देखि ही नही 
[09/04 8:31 PM] Pankaj Chhayani dr ndyad: 

We use bala in PD..but I read one interesting thing abt bala that bala contain efedrin and efedrin is considered as one causative factor of PD

[09/04 8:31 PM] Somraj Kharche Dr. KC: 

जो अच्छा है उसे स्वीकारना ही चाहिए पर उसका महिमामंडन नही करना चाहिए- जैसे हम आयुर्वेद वालो ने कपिकच्छु का किया

[09/04 8:31 PM] pawan madan Dr: 

बहुत कपिकच्छु प्र्योग कर के दे्ख लिया है.
कोइ असर नही होता
जित्ने मरजी इस्मे dopamine ke precursur ho, they dont qork at all...
I have used zandopa granules a lot qithout any effect on a single patient, jo bhi effect thoda bahilut hotaa hai wo psychological hi hotaa hai.
This is my strong observation in practice.

[09/04 8:32 PM] Pankaj Chhayani dr ndyad: 

Atibala is available in panchamahal district

[09/04 8:32 PM] Somraj Kharche Dr. KC: 

मदान सर, आपकी बात सही है। पर कपिकच्छु के उपयोग करने के कुछ तरीके है।थोड़ी देर बात लिखूंगा।

[09/04 8:35 PM] Dr Atul Kale Ay pith: 

In Anutaila phalashruti शिरःकम्प is given. In स्रंसादी वातरोगा कम्प is there. In विधीशोणीतीय अध्याय, कम्प is quoted. In कियन्तःशिरसीय अध्याय शिरःकम्प is quoted. So I think ayurvedic कम्प चिकित्सा should be based on proper differential diagnosis.

[09/04 8:36 PM] pawan madan Dr:

जी सोमराज सर , मै इन्तजार करता हू..

[09/04 8:38 PM] Pankaj Chhayani dr ndyad: 

What about Vepathu

[09/04 8:38 PM] pawan madan Dr: 

सर बडजटाघन वटी के बारे मे भि बताइय्र्ग..

[09/04 8:42 PM] Dr Atul Kale Ay pith: 

Kampa may be because of partially interrupted vata gati. If totally frictionless then अव्याहत गती and if with resistance then व्याहत गती with counter acting vayu.

[09/04 8:46 PM] venugopal Dr. Ay Pith: 

Fine tremor- Thyrotoxicosis,recent beta adrenergic therapy
Rhythemical 'Pill rolling' tremor
Coarse jerky tremor
Hepatic uraemic failure.
How can we relate these variants to ayurveda.

[09/04 9:07 PM] Dr Atul Kale Ay pith: 

Gating of Fast cars, flight and so on -what will be the effect of these things directly on human body. Charakacharya mentioned clearly मर्माघाताद्गजोष्ट्राश्वशीघ्रयानापतंसनात्। as vatavyadhi causes.

[09/04 9:07 PM] Dr Atul Kale Ay pith: Gati

[09/04 9:34 PM] Katoch sir: 

Dr Pasaayadan, refer your post 20.42. What is partially interrupted Vata gati? Had there been full interruption, would then be more tremors or no tremors ?

[09/04 9:36 PM] Somraj Kharche Dr. KC: 

मदान सर,कपिकच्छु के 2 प्रकार होते है। श्वेत और कृष्ण। इसमें कृष्ण का ही उपयोग करना चाहिए।ऐसा रसपितामह प्रो.एल.के.द्विवेदी सर कहते है।श्वेत का नही।जो कृष्ण प्रकार उपयोग करना है उसका भी उपयोग वानरी गुटिका में लिखा है वैसा करना चाहिए। कपिकच्छु हमेशा क्षीरपाक पद्धति से ही use करना चाहिये। और इसका घृत अगर उपयोग में लाना है तो घृत 5 वार कम से कम आवर्तीत होना चाहिए।तब ही इसका पार्किंसन में अच्छा उपयोग होता है अन्यथा नही। कपिकच्छु गलती से भी पानी के अनुपान से उपयोग नही करना चाहिए।

[09/04 9:37 PM] Somraj Kharche Dr. KC: 

वडजटा घन वटी सिंपल है सर, वड की जटाओ का घन। जो वात दोष का चलत्व कम करता है।

[09/04 9:55 PM] Nanal Sir AP:

मैंने एक भी कंपवात का रोगी ठीक हुवा ,देखा नही
वैसे 70-80 सालोन्तक जीवित रहे रोगी भी देखे है। बिना उपचार के।
इस रोग ग्रस्त को उपचार करना मैंने बंद किया है।
कवच/कौच बीज पर हमारे गुरुजी,स्व.वैद्य अंतरकर जी ने काम किया था
(1074-75)।इसके कोई खास दखलपात्र परिणाम नही देखे गए,
इतना याद है

[09/04 10:46 PM] Dr Atul Kale Ay pith: 

Resp. Katochsir, Its my opinion, it may be wrong. Trying to discuss on Guna level. According to me rukshatva, kharatva, parushatva and then kathinya are time being stages of drying tissues which may be directly proportional to vatavyadhi Nidan sevan. For proper vayu vahan Prakrit Snigdhatva is essential. In rukshatvadi stages Vayu vahan through their own channels may not be proper. So gati of Vayu is not smooth hence there may be tremors.                            Prana, Vyana  are main causative vayus behind that. Prana may itself vitiate vyana gati and गतिप्रसारण........ vyana function is accelerated, causes rapid movements of extremities. Avarita vata itself produce rukshatva, kharatva in surrounding dhatus and get more vitiated to manifest tremors.

[09/04 10:48 PM] M gopikrishnan Dr. Ay pith:

 Sorry to say, but tried with all possibilities like nasyam, rajayapana basti, niruha, pinda sweda, dhanyamla dhara, shiro dhara, in panchakarma and also "n"number oral medicines, could not get satisfactory cure in PD.
Worked for few years on such cases, it was just maintanence but never cure.
In few tried with parallel treatment with allopathy consultation even but it was just a maintanence in pt condition.
To some extent rigidity was reduced, pt condition was stable , but not cure !

[09/04 10:49 PM] ‪+91 98235 94378: 

Vaat vyaadhi older than one year duration becomes kruchra saadhya or asaadhya.

[09/04 10:50 PM] M gopikrishnan Dr. Ay pith: 

Chala guna of vata is increased, adviced drug sthira (laghupancha moola _ ingredient)

[09/04 10:55 PM] Nanal Sir AP:

चिकित्सा की गई हो ऐसे रोगियोंका आयुर्मान क्या किसीने सर्वे किया है ?

Above discussion held on 'Ayurveda Peetha"(initiated by Prof. S.N. Ojha) a Famous Whatsapp groups of  well known Vaidyas from all over the India. 

Prof. Satyendra Narayan Ojha MD PhD (Kayachikitsa)

DirectorYashwant Ayurveda College & P.G. Training & Research CenterKodoli, Kolhapur

 Maharashtra, India.Mobile No.- +91 9822177155     email:


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